Hitler’s rise to power 1930 - 1939 Flashcards
The Nazis won ……… seats in the General election in ….. 1932
230 , July
What date did Hitler become chancellor?
January 30th 1933
When did the Berlin fire department receive a call that the Reichstag building was on fire?
27th February 1932
Van der Lubbe was a ………..
What percentage did the Nazi part gain in the 1933 election? Were they the largest party? Did they have a majority?
43.9%. Yes. No
Who did the Nazi party form a coalition with?
The National party
What did the Enabling Act allow Hitler to do?
It have him and the Nazis full powers for the next four years. The Reichstag would merely ‘rubber stamp’ his decisions
Communist members allowed/not allowed to vote in the chamber (Enabling Act)
Not allowed
Who were the SA led by?
Ernest Röhm
From January 19…. to 19….. their army increased from ………. to …………
January 1931 to 1932. From 100,000 to 170,000
What was the SA’s nickname?
The Brown shirts
When did the “Night of the Long knives” happen?
30th January 1934
Who was the Knight of the long Nieves led by?
Ernest Röhm
Why did the relationship between Röhm and Hitler turn bad, very bad?
Because Röhm wanted the SA to merge with the Army, Hitler did not
Why did “The night of the Long knives” occur”
In order to get rid of leading members of the SA, Rohm and all opposition
One of the key events of the night of the Long knives was the mass killing of …….. to……. poeple
250 to 1,000 poeple
State three points that occurred after the Removal of opposition
1) Local parliaments abolished - January 1934
2) All trade unions banned - May 2nd 1933
3) Law against the formation of parties was passed (Made the Nazi party the only party) - 14th July 1933
Who were the SS led by?
Heinrich Himmler
What was the SS’s nickname?
The ‘Blackshirts’
The …….. were responsible for destroying the SA on “The night of the long knives”
Who was responsible for State Security?
The SS
When was The Gestapo set up and by who?
Set up in 1933 By Goering
What was the “SD” and when was it founded?
The intelligence body of the Nazi party, founded in 1931
Who ran the concentration camps?
The SD and the SS
Name 5 “enemies of the state”
1) All political parties (apart from the Nazis)
2) Jews
3) Professional criminals
4) The ‘work-shy’
5) Sex offenders
Who was the leader of propoganda for the Nazi party?
Joseph Goebbels
What is the famous quote spoken by Joseph Goebbels?
“A lie, repeated a thousand times, becomes the truth”
When was “The Law for the encouragement of marriage’ passed?
June 1933
What amount was the loan to newly weds ?
1000 Reichmarks
If one child was produced = …..% of loan was cleared
Two children = …..%
Three children = ……%
Four children = ……%
One child = 25%
Two children = 50%
Three children = 75%
Four children = 100%
The Motherhood cross was presented on Hitler’s ………….. birthday each year
Gold cross = ……… kids
Silver cross = …….. kids
Bronze cross = ….. kids
Gold cross = 8 kids
Silver cross = 6 kids
Bronze cross = 4 kids
How did the Nazis try to increase the birth rate?
2 points
1) The Lebensborn programme - where unmarried women would go to get pregnant by ‘pure bred’ SS men (Aryans)
2) Maternity homes
In …….. there were …….. poeple in youth clubs
In …….. Nazi youth clubs were compulsory
In 1921, 3.5 million
In 1939
Why did youth clubs seem popular to young poeple?
3 points
1) They gave free uniform to those who couldn’t afford it
2) They had a sense of pride - supporting the Nazis
3) They were friendly
Give 6 reasons why private grumbling didn’t turn into open opposition
1) The poeple were afraid
2) Poeple did not know what was going on
3) ‘We did vote for them, after all!’
4) The Nazis did drop some unpopular policies
5) Most poeple were genuinely pleased with the Nazis
6) There was no organised opposition
How many attempts were there to assassinate Hitler before 1939?
Why did the Army oppose the Nazis?
How did the Nazis deal with this?
They criticised Hitlers foreign policy aims
The Nazis removed 16 generals in 1938
Why did the Edelweiss Pirates oppose the Nazis?
How did the Nazis deal with this?
They didn’t like authority
The Nazis had their leaders arrested - put into concentration camps
They promoted Hitler youth movement in propaganda
Why did the Swing Youth oppose the Nazis?
How did the Nazis deal with this?
They didn’t like the conformity of the Hitler youth
The Nazis had their leaders arrested - put into concentration camps
They promoted Hitler youth movement in propaganda
Why did the Church oppose the Nazis?
How did the Nazis deal with this?
Their ideas clashed massively - their ideas went against all Nazi views
The Nazis arrested many priests eg. Martin Niemoller
How did Hitler and the Nazis reduce un-employment?
4 points
1) The Reich labour Service
2) Job creation schemes
3) Rearmement
4) Invisible unemployment
Reich Labour service
In ………, it was compulsory for all men aged …… to …… to serve in the corps for ……. months
Aged 18 - 25
6 months
What was the reich Labour service?
It was a scheme to provide young men with manual labour jobs
Give two points about Job creation schemes
1) Hitler spent billions on Job creation schemes from 18.4 billion in 1933 to 37.1 billion 5 years later
2) Introduced 7,000km of new Autobarnes (Moterways) so troops could be moved quickly
Give three points about Rearmerment
1) Hitler introduced concription in Germany - Army went from 100,000 men in 1933 to 1,400,000 men by 1939
2) Heavy industry expanded
3) Billions spent on war machines eg. tanks, ships
When did Kristallnacht (Night of broken glass) happen?
9th - 10th November 1938