History slides Flashcards
factors that lead to European exploration(technology)
- Advances in technology like the caravel,compass,maps,astrolabe,rudder and sails
European desire to spread Christianity
competing with Islam
- Reconquista (take back Spain)
- Every expedition carried missionaries
Changes in Christianity sparks evangelicalism
- Protestant Reformation
why did eastern Europe go to the Americas?
Russia had no warm water ports; stayed land based
basically western Europe had water
Why didnt China get any land??
China sent fleets to indian ocean to trade and explore,commanded by Zheng He,
- Brought back plants,goods and people from Africa and India
- But Ming Emperor canceled expeditions because it cost too much
why did Portugal and Spain go first?
Geography- long Atlantic coast lines, proximity to Africa
Reconquista- Spain re-conquering of Iberian Peninsula
-Drove Muslims from Spain
Eager to expand their influence
- italian trade dominated in Mediterranean
- Portugal and Spain wanted to by-pass them
- Therefore went south and west
Where did Portugal discover first
- With the money from Prince Henry and the training from him aswell they “discovered” the Madeira and Azores islands
COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE: ITS EFFECTS ON THE WORLD : animals and plants from old to new
- From old to new: Horses,pigs,chicken,cow,sugarcane,bananas,wheat and rice
- horses changed the culture of Natives,sugar allowed Europeans to create huge plantations which caused the Atlantic slave trade
COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE: EFFECTS: animals and plants, part 2 from new to old
- Potatoes were popular in Euro-easy to store and grow
- maize became staple in Africa and China
- Pop growth
Diseases from exhange
- smallpox - eradicated whole villages (EX;Arawak people of the Caribbean 100%
- Up to 90% of Native population
- this allowed for more places for people to conquer
human migration caused by exchange
- most voluntarily but Africans forcibly
- penal colonies
- very few women
- vast sugar plantations
- Encomienda
- decimated Native pop let to slaves
Religions of the Exchange
- Christian Missionaries accompanied every expedition
- Catholic clergy zealously spread the holy word by holding mass baptisms
- a unique catholic culture arose as a result
Mining and the exchange
- Aztec gold went straight to spain
- Incan silver became the metal
- japan enters into this exchange because they have silver
the 13 English colonies
- an after thought because they didnt have an gold or silver or sugar
- Biggest stuff to come out of North America was fish, Cod
Triangular trade
- sugar,rum,cod from the Americas to Europe for silver
- Silver to Africa for slaves
- Slaves to Americas to work the plantations