HIV-1 schoenwald Flashcards
HIV is a disease of cell mediated immunity– ____ cells
CD4 cells* (T cells)
HIV cases are presented with opportunistic infections i.e. ____
HIV transmission: list 3 routes and ex’s of each
- Blood (ie transfusion/injections (drugs)
- Sexual intercourse (heterosexual** male to male MC)
- Perinatal (ie intrapartum and breast feeding)
___:___ is the risk from sharing needles in IVD
___:___ is the risk to hcw w/ needlestick
1:300. (hcw=healthcare worker)
Blood transfusion with infected blood risk?
Perinatal risk w/ antiretriviral?
- 95%
- 13-40%
presence of virus without AIDS defining illness
AIDs (list 2 definitions)
- HIV + with AIDS defining illnesses (as listed in Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment)
- **HIV + with CD4 count <200
List Ex’s of AIDS defining illnesses
-THRUSH is NOT an AIDs defining illness BUT–> Candidiasis of bronchi, trachea, or lungs or esophageal is
-Kaposi’s sarcoma
-Pneumocystis carinii (jirovicci) PNA
Burkitt’s lymphoma
HIV MC presentation?
- can be asymptomatic for years
- +/- Fever, night sweats, unexpected weight loss, LAD
-MC: asymptomatic and found via screening tests, **commonly presents w/ opportunistic infxn THEN found to have HIV
Recommended to screen anyone with new dx of ______ for HIV
_____ HIV most likely to have sx
Pneumocystis jiroveci (humans):
- classified as: ?
- gold standard dx test?
- Newer tests ?
- a fungus
- Gold standard**= silver stain on sputum sample
- newer= PCR based methodology
Pneumocystis Jiroveci:
-Chest X ray reveals** ______
**Bilateral hilar infiltrate
-CT scan shows brown glass opacity
Pneumocystis pneumonia Sx: (list)
Dry cough
Shortness of breath-desaturation of oxygen
Pneumocystis tx ?
High dose trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
15-20 mg/kg IV q day divided into q 6-8 hour dosing
-Prednisone 40 mg PO BID added if paO2<70mm/HG
**PEARL: often present w/ severe hypoxemia
PCP prophylaxis at CD4 count of _____
first line: Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole po
-Dapsone or inhaled pentamidine are alternates if sulfa allergic
Kaposi’s Sarcoma= Human herpes virus __
Kaposi’s SarcomaSx?
- **Purplish, brownish lesions
- Can be body wide, including inside of mouth
tx: reconstitute the immune system
-can be a retrovirus that depends on ______
reverse transcriptase–RNA dependent DNA polymerase to replicate
- *HIV 1 most prevalent in US
- HIV 2 is rare in the US, but less virulent– most confined to west africa
when HIV enters the body, it enters ____ cells via _____ receptors
CD4 cells via chemokine receptors(CCR5 and CXCR4)
- **people w/ CCR5 deletions are less likely to become infected
- once in cell–> HIV replicates and causes cell fusion/or death
HIV latent state (describe)
-what happens to CD4 count
integration of HIV genome into cell genome
**CD4 count falls with increasing length of infection
HIV: list ex’s of S/Sx
Asymptomatic Fever, night sweats and weight loss Presence of opportunistic infection Kaposi’s sarcoma Lymphoma -Oral lesions such as hairy leukoplakia
Acute HIV aka _____
-describe sx?
Acute Retroviral Syndrome (time frame of first 12 weeks post exposure to HIV infxn)
- Non specific “flu-like Sx”
- Fever, fatigue, pharyngitis, LAD, Body wide maculopapular Rash*
Who should be tested for HIV?
- 13 and 64yo
- Injection drug users and their sex partners
- Persons who exchange sex for money or drugs
- Sex partners of HIV infected persons
- MSM or heterosexual persons who themselves or whose sex partners have had sex with more than one sex partner since their most recent sex partner
testing for HIV?
-combination aka 4th generation testing (EIA) is reccomended over ELISA for screening
Describe mechanism for Combination HIV testing
- Measurses HIV AB and p24 Ag
- Confirmation is HIV RNA by PCR
Other HIV testing methods?
- CD4
- Ultrasensitive quantitative rna by PCR (viral load)
- Rapid testing
ELISA (aka the old test of choice for HIV)–> looks for _____
combination or 4th generation–> looks for both ____ and _____
antibody only*
-and it takes 4-12 weeks for antibody to develop
-HIV antibody and p 24 antigen
2-6 weeks from exposure to positivity —>Now test of choice for testing, confirm with NAT-(HIV rna by pcr)