History (Year 7 End Of Year Revision) Flashcards
How did the Roman Empire begin?
Legend has it that the Roman Empire started because of Romulus and Remus. Their father was mars (the God of war) and their mother was a princess and she was called Silvia. Her uncle overthrew her father and took the throne for himself. The uncle banished Silvia to the temple of mars and mars fell in love with her and she had Romulus and Remus. The uncle sent for his servants to kill them. The servants couldn’t bring themselves to kill them so they put them in the Tiber river and then they sailed calmly away and a she wolf found them and she raised them like they were her own. Romulus and Remus fought to name a new empire after themselves. Romulus killed Remus and Rome got it’s name.
How did the Roman Empire form?
Rome used to be a monarchy but in 509B.C they overthrew their last king (Tarquin) and became a republic.
The first Romans lived in Latium.
They spoke Latin.
What were the Punic wars?
The first Punic war was in the year 264B.C - 241B.C. The Romans won this Punic war and the Carthage’s lost some land but remained powerful. The second Punic war was in the year 218B.C - 201B.C. Rome suffered some defeats but won in the end. The third Punic war was in the year 149B.C - 146B.C. Carthage was destroyed and no longer a threat to Rome.
What was life like in the Roman republic?
Life was different for people with different social class. The Plebeians were ordinary people doing ordinary jobs but they were poor. Women were not allowed to vote.
Why did the Roman army fall apart?
Around 100B.C a general called Marius made the army a full-time professional force. The army would fight anyone if the general wanted them to, this gave the generals great power.
How did the first emperor (Augustus) come to power?
Augustus came to power by being kind and giving to the poor this made the poor very happy so then he rose to power.
What was family life like in Roman times?
Family life in Roman times was hard because the Mothers got married in their early teens, could be a grandmother at 30 years old. In charge of the household while their husband was away. Children often died young and could be given away or adopted. Boys from rich families where very well educated. The father had very good control over the family. He would leave baby girls to die and would have to give permission before they got married. He preferred sons to daughters.
How did the the Roman Empire fall?
The Roman Empire fell because the emperors were weaker because Christianity caused divisions and weakened the Empire. The size of the Empire required a large army to defend it’s borders and this army had to be paid with taxes.
What did Harold Godwinson do to win the battle of Stamford bridge?
Harold won the battle of Stamford bridge by killing most of Harold Hardraada’s men and he also killed Harold as well.
How did King Harold die?
King Harold died because, as most people say because of a famous tapestry, an arrow to the head.
What was the Harrying of the North?
The Harrying of the north was a way William the conquer could rule England (by force). He killed thousands, anyone who would rebel against him.
How did the feudal system help William keep control?
The feudal system helped William keep control of England because it meant everyone got something (less so the peasants) and he would still become richer.
What was the doomsday book?
The doomsday book was a book that William made that contained all the information on who owned what. This helped him because he knew what taxes he could charge on people.
What made King Alfred the Great so great?
Alfred was names great because he did many great things when he was ruling. E.g. He and the Vikings made peace. He encouraged everyone to learn. He began to translate writings from Latin into English so everyone could read them.
Why was King John not a popular king?
King John was not a very popular king because he lost most battles and he was taxing to much to fund his wars. He also disagreed with the Pope and the Pope shut down all the churches in England.
What was the Magna Carta?
The Magna Carta was a list of laws that King John had to follow and he couldn’t break them.
Who murdered Thomas Becket?
Thomas Becket was a very famous person because he went straight from a priest to an archbishop. Three knights killed him because they thought that their king wanted them to.
What was Roman Britain like?
Before the Romans invaded, the celts ruled. The celts were disorganised tribes that would be useless against the Romans trained warriors. When the Romans came to Britain they brought everything with them including their way of life e.g. bridges, straight roads, fountains, factories and schools. Most of Roman Britain was a wild place with forests and mountains that few people lived. People mainly lived in small villages with wooden houses like they had before the Romans had arrived. However some wealthy Romans lived in palaces and villas. Villas were large farms they had lots of servants and farmers to help around the villa. They also had slaves.