History Taking: GU Flashcards
What is the standard formula for a histroy taking?
- Introduction
- Presenting complaint
- History of presenting complaint
- Past medical history
- Drug history
- Family history
- Social history
- Systems enquiry
What is dysuria?
Pain when urinating
What is haematuria?
Blood in urine
What is nocturia?
Passing urine during the night
What is anuria?
Not passing any urine at all
What is oliuria?
Passing smal amounts of urine
What is polyuria?
Passing a large amount of urine
What are the two types of haematuria?
- Micro - not visible blood
- Macro/frank - visible blood
What can bladder cancer present with?
Macro haematuria w/o pain
How can you ask about / detectpolyuria?
- Ask about passing more urine than normal
- Excessive urine output of greater than 2.5-3L in 24 hrs
- Can be detected on catheter
What should you ask in relation to urine outflow?
- Frequency
- Terminal dribbling
- Hesitancy
- Pain (suprapubic/flank/loin)
- Incontinence
- Urgency
- Incomplete emptying
- Flow/stream
What can be the causes of incontinence?
- Stress
- Result of sphincter weakness
- Small leak of urine when intra-abdominal pressure rises
- E.g coughing, laughing, sneezing, standing up
- Urge
- Usual cause is detrusor instability
- Strong desire to void and rush to go
- “Didn’t get there in time”
- Overflow
- Usually due to outflow obstruction
- Distended bladder palpable
- Autonomic neuropathy
- Spinal cord injury
What are the associated symptoms in regards to the urinary system?
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Malaise
- Anorexia
- Weight loss
- Fatigue / lack of energy
What symptoms are commonly associated with UTIs and cysitis?
Dysuria, frequency, urgency, suprapubic discomfort
What symptoms are commonly associated with pyelonephritis?
Systemic upset, fever, rigors, vomitting, flank pain
What symptoms are commonly associated with prostate problems? (bnign prostate hypertrophy, prostate cancer)
Slow flow, hesitancy, incomplete emptying, dribbling, nocturia
Desribe the symptoms associated with upper urinary tract obstruction
- Dull ache in flank / loin
- Polyuria -> anuria
- Causes can be:
Tumour (renal, ureter)
Describe the symptoms associated with urinary tract obstruction of the bladder outlet?
- Hesitancy
- Poor stream
- Terminal dribbling
- Sense of incomplete emptying
- Possible retention (+ overflow)
- Infection
- Causes, e.g:
Benign prostatic hypertrophy
Prostate cancer
Pelvic tumour (gynae)
What is a colic pain?
- A pain that starts and stops abruptly
- Occurs due to muscular contractions of a hollow tube (colon, gall bladder, ureter, etc.) in an attempt to relieve an obstruction by forcing content out.
What questions should you ask about urethral discharge/
- Amount
- Smell
- Bloody
- Associated symptoms