History of the Polygraph Flashcards
How do dishonest people reveal their deceit?
By their actions; both verbal and non-verbal.
What is Erasistratus famous for (304-250 BC)?
Discovered puls of the king’s son rise when the king’s new wife was around.
What are three main points that describe the “Method of the Ordeal (1500 AD)?
- Truth could only be determined by a higher power.
- Truth was verified by survival and quickness of healing.
- Dying without a confession proved innocence.
What is “Trial by Combat Ordeal?”
God’s will shall determine who is innocent; David vs. Goliath.
Trial by Torture Ordeal
God will not let an innocent man confess (Spanish Inquisition).
Red Hot Iron Ordeal
Bengal Tribes of India placed hot iron on tongue 9 times. Liars would have a dry tongue and would be burned.
The Ordeal of the Balance
India 600 BC- Person weighed, interrogated and then weighed again. Increase in weight means your lies are weighing you down.
Boiling Water Ordeal
Africa- hand placed inboiling water. Burns = Lies.
Red Water Ordeal
Africa- Fed rice than drank 1 gallon red water. Throwing up = innocence.
Donkey in Tent
Middle East- Allah would silence the donkey. Tail coated in black pitch.
Ordeal of rice chewing
India- Guilty can’t swallow rice due to dry mouth.
The Ordeal of Barley Bread
Europe 1150 AD- Reserved for clergy
What is Boccacio known for?
Wrote about Erasistratus.
When did Boccacio live?
1313 to 1375 AD.
What is Galileo known for?
Invented the Pulsilogium.
Who invented the “Pulsilogium” and in what year?
Galileo, 1581 AD.
What is Lancisi known for?
He was a cardiologist that discovered mental state causes effects to te heart.
In what year was the association between emotions and heart rate rate discovered? By whom?
1728; Lancisi
What is Daneil Defoe known for (1730)?
Discovered that guilt always carries fear with it. Pulse was effective way of catching a criminal.
What is Stephen Hales known for?
First to measure blood pressure and pioneer of the sphygmomanometer (killed horses during experiments).
What is Luigi Galvani known for?
GSR- Galvonic Skin Reflex. Electriciy and frogs.
In what year did Luigi Galvani make the discovery of GSR? What is GSR.
- The Galvonic Skin Reflex (resistance to electrical current).