History Taking Flashcards
History taking in pediatric patients is unique and distinctive for the ff reasons:
1) Content variations:
a. Prenatal and birth history
b. Devn’tal hx
c. Social hx of the family-env’ntal risks
d. Immunization hx
e. Fedding Hx
2) Indirect source of clinical info (given by parents)
6 basic concepts in obtaining a very good clinical hx of the patient
- Pursue symptoms like a hound dog
- Keep on track to avoid error in diagnosis and unnecessary lab procedures
- Dont accept dx of the parents but pursue the clinical features that enable the parents to reach such conclusion
- Keep an open mind and follow the scent
- Be flexible in obtaining data
- Start interview with a positive note
General Data includes
Name Age ( BDate) Sex Ethnicity (race) Address Religion # and date of hospital admissions Informant Relation of informant Relliability of the informant
Reliability of the informant depends on
- Relationship of the Ix to the Px
- # of hours the Ix stays with Px
- Educational attainment of the Ix
- Involvement of the Ix in the care of the Px
Answers the wuestion: Why was the px brought to the hospital
Chief complaint
- S/S Chronological order, from the start of the illness
- Proper paragraphing and underlining
- Use specific number of, hrs, days, weeks, months
Elaborate symptoms as to:
Of value in the differential diagnosis
Pertinent negatives
Describes the course if the illness since the last admission
Interval History
ROS: General
WAAG Weight gain/loss Activity level Appetite delay in Growth
General Cutaneous Head CV Respi Gastrointestinal Gen/Uri Endocrine Nervous/Behaviour Musculoskeletal Hematopoietic
Components of the History
A. General data B. Chief complaint C. HPI D. ROS E. Personal Hx F. Immunization Hx and Tuberculin Test G. Family Hx H. Socioeconomic Hx I. Environmental Hx
Components of Personal Hx
A. Gestational Hx B. Birth Hx C. Neonatal Hx D. Feeding Hx E. Development and Behavioural Hx F. Past Illness
Age to include Gestational birth and neonatal history
Less than 2
Age of young children
1 to 5
Age of middle childhood
6 to 11
Age of adolescence
10 to 20
Home Education Abuse Drugs Safety Sexuality Family Image Recreation Spirituality and connectedness Threats and violence
What is DDST and what age
Denver Developmental Stage Test
Young children
Age for Tanner’s Maturity Rating
Middle Childhood (6 to 11)