History - Treaty Of Versailles Flashcards
What was George Clemenceau’s attitude towards Germany?
- Germany had invaded France twice before, felt threatened
- Hates Germany
Who were the big 3?
George Clemenceau
David Lloyd George
Woodrow Wilson
What were Clemenceau’s main Aims of the TOV
- To get Alsace Lorraine back
- Weaken Germany any as much as possible, so they couldn’t return stronger or invade again. Means security for his country as doesn’t want more conflict so to cripple them prevents invasion.
- large reparations
What was Wilsons attitude to Germany?
-Believed they should be punished, but not too harshly as if punished, then they will seek revenge.
What were Wilsons main aims?
- More peaceful world
- Set up LON
- Put his 14 points in place
What was Lloyd George’s attitude to Germany?
They should have a just and fair punishment, not too harsh as they may seek revenge
What was Lloyd George’s aims?
- Germany to be punished, but not too harshly
- Germany loose the empires and Navy and army
- For Germany and England to start trading
Why did Clemenceau disagree with Wilson?
- Too lenient, G should be punished harder
- Different views on Rhine land and coalfields
Why did Wilson disagree with Clemenceau?
- doesn’t want to cripple Germany
- less reparations
Why do Wilson disagree with Lloyd George?
- too harsh punishment - revenge(!)
- wants self determination for the Eastern European countries (britains empire)
- everyone have access to the sea
Why did Lloyd George disagree with Wilson?
- doesn’t want worldwide access to the sea as Britain rule the seas and trade, would damage that
- Doesn’t want to loose Eastern European empire as it would mean him loosing easy trade
- Wilson wants free trade, mean no country in the British empire has to trade with the UK, so Britain would lose trade partners
Why did Clemenceau disagree with Lloyd George?
- Germany treated harsher
- believes Lloyd George is in Germany’s favour
- Lloyd George selfish for not allowing worldwide self determination
Why does Lloyd George disagree with Clemenceau?
-Too harsh, doesn’t wanna cripple Germany, as they are one of britains largest trade partners.
What were the terms of the treaty of Versailles? (Hint: GARGLE)
G: Guilt war clause - Article 231 stated that Germany were 100% responsible for the war
A: Army - reduced to 100,000 men from 1*, conscription banned, no armoured cars, tanks or planes, only 6 battleships, no submarines, Rhineland demilitarised
R: Reparations - £6.6 billion to pay (predicted to be payed off by 1981, 62 years)
G: German Land loss - North Schleswig to Denmark West Prussia, Upper Silesia and polish corridor to Poland Togoland to the British empire Danswig to the League Of Nations Alsace Lorraine back to France Loss of all colonies Denied partnership with Austria
LE: League of Nations - set up
Why did the Germans hate the Treaty Of Versailles?
- Punish future generations for something they weren’t involved in
- Caused the economy to crash, and hyperinflation to occur, leaving many with no money, starving and homeless
- Blame not 100% on Germany, should be shared amongst those who lost
- Weren’t invited to the League Of Nations
- Public were not told they lost the war - only that it was a ceasefire
- Lost a lot of land, and with it pride
- 100,000 mean not enough to protect against invasion in self defence
- Germany denied self determination which showed double standards as other countries who lost were allowed
What was the impact of the TOV on Germany?
- many strikes, power, Transport and workers
- missed a reparation in 1922 so French and belguim sent in troops to take what was owed in raw materials
- Hitler tried a putsch in Munich November 1923 ( a take over of power using violence)
Who were Germany’s allies? (HINT: BATH)
Bulgaria, Austria, Turkey and Hungary
What was the Bulgarian treaty?
Treaty of Nevilly:
- £100 million in reparations
- 20,000 man army
What was the Austrian treaty?
Treaty of St Germain:
- Austria-Hungary separated, split into different countries
- Millions of people given self determination
- army limited to 300,000 men
- forbidden to unite with Germany
- industry went to Czechoslovakia
What was Turkey’s treaty?
Treaty of Sèvres
- Lost Syria and Smyrna
- Lost control of the Black Sea
- empire became broken
HOWEVER they protested and got Smyrna back
What was the Hungarian treaty
Treaty of Trianon
- Lots a lot of territory, and raw materials
- reparations set, but never paid.
What were the other treaties?
Bulgaria- Nevilly
Austria- St Germain
Turkey- Sèvres
Hungary- Trianon
What were the terms of the treaty of Brest-litovsk?
- 37% farmland
- 54% industry
- 26% railways
- 89% coal mines
- 300million rubles
Why was the Treaty Of Versailles fair?
- Germany did destroy and damage many countries to large extents, so paying reparations to rebuild is fair
- Alsace Lorraine was initially french, but was seized by Germany so it is fair it goes back to France
- They had the largest part in WW1, and were in it the longest, so deserve harshest treaty and less slack
- were previously asked to surrender, but disagreed, so punishment will be larger
- The British public needed to feel justice
- people gained self determination
- Germany killed more people and cause most destruction out of axis
- Germany attacked France via Belgium, which brought the UK in (was on purpose, they made world war happen)
- the treaty of Brest-Litovsk, was a lot harsher than the TOV and they were going to impose this on the Russians, so they have no means to complain
Why was the Treaty Of Versailles unfair?
- There were double standards, for example, Hungary never had to pay reparations, and Turkey managed to protest and gain land back and re write the treaty.
- No other country was blamed even though others were involved
- Reparations were set so high that they would punish future generations who had no part of responsibility
- Germany were so crippled they couldn’t pay all the reparations
- They weren’t invited to the League Of Nations
- German economy ended in tatters after hyperinflation