hit and run Flashcards
the people would like to call
la fiscalia desa convocar a
take the witness stand (to)
pasar a declarar
do you swear that the testimony you shall give in this proceeding will be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Jura que la declaracion que rendira en esta diligencia sera la verdad, toda la verdad y nada mas que la verdad, con el amparo de Dios?
state your full name for the record:
diga su nomber completo para que conste en actas
tell the court (to)
digale al juez
sister in law
cruce, bocacalle
at that time
en esta ocasion,en este momento
el semaforo se puso en rojo
the traffic light turned red
senal de pare
a stop sign
espejito retrovisor
rear view mirror
me iba a dar con su automovil
i was going to be hit with his/her car
me paso raspando
he barely missed me
se paso el semaforo en rojo
he run a red traffic light