Hitlers Rise to Power Keynotes Flashcards
fWhy was the Mistreatment of Minorites a significant event.
If not for the permisions of the Numenberg Laws, Hitler would have to surpass all other authorities and Hitlers actions would not have been permitied and or aproved by the Reichstag.
What happened to people in concentration camps?
People were starved only allowed to eat 100 calories a day around 1 peice of fruit, Many people; usualy twins had experiments run on them where many of them died in the process.
What did Hitler do in 1939?
Order all minorites (“non-german” labled people) to Concentration Camps
What are the Nuremberg Laws?
The Nuremberg Laws were a set of lawas which were aimed at the removal of human rights for Jewish people. Classifing Jews as “non-german”.
First long-term consiquence.
The mis-treatment of minorities in Germany (People of color, Jews, people with disabilitys, etc.) with its most extreme form being Concentration Camps with the goal of making the perfect “aryan” race (tall, blonde, blue eyes) to be arayan would be financialy and socialy avalible to more opportunities than non arayn people.
Why was the Reamament of Germany a short term consiquence.
Without the roles and or the permisions given to him from Hindenburg in 1933, Hitler would never have the army, military, weapony, power, or funds to expand his army, invaded other nations (Austria, Czech Republic), stopped paying the 132 billion gold marks of reparations owed to the Treaty of Versallies.
Spark of WW2
Hitlers invasion of Poland after the invasion of Austria and Czhecoslovakia.
Countries Hitler invaded after aquireing Rheinland
Austria, Czhecoslovakia (This was allowed by other nations as they didn’t want to go into another war)
Extra ways Hitler defied the Treaty of Versallies
Building several-hundred battleships, retaking the Rhineland (western section of Germany) that was lost in TOV.
Second Short-term key conciquence.
The rermament of Germany and the retaking of all the teritories lost in the Treaty of Versallies (In direct defiance of the treaty of versallies) Hitler also decided to expand his armies by 1935 Hitler went from 400k troops to 1.4 million
After the enabling act what did Hitler gain.
The ablility to pass all laws without the adviery of the German Parliment, Immunity to law inforcement, laws to promote himself to Furher.
2 August 1934
Death of President Hindenburg, after making Hitler become chancellor.
First short-term key consiquence.
Hitler becoming Furher (supreme leader), making the Enabling Act banned all Communist Party voters to have a unanimus decision on the enabling act.
Cause 1
Treaty of Versallies
Cause 2
The Great Depression