History of water pore Flashcards
What did the first experiment show?
Identified that there were water pores (in various spherical cells) as Pf/Pd > 1, although some had less permeability (and trout not at all).
What did the second?
An elegant set of experiments carried out by Solomon et al. (1957) showed that RBCs had water pores - Pf/Pd = 2.5. Estimated the size of pores to be 3.5A and 250,000 copies (turned out to be 2.5A and 200,000).
What did the third show?
Peter Agre’s group elucidated the molecular structure. 28 kD protein co-precipitated with Rhesus protein, made ABs against it which didn’t stain 32kD Rh so wasn’t part of that family. From this staining found: higher MW protein (glyosylated), multimer staining (turned out to be tetramer). Also staining in PT and TDL.
I.e. it was a 28kD protein that could be glycosylated and existed as a multimer.
Tell me a bit more about the high MW band?
This was the glycosylated band which is important for trafficking AQP’s to the PM from Golgi so can form functional pore - Hendriks et al. showed 25% of AQP2’s are glycosylated (and is not essential for tetrameric structure formation).
What happened after 28kD staining and molecular structure elucidation by Agre?
Cloned ‘CHIP28’ with PCR and screened against library. Found 2.8kb transcript that had high homology with MIP26 (AQP0 in eye) with unknown function but all had NPA repeats. (essential role in water selective permeation. Later it was discovered that AQP11/12 don’t have NPA and aren’t expressed at cell surface suggesting another role in AQP trafficking). This transcript corresponded with RNA fraction from kidneys that induced maximum water permeability when injected into Xenopus oocytes.
i.e. Cloning, PCR and screening identified homologous proteins (MIP29 which is now AQP0) which all had NPA motifs, and found 2.9 kb transcript that correlated with RNA fraction from kidneys that induced permeability in oocytes.
What was next regarding exploration of CHIP28’s function?
This correlation added to the mounting circumstantial evidence that CHIP28 was a water channel e.g….
1) Number of CHIP28 copies in RBC membrane almost = Soloman’s calculation (250,000)
2) CHIP28 resistant to enzymatic digestion as was RBC channel
What are the facts so far about AQP1/CHIP28?
Identified water pores as Pf/Pd > 1, Molecular structure was 28kD which existed probably has multimers and can be glycosylated, the 2.9kb transcript had homology with other proteins (MIP28/AQP0) which all had NPA motifs and it correlated with permeability inducing kidney fraction.
It is probs a water channel as number of copies = similar to water pore estimation in RBCs and is resistant to digestion like these RBC pores.
What was the experimental evidence for CHIP28 being a water channel?
Over-expressed CHIP28 in Xenopus oocytes and exposed to hypertonic shock.
Control = v. slow vol. change
CHIP28 = rapid change and lysis.
Water must have moved in so must be a water channel. (Now AQP1).
What next?
Next, not only confirmed it was a water channel but also that it was a mercury sensitive water channel…
Same experiment but added mercury and volume change in response to hypotonic (this time) was much less i.e. water permeability decreased, similar to RBC water permeability mercury sensitivity.
When mercury binding reversed it returned to normal.
How did the mercury sensitive mechanism get elucidated?
Agre’s group made mutants of all 4 AQP1 cysteine residues, found that C189S mutation prevented the sensitivity so C189 is the mercury sensitive residue.
What did work on the structure of AQP1 reveal?
6TMBDs. Between TM 2-3 and TM 5-6 are loops B and E which dip into the membrane. In the middle of each of these loops is the NPA motif. In the hourglass model these come together to form a pore with the mercury sensitive C189 in the middle.
When they looked at crystal structure of mercury binding to C183 in bacterial AQP1, it was seen that mercury indeed binds here in the middle of each monomer.
What confirmed the structure ideas?
CyroElectron microscopy confirmed 4 hourglass monomers come toogether in tetramer (that was predicted by Agre). Saw a central pore - was this a water channel?…
How did they elucidate the central pore role?
Tandem dimer of AQP1 and C189S. If central pore = channel, permeability not effected by Mercury, but it halved because half monomers were insensitive, so each monomer was a water channel. (central pore useful in gas and ion transport as AQPs can be multifunctional tetramers).
What did we then learn about water transport through AQPs?
water molecule = 1.8A diameter, pore = 2A so single file, would expect protons to piggyback due to H bonds in water but there is no H+ transport. This is because NPA regions form bonds with H20 molecule instead making the pore very water selective.
On to other AQPs… Tell me about aqua-glyceroporins.
AQP3 & 7. AQP3 permeable to glcyerol and urea.