History & Physical Templet Flashcards
CC (Chief Complaint/Concern):
Simple, short, the reason for the visit (use patient’s words )
HPI (History of Present Illness/Issues):
- New problem or complaint: chronological description since onset, including symptom analysis (location, quality, severity, timing, setting, alleviating and aggravating factors, associated signs and symptoms). Include pertinent negatives.
- PMH or FH relevant to CC
- Follow up of chronic condition or recent problem visit: description of interim history since last encounter
- Well visit: description of health related to the type of visit
PMH (Past Medical History):
may break into additional sub-categories such as “Reproductive Health” for women, or “Pregnancy/Birth Hx” for infants, or “Growth and Development Hx” for children
• Age, general health status
• Allergies (meds, food/environment)
• Current medications (including OTC, supplements and botanicals)
• Major childhood/adult illnesses, serious accidents or injuries, transfusions
• Surgeries, hospitalizations including year and complications
• Psych, emotional status, mood disorders
• Environmental hazards (home or workplace)
• Health Habits:
o Contact/use of with health care system, last annual exam, what do you do when ill
o Recommended periodic screening with recent results
o Immunizations:
o Nutrition: nutritional preferences, eating disorder/challenges (highest/lowest wt), self assessment on1-10 scale and 1 thing to improve, last meal
o Exercise
o Sleep
o Substance use/abuse: tobacco, ETOH, recreational drugs, prescription drugs
o Safety: Domestic violence, seatbelts, guns in house, sun screen, environmental exposures, bike helmets, fire exits
o Stress levels and coping
• GU (genitourinary)
- Voiding, Sexual activity, Contraception, STI Hx/Sx/Risk
* Women: Pregnancies, Menstrual hx, LMP, Breast/gyn cancers, procedures or problems
FH (Family History)
- Parents, siblings and children: age and health status or cause of death
- Occurrence of genetic, or familial illnesses
- Genetic history affecting newborns
- Health of unrelated people living with patient
SH (Social/Personal History):
- Life events: marital status, level of education, major life events
- Describe a typical day
- Personal: cultural practices, religious preference relevant to health
- Home: housing, housemates
- Occupation: type and risks
- Resources: financial, insurance and government programs, personal support systems
ROS (Review of Systems):
those not addressed in HPI or PMH • Constitutional: overall health, weight, well being • Head/Eyes, Ears/Nose/Mouth/Throat, • Cardiovascular/Peripheral Vascular • Respiratory, Breast • Gastrointestinal • Genitourinary; • Musculoskeletal • Dermatologic/hair • Neurological, • Psychiatric • Endocrine • Hematological/lymphatic • Allergic
Interviewer skills
- Develops rapport (introductions, eye contact, sensitivity, positive reinforcement)
- Uses variety of interviewing techniques (direct & indirect questions, reflection, summarizing, transitioning)
- Avoids medical jargon; uses clear questions dictated by client need
- Is patient focused: listens, and then responds.
- Is organized and knowledgeable with proper progression of questioning. Avoids duplication.