Hitler Flashcards
1933 Disarmament Conference
Germany demanded parity of arms with france
france refused, hitler pulled out of league of nations
held plebicite in nov 1933 and 95% agreed- saw arms as necessary for national security
7 army divisions to 35 by 1935
1934 Non aggression Pact
1934, poland felt vunerable- league fo nations and territory
germany signed a 10-year non-aggression pact
calmed fears of invasion
undermimed france’s pact with poland
made germany look harmless
1935 Saar Plebicite
saar was held by france since 1919- coal rich
in accordance with the treaty of versaille, a plebicite was held in 1935- 90% wanted it returned to germany
western powers did not intervene
victory for germany- propaganda- power and popularity of nazis
1935 Stresa Front
in 1935, leaders from italy france and britain conveined to discuss hitlers violations of the tov
hitler assured them that his armament would cease if theirs did
countries did not want to act militarily
1935 Anglo- German Naval Treaty
agreed that germanys navy could be 35% the size of britain [unlimited subs]
violation of tov
made without agreement of france or italy
france angry over appeasement
1936 Spanish civil war
Italy and germany sided with the nationalists, ussr with republicans
france and britain insisted on an arms embargo, but germany and italy actually fought for nationalists, tested out bombs
hoped france would get pulled in,wanted to prolongue the war
imporved relationship with hitler and mussolini
republicans destoryed stalin convinced france and britain hated communism more than facism- made anti-facist alliance difficult
Italy’s intervention in the Spanish Civil War between 1936-1939 was an ideologically backed fight against democracy and socialism, with the hopes of rebuilding a Mediterranean Roman Empire and limit France’s left wing influence on Spain
However the war was ill-organised and thus costly, consuming ⅓ of Italian armaments, increasing tensions with Britain and France, and for no territorial gain
1936 Rhineland Remilitarization
effective distraction from economic problems
used excuse that france and ussr pact threatened them
just wanted equally armament with neighbours
offered to withdraw if france and britain created similar demilitarized zones at boarder
no response
1936 Four Year Plan
Hjalmar Schalt wanted less money on rearmament more on food
hitler belived economic probelms solved by lebensraum
autarky- prepare for war in four years
1936 Rome Berlin Axis
germany italy- mutual interest in facism
1936 Anti-Comiterm Pact
germany italy japan against ussr
more militant
germany not isolated on world stage
1935 Invasion of abyssinia
Italy invaded Haile Selassie's Abyssinia: economic distraction empire- duce resources- oil strength- impress hitler
britain wanted to appease expansionist plans
emperor appealed to lon- found italy guitlty
did not embargo coal or oil- key war materials, not everyone embargoed
britain didnt close suez- keep for troops
1936 HOare-Laval Pact
French Britain appeasement- most of AByssinia to Italy, Selassie keeps sea
Leaked- public outrage at plan to circumvent lon- public perception- ineffective
france wanted italys help against growing german aggression
1937 Hossbach Memorandum
Outline of Hitlers expansionist policies- going as far as scenario planning
1938 Anschluss
Failed coup in 1934- hitler trying to control austria
Schuschnigg appesement- made austiran foreign policy align with germany
1938 hitler kept pressure, forced off his referendum and threatened with invasion
invaded march- mussolini backed
britain- aeguing appeasement of germany- didnt see anschluss as threat
french government had quit 2 days before
1938 Sudetenland Crisis
Sudeten Germany party back by nazis wanetd autonomy and special rights- advocate for rights of ethnic germans
1938- hitler threatened to use forced
chamberlain didnt want war- gave hitler region, hitler demands more, upsetting france and ussr. upset hitler- wanted excuse for war
hitler wasn’t ready for war so he agreed on a conference.
munich- 1939- concessions made to hier, told slovaks to cause disruptions so he had excuse to invade