History of the Polygraph Flashcards
How do dishonest people reveal their deceit?
By their actions; both verbal and non-verbal.
What is Erasistratus famous for (304-250 BC)?
Discovered puls of the king’s son rise when the king’s new wife was around.
What are three main points that describe the “Method of the Ordeal (1500 AD)?
- Truth could only be determined by a higher power.
- Truth was verified by survival and quickness of healing.
- Dying without a confession proved innocence.
What is “Trial by Combat Ordeal?”
God’s will shall determine who is innocent; David vs. Goliath.
Trial by Torture Ordeal
God will not let an innocent man confess (Spanish Inquisition).
Red Hot Iron Ordeal
Bengal Tribes of India placed hot iron on tongue 9 times. Liars would have a dry tongue and would be burned.
The Ordeal of the Balance
India 600 BC- Person weighed, interrogated and then weighed again. Increase in weight means your lies are weighing you down.
Boiling Water Ordeal
Africa- hand placed inboiling water. Burns = Lies.
Red Water Ordeal
Africa- Fed rice than drank 1 gallon red water. Throwing up = innocence.
Donkey in Tent
Middle East- Allah would silence the donkey. Tail coated in black pitch.
Ordeal of rice chewing
India- Guilty can’t swallow rice due to dry mouth.
The Ordeal of Barley Bread
Europe 1150 AD- Reserved for clergy
What is Boccacio known for?
Wrote about Erasistratus.
When did Boccacio live?
1313 to 1375 AD.
What is Galileo known for?
Invented the Pulsilogium.
Who invented the “Pulsilogium” and in what year?
Galileo, 1581 AD.
What is Lancisi known for?
He was a cardiologist that discovered mental state causes effects to te heart.
In what year was the association between emotions and heart rate rate discovered? By whom?
1728; Lancisi
What is Daneil Defoe known for (1730)?
Discovered that guilt always carries fear with it. Pulse was effective way of catching a criminal.
What is Stephen Hales known for?
First to measure blood pressure and pioneer of the sphygmomanometer (killed horses during experiments).
What is Luigi Galvani known for?
GSR- Galvonic Skin Reflex. Electriciy and frogs.
In what year did Luigi Galvani make the discovery of GSR? What is GSR.
- The Galvonic Skin Reflex (resistance to electrical current).
Besides GSR, what else is Galvani credited with?
Established the basis of Neurology and Nuerophsyiology.
What is Dr Charles Cady known for?
Chloroform caused confederate soldiers to give up info.
What year and during what event did Dr Charles Cady make his discovery?
1862, Civil War.
what is Sir Francis Dalton known for (1879)?
Developed a Word Association Psychological Test; gulity would have suffer inner conflict and give physical and verbal clues of guilt.
First to use IRRELEVANT words.
What is Ceasre Lombroso known for (1895)?
First person to use instrument to determine deception.
First person to experiment on real criminal.
Thought physical attributes would should criminality.
Authored a book on the Spygmograph and the Plethysmogrgraoph.
Invented Hydrospygmograph: Water filled drum that record pulse and blood volume which recorded onto a smoked drum.
What is Angelo Mosso known for (1895)?
Studied lady with a hole in her skull- saw that rush of blood was induced by fear.
Experiments centered on fear’s affect on heart and respiration.
Developed Sphygmomanometer and scientific cradle (balanced table that relied on a rush of blood to the head).
What is A. Sticker known for (1897)?
Associated GSR with lie detection.
What is Max Wertheimer known for (1904)?
Used word association together with a physiological recording device.
What is S. Veraguth known for (1907)?
Used word association with a galvometer.
Coined the term Psychogalvanic Reflex (later changed to EDR)
What is Dr. Hugo Munsterberg known for (1908)?
Studied reaction of innocents (nervousness).
What is Vittorio Benussi known for (1914)?
Studied Inhalation / Exhalation Ratios.
Used Pnuemograph.
What is Dr William Marston known for (1917)?
Discontinuous bood technique.
Lost case in Frye vs. US where he was the “Lie Detector” examiner (not polygraph).
Developed an R/I test and Gulity Knowledge test.
Wonder woman
What is Harold Burtt known for (1918)?
Harvard Professor who validated Benussi’s I/E ratio, but preffered blood pressure.
Validated Marston’s tests.
What is Dr. Ludwig Binswanger known for (1919)?
Outside Issues- Response may not be to specific crime but to other similar crime.
Dr John Larson (1921)?
Developed first Polygraph that measured cardio and pnuemo.
Student of Marston.
Leonarde Keeler (1925)?
Father of Modern Day Polygraph
Developed Kymograph (constant speed paper)
Added GSR 1n 1938
Developed Peak of Tension (POT) and Searching POT tests
Started first polygraph school
Father Walter G. Summers (1932)?
First to use Control Questions
Experimented with GSR
Captain Clarence E. Lee, Berkely PD (1938)?
Developed Berkley Polygraph Instrument
Developed control test to measure subject’s response capability.
Ray Birdwhistell (1952)?
Developed Kinesics (study of body movements, no universal tells)
John E Reid (1953)
Developed countermeasure device.
Comparison question technique.
Reid Technique
Cleve Backster (1961)
Zone Comparison Test
CIA Polygraph Program
Sacrifice Relevant Question
Time Bars
Standardized Quantification System- others could score chart
7 position scale: -3 thru 0 thru +3
Symptomatic Questions (absorb stress about outside issue).
Phsycological set- Fear of relevant questions that hold the biggest threat if detected.
Spot Analysis- Can’t compare questions out of sequence.
Outside Super Dampening (no response to relevant/irrelevant)
Anti-Climax Dampening - Focus on one question (may not respond to murder question but might respond to gun question if they think the gun might be discrovered).
Yes-No Technique (1965)
Answer all questions in both yes and no.
Used by Morton Sinks.
Richard O. Arther (1966)?
Used Clinical Approach- Analyzed body movement, voice etc, instead of trusting only his charts.
Developed Arther II, which placed stimulus mark at the beggining and end of each question.
Edward T. Hall (1966)
Introduced Proxamics- Intimate, Personal, Social and Public distances.
Dr William Yankee (1968)
First to computerize the polygraph.
First director of DoDPI.
Paul Ekman (1972)
Studied facial expressions which he used to detect deception.
Voice Stress Analysis (1973)
1996 DoDPI stated not accurate
Dr James Allen Matte (1974)
Quadrazone (4 relevant question test)
Tested the deaf
David Raskin (1983-1987)
Directed Lie Technique
DoDPI (1986)
Federal Govt Polygraph research and training.
Employee Polygraph Protection Act (1988)
No pre-employment poly in private sector.
Polygraphs allowed to resolve specific losses and injuries.
Polyscore (1989)
First Automated Polygraph Scoring System
Developed at John Hopkins
Frye v United States (1923)
Arrested for murder. Confesses than recants.