Hit Parade 1&2 Flashcards
Truculent (adj.):
Fierce & cruel, eager to fight / criticism
Stymie (verb):
Block, thwart
Veracity (noun):
Truthfulness, honesty
Voracious (adj.):
Insatiable appetite for an activity / pursuit; ravenous
Abate (verb):
To lessen in intensity / degree; music abated her anxiety
Accolade (noun):
An expression of praise / the play received accolades
Adulation (noun):
Excessive praise, intense adoration / his adulation scared her away
Ameliorate (verb):
To make better or more tolerable / RAs try to ameliorate roommate conflict
Ascetic (adj.):
One who practices rigid self denial, esp as an act of religious devotion / a monk at the convent
Avarice (noun):
Greed, esp for wealth / his biggest sin was avarice for money.
Axiom (noun):
A universally recognized principle / gravity is an axiom
Burgeon (verb):
To grow rapidly or flourish / he burgeoned into a fine actor after moving to NYC
Bucolic (adj.):
Rustic & pastoral, characteristic of rural areas & their inhabitants / the vintage painting had a bucolic feel
Cacophony (noun):
Harsh, jarring, discordant sound, dissonance / produced by city traffic at mid-day
Canon (noun):
Established set of principles or codes of law, often religious in nature / canons of good behavior
Castigation (noun):
Severe criticism or punishment / castigation for lying
Caustic (adj.):
Burning or stinging, causing corrosion / caustic chemical
Chary (adj.):
Wary, cautious, sparing / chary of texting too much
Cogent (adj.):
Appealing forcibly to the mind / reason, convincing / cogent evidence of the crime
Complaisance (noun):
Willingness to comply w/ the wishes of others / a complaisant child follows the rules
Contentious (adj.):
Argumentative, quarrelsome, causing controversy or
Contrite (adj.):
Regretful, pertinent, seeking forgiveness / a sinner
Culpable (adj.):
Deserving blame / a thief
Dearth (noun):
Smallness of quantity / numbers, scarcity, a lack / a dearth of dateable men
Demur (verb):
To question or oppose / I demur this church’s beliefs
Didactic (adj.):
Intended to teach or instruct / a self-help book
Ebullience (noun):
Quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts / feelings / mood, bubbly
Enigmatic (adj.):
Mysterious, obscure, difficult to understand / look on her face, a book
Ephemeral (adj.):
Brief, fleeting / childhood is ephemeral
Esoteric (adj.):
Intended for or understood by a small, specific group / genetic counseling had an esoteric feel to it
Exonerate (verb):
To remove blame / I confessed of the accident, exonerating my sister