History of the Monarchy and Julius Caesar Flashcards
Who was the wife of Romulus?
Which Sabine king co-ruled with Romululs?
Titus Tatius
Which Roman king killed Mettius Fufetius and destroyed Alba Longa?
Tullus Hostillius
Which king build the first bridge across the tiber?
Ancus Marcius
Who was the wife of the king that constructed the circus maximus and drained the forum?
Which king built the sevian wall?
Servius Tullius
Which king am I? I built the Cloaca Maxima. I am proud. I’m the 7th king of Rome.
Tarquinius Superbus
Who am i? I am a god. My father is mars. I built on the palatine after seeing thirteen vultures.
What did the Romans call a senate house?
Who brought the calender to Rome?
Numa Pompilius
When was Julius Caesar born?
July 12, 100 B.C.
When did the first triumveratre begin?
60 B.C.
when was the year of Julius and Caesar?
59 B.C.
Where did Vercingetorix beat Caesar in 52 B.C.?
At the Battle of Gergovia
Where did Caesar beat Vercingetorix in 52 B.C.?
At the Battle of Alesia
When was Julius Caesar’s first dictatorship?
49 B.C.
When was Julius Caesar’s second consulship?
48 B.C.
Where was Caesar beat by Pompey in 48 B.C.?
When was Caesar made dictator for 10 years?
46 B.C.
When did Julius Caesar win the battle of Tapsus?
46 B.C.