History Of The Legal Profession Flashcards
The last amendment of the RPC rules was in….. and it came into effect in…..
The last amendment of the RPC rules was in 2023 and it came into effect in January 2024
The first set of RPC rules was made in….
The RPC rules have been amended how many times and in what years?
4 times - 1979, 2007, 2020 and 2023
The Supreme Court Ordinance was promulgated in……
As at…… there were….. Magistrate
As at 1862 there were 7 Magistrates
What are the 3 periods of history in the legal profession
1876 - 1914
1914 - 1962
1962 till date
What are the 4 inns
Middle temple
Inner temple
Grays inn
Lincolns inn
The NLS was established in…….
The 7 magistrates in 1862 were made of…..
3 barristers
2 writing clerks
1 commander of the West Indian garrison in Lagos
1 merchant
How many dining terms were required in the period of 1876-1914
12 dining terms
The term for local attorneys is……renawable for another…….
6 months renewable for another 6 months
The appointment of local attorneys came an end in…..
1908 - The Osho Davies case
The Supreme Court ordinance of 1876 was repealed by…..
The Supreme Court ordinance of 1943
The unsworth committee was made in……
The unsworth committee was made up of…..
Attorney General of the Federation
Solicitor General of the Federation
Regional Attorney General
Legal Secretary of the Southern Cameroons
6 Distinguished Legal Practitioners
Where was the first faculty of law established?
University college, Ibadan
What 2 Acts were created by the recommendations of the unsworth committee?
The legal practitioners act
The legal education act
The Nigerian law school was established in what year
Where was the first Nigerian law school located?
213, Igbosere road, Lagos
The Nigerian Law school ran its first …. months course for ….. students between….. and……
The Nigerian Law school ran its first 3 months course for 8 students between January and April 1963
The legal practitioners act was promulgated in… and was amended in…. and finally in…..
The legal practitioners act was promulgated in 1962 and was amended in 1990 and finally in 2004
Under what laws can a non-nigerian be called to bar?
Decree no 9 of 1992 and section 5 of the legal education act
Under what act can a person be exempted from attending courses at law school
Professional bodies special provisions act 1973
Professional bodies (legal profession) exemption order 1973
What law can be used to exempt a person from going through law school at all
Legal notice 439 dated 5th day of July 1989
What law can be used to exempt a person from writing bar part I
Legal notice 446 dated the 3rd day of August 1989
What were the three categories of people allowed to practice law between 1876 and 1914
Professionally qualified lawyers
Article attorney or lawyers article in the firm of a professionally qualified lawyer
Local attorneys
What are the qualifications to become a barrister in the Supreme Court of England between 1876 and 1962
Must keep to 12 dining terms
Must pass bar 1 and bar finals
Must have been called to bar by the benchers of his inn
Must be called to the Supreme Court of Britain
What are the qualifications to become a solicitor in the Supreme Court of England between 1876 and 1962
Must have passed solicitors, part one and solicitors finals
Must have West African school certificates
The articled to a firm of solar stores in England for a minimum of four years
What are the conditions to be an articled lawyer
Must have saved in the law of a practicing lawyer or solicitor in Nigeria or the Gold Coast
Must have done so for atleast 5 years
Must have passed examinations by persons issued by the CJN
What are the qualifications to be appointed as a local attorney?
Must be fit and proper as testified to buy a judge or two district commissioners
Must have basic academic qualifications
Must sit and pass exams conducted by the CJN to test knowledge
What are the four ways to become a legal practitioner between 1914 and 1962 under the Supreme Court civil procedure rules
Practice for two years in the country are called to bar
Practice for two years in the court of a British colony
Read for one year and the law office of a lawyer of not less than five year standing
Read for two years in Nigeria and the law office of a lawyer of not less than ten years standing
What section of the Supreme Court civil procedure rules 1945 provides for four additional ways to become a legal practitioner
Order 16 rule 1
What are the three kinds of people that can practice law in Nigeria today?
Those entitled to practice generally
Those entitled to practice for the purpose of a particular office
Those entitled to practice for the purpose of a particular proceeding
What are the conditions to be enrolled in Nigerian bar on bisexual four of the LPA
You must be Nigerian
Must be of good character
You must have the qualifying certificate
Why are entitled to practice generally are divided into….
Those entitled by the Supreme Court by being called to bar
Those entitled by virtue of the regulation made by the general of the federation
What are the qualifications for those entitled purpose of a particular proceeding
You must be entitled to practice at advocate your country
Your countries, the real system must be similar to Nigeria
Fees must be paid to the registrar of the Supreme Court