History Unite 2 Flashcards
What is Double Jeopardy
A person can’t be charged for the same crime twice once proven innocent
Daniel Shay
Daniel Shay was a soldier who was injured and then a farmer who got a loan from a bank and grew crops for soldiers to help, but then started Shays rebellion when the bank came for their money
Shays Rebellion
Shays Rebellion was caused when the bank came back for the money they loaned by Shay and other farmers to help the soldiers, so all the farmers rebelled to not get their farms taken
Self Incrimination
You can’t be forced to self incriminate yourself (Example: You don’t have to answer questions about yourself that make you seem guilty)
James Madison
James Madison went around the country finding what people wanted on The Bill of Rights and he drafted the Bill of Rights
Constitutional Convention
The Constitutional Convention is where George Washington and all the States met to draft a Constitution
Just Compensation
Just Compensation makes it so the United States has to pay fair value if taking your private property
George Washington
George Washington was a founding father, army general, and politician who helped in the Revolutionary War and the Constitutional Convention, he was also the first President of the United States
Manifest Destiny
Manifest Destiny was the idea that the United States was meant to expand west
The government needs a warrant signed by a judge to go through your private property after having cause
Alexander Hamilton
Alexander Hamilton was a military officer, a founding father, and Federalist who was involved in the Constitutional Convention
Louisiana Territory
The Louisiana Territory was when Thomas Jefferson’s American Delegates went to France trying to buy a small amount of land, but ended up buying a large amount of land for cheap for 15 million from a money needing France
Due Process
Due Process makes it so the government has to have a fair process of the law
Florida purchase
The Florida Purchase was occupied by Spain and Natives who were freeing slaves, The U.S then entered into Florida and took it over
Slander VS. Libel
Slander is the act of infringing on someones rights verbally, Libel is the act of infringing upon someones rights by writing it down
George Mason
George Mason was an anti-federalist and a Virginian delegate who criticized the constitution and demanded a Bill of Rights
Texas (Lone Star Republic)
The Lonestar Republic was an area of land taken from the hostile Mexican leaders by Sam Houston and later given to the United States
Rights specifically mentioned in the Constitution
James K. Polk
Polk was the 11th U.S President who extended the U.S territory from the Mexican American war, he also annexed Oregon and the Texas Republic he was also involved in many other government roles
Oregon Territory
The Oregon Territory was split up by Canada who at the time was ruled by the British and the U.S didn’t set up a border the U.S got Oregon which gave them lots of beavers, lumbers, and most important Pacific Ocean access
Articles of Confederation
The United States first frame of government that was an agreement to form the 13 States
Zachary Taylor
Taylor was the 12th United States President who before that led the U.S in the U.S Mexican war who helped the U.S win and get land
Mexican Cession
The Mexican Cession was a war between Mexico and the U.S allegedly started by Mexico which eventually the U.S won and gained land from, but still payed to not be a jerk
Federalist were a group of people who mainly lived in larger cities who believed in a strong constitution, a strong federal government, and opposed creating a Bill of Rights
Mountain Men
Mountain Men were a group of people who came to the West mainly for riches, they were explorers who made a living mainly by hunting and trapping
Gadsden Purchase
The Gadsden Purchase was a purchase by the United States from Mexico for an area of land the United States needed for building their railroad, and Mexico inflated the price because they knew the reason behind the purchase, but the United States obliged
Anti-Federalist were a group of people who mainly lived in rural areas, they believed in giving more power to the States and having a Bill of Rights
The Whitman group believed they needed to to spread Christianity to everyone, and met a group of Native Americans who were using outdated tools, they tried to befriend them before pushing religion, so they showed them how to make medal tools, plows, and gave them beads then the Whitman group started cramming their religion on the Natives, but then accidentally the Whitmans exposed the Cayuse who had weak immune systems with the flue then the Cayuse started dying and got revenge and killed the Whitman which made Natives start killing white men