History Taking: Abdomen Flashcards
in history of presenting complaint, what questions should you ask about?
- Mouth symptoms
- Abdominal pain
- Anorexia and weight change
- Heartburn and reflux
- Dyspepsia and indigestion
- Odynophagia and dysphagia
- Abdominal distension and swellings / lumps
- Nausea and vomiting
- GI tract bleeding
- Jaundice
- Change in bowel habit – constipation / diarrhoea
what are mouth symtpoms?
- Bad breath – (halitosis) secondry to gingival (gingivitis), dental, pharyngeal infection
- Dry mouth – xerostomia
- Altered taste – dysgeusia
- Foul taste – cacogeusia
- Cracked painful lips – inflammation of mucous membranes of mouth - stomatitis
- gingivitis = inflammation of the gums
qhat questions should you ask regarding pain?
- does it stop you from doing anything?
- are the lying still or writing around?
- do symptoms tie with signs?
what are one of the causes of somatitis?
inflmmation of the side of the mouth
how many areas can the abdomen be divided into?
9 or 4 quadrants
what are causes of weight gain?
- fluid gain (cardiac failure, liver disease, nephrotic syndrome)
- hypothyroidism
- depression
- increased energy input/output
obesity is an increasing cause of morbidity and a risk for other conditi
what are causes of weight loss?
- malignancy
- malabsorption
- metabolic diseases
- psychiatric causes
- manutrition
indicates serious undderlying pathology
describe heart burn and reflux
heart burn = hot burning retrosternal discomfort
- may be exacerbated by food, lying flat or bending forward
- if principal symtoms GORD is likely
GORD = gastroesophageal refluc disease
what is dyspepsia?
- pain or discomfort centred in upper abdomen
- exacerbated by food
- releived by antiacid (Gaviscon)
- associated with nausea, belching, bloating
what is odynophagia?
- pain on swallowing
- exacerbated by hot liquids
potential causes:
- oesophageal ulcers
- oesophagitis
- could have dysphagia
- oesophageal candidiasis
dysphagia = difficulty swallowing
- means difficulty in swallowing
- sensation of obstruction during passage of liquid or solid food
- always investigate firther
- dont confuse with globus
globus = takes a few times to go fown but no problem
what are the 4 main causes of dysphagia?
what questions should you ask for dysphagia?
- where do they feel the food sticking?
- intermittent/progressive
- solids/liquids?
- asociated symtpoms
- pain?
- complete obstruction and regurgitation of food?
what is haematemesis?
vomitting blood - fresh red or coffee ground
- gastric or duodenal ulcer (most common causes)
- gastric erosions
- varices
- gastric carcinoma
what is Melaena?
- passage of black tarry stools
- usually secondary to blood on eosophagus
- bad smell
- most common caused by chronic peptic ulceration
causes of lower GI tract bleeding?
- haemorrhoids
- anal fissure
- diverticular disease
- large bowel polys or cacinoma
most common cause of jaundice?
- pre hepatic
- hepatic
- post hepatic
Painless jaundice suggests carcinoma of head of pancreas
change in bowel habit, is a red flag, what qustions should be asked?
Once obvious causes have been excluded, investigate persistent (>4wks) change in bowel habit
- Questions to ask:
– ‘Hastherebeenanychangeinyourbowelhabit?’ ‘Inwhatway?’
– Duration
– Colour of stool – mucous / fresh or altered blood
– Constipation/diarrhoea,ormixtureofboth
– Associated symptoms e.g. pain / nausea or vomiting / weight loss / appetite / tenesmus (feeling of not fully emptying bowels)
– Changesindietormedication/otherillnesses
common causes of constipation?
- diet/dehydration
- painful anal conditions
- immobility
- medication
common causes of diarrhoea?
- diet
- stress
- infection
- inflmmation - medication
what are the main upper GI red glags?
- Dysphagia
- Evidence of blood loss
- Unexplained weight loss
- Upper abdominal or epigastric mass
- Unexplained back pain
- Painless jaundice
- Persistent vomiting
- Unexplained iron deficiency anaemia
- Unexplained worsening dyspepsia without other symptoms if >55 yrs old