History Of The Author Flashcards


Nelson Mandela was born on July 18, 1918, into a royal family of the Xhosa-speaking Thembu tribe in the South African village of Mvezo, where his father, Gadla Henry Mphakanyiswa (c. 1880-1928), served as chief. His mother, Nosekeni Fanny, was the third of Mphakanyiswa’s four wives, who together bore him nine daughters and four sons. After the death of his father in 1927, 9-year-old Mandela—then known by his birth name, Rolihlahla—was adopted by Jongintaba Dalindyebo, a high-ranking Thembu regent who began grooming his young ward for a role within the tribal leadership.



Early life

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The first in his family to receive a formal education, Mandela completed his primary studies at a local missionary school. There, a teacher dubbed him Nelson as part of a common practice of giving African students English names. He went on to attend the Clarkebury Boarding Institute and Healdtown, a Methodist secondary school, where he excelled in boxing and track as well as academics. In 1939 Mandela entered the elite University of Fort Hare, the only Western-style higher learning institute for South African blacks at the time. The following year, he and several other students, including his friend and future business partner Oliver Tambo (1917-1993), were sent home for participating in a boycott against university policies.




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Escapes an arranged marriage; becomes a mine security officer; starts articles at the law firm Witkin, Sidelsky & Eidelman

Completes BA through the University of South Africa (UNISA)

Begins to attend African National Congress (ANC) meetings informally

Graduates with BA from Fort Hare; Enrols for an LLB at Wits University

Co-founds the ANC Youth League (ANCYL); marries Evelyn Ntoko Mase – they have four children: Thembekile (1945); Makaziwe (1947 – who dies after nine months); Makgatho (1950); Makaziwe (1954)

Elected national secretary of the ANCYL

Elected President of the ANCYL

Defiance Campaign begins; Arrested and charged for violating the Suppression of Communism Act; Elected Transvaal ANC President; Convicted with J.S Moroka, Walter Sisulu and 17 others under the Suppression of Communism Act; Sentenced to nine months imprisonment with hard labour, suspended for two years; Elected first of ANC deputy presidents; Opens South Africa’s first black law firm with Oliver Tambo

Arrested and later joins 155 others on trial for teason. All are acquitted by 29 March 1961

1960 21 March
Sharpeville Massacre

30 March

A State of Emergency is imposed and he is among thousands detained

8 April

The ANC is banned

Goes underground; Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) is formed

1962 11 January
Leaves the country for military training and to garner support for the ANC

23 July

Returns to South Africa

5 August

Arrested near Howick in KwaZulu-Natal

7 November

Sentenced to five years in prison for incitement and leaving the country without a passport

1963 27 May
Sent to Robben Island

12 June

Returned to Pretoria Local Prison
9 October
Appears in court for the first time in what becomes known as the Rivonia Trial, with Walter Sisulu, Denis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki, Ahmed Kathrada, Lionel ‘Rusty’ Bernstein, Raymond Mhlaba, James Kantor, Elias Motsoaledi and Andrew Mlangeni

3 December

Pleads not guilty to sabotage in the Rivonia Trial

Pleads not guilty to sabotage in the Rivonia Trial

1964 4 June
James Kantor discharged and released

12 June All except Rusty Bernstein are convicted and sentenced to life
13 June

Arrives on Robben Island

1969 13 July
Thembekile is killed in a car accident

1982 31 March
Mandela, Sisulu, Raymond Mhlaba and Andrew Mlangeni and later Ahmed Kathrada are sent to Pollsmoor Prison

1985 10 February
Rejects, through his daughter, Zindzi, South African President PW Botha’s offer to release him if he renounces violence

1985 3 November
Admitted to the Volks Hospital for prostate surgery

23 November

Discharged from Volks Hospital and returned to Pollsmoor Prison

1988 12 August
Admitted to Tygerberg Hospital where he is diagnosed with tuberculosis

31 August

Admitted to Constantiaberg MediClinic

7 December

Moved to Victor Verster Prison in Paarl where he is held for 14 months in a cottage

1990 2 February
ANC is unbanned

11 February


2 March

Elected ANC Deputy President

1993 10 December
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with President FW de Klerk

1994 27 April
Votes for the first time in his life

9 May

Elected by Parliament as first president of a democratic South Africa

10 May

Inaugurated as President of the Republic of South Africa

14 December

Launches his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom


Establishes the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund

To condense all of Mr Nelson Mandela’s achievements into one chronology would be impossible; as a result, we do not claim that our work here is comprehensive. Below you will find a chronology of important events in his life. It is a work in progress and we are happy to receive your comments or additions.

Year Date Event
1918 July 18
Born Rolihlahla Mandela at Mvezo in the Transkei

Attends primary school near Qunu (receives the name ‘Nelson’ from a teacher)

Father dies.Entrusted to Thembu Regent Jongintaba Dalindyebo at the age of 12

While his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom places Mandela’s father’s death in 1927, historical evidence shows it must have been later, most likely 1930. In fact, the original Long Walk to Freedom manuscript (written on Robben Island) states the year as 1930.

Undergoes initiation; Attends Clarkebury Boarding Institute in Engcobo

Attends Healdtown, the Wesleyan College at Fort Beaufort

Enrols at the University College of Fort Hare, in Alice


Escapes an arranged marriage; becomes a mine security officer; starts articles at the law firm Witkin, Sidelsky & Eidelman

Completes BA through the University of South Africa (UNISA)

Begins to attend African National Congress (ANC) meetings informally

Graduates with BA from Fort Hare; Enrols for an LLB at Wits University

Co-founds the ANC Youth League (ANCYL); marries Evelyn Ntoko Mase – they have four children: Thembekile (1945); Makaziwe (1947 – who dies after nine months); Makgatho (1950); Makaziwe (1954)

Elected national secretary of the ANCYL

Elected President of the ANCYL

Defiance Campaign begins; Arrested and charged for violating the Suppression of Communism Act; Elected Transvaal ANC President; Convicted with J.S Moroka, Walter Sisulu and 17 others under the Suppression of Communism Act; Sentenced to nine months imprisonment with hard labour, suspended for two years; Elected first of ANC deputy presidents; Opens South Africa’s first black law firm with Oliver Tambo

Devises the M-Plan for the ANC’s future underground operations

1955 26 June
Watches as the Congress of the People at Kliptown adopts the Freedom Charter

1956 5 December
Arrested and later joins 155 others on trial for teason. All are acquitted by 29 March 1961

Divorces Evelyn Mase; Marries Nomzamo Winnie Madikizela – they have two daughters: Zenani (1959) and Zindzi (1960)

1960 21 March
Sharpeville Massacre

30 March

A State of Emergency is imposed and he is among thousands detained

8 April

The ANC is banned

Goes underground; Umkhonto weSizwe (MK) is formed

1962 11 January
Leaves the country for military training and to garner support for the ANC

23 July

Returns to South Africa

5 August

Arrested near Howick in KwaZulu-Natal

7 November

Sentenced to five years in prison for incitement and leaving the country without a passport

1963 27 May
Sent to Robben Island

12 June

Returned to Pretoria Local Prison
9 October
Appears in court for the first time in what becomes known as the Rivonia Trial, with Walter Sisulu, Denis Goldberg, Govan Mbeki, Ahmed Kathrada, Lionel ‘Rusty’ Bernstein, Raymond Mhlaba, James Kantor, Elias Motsoaledi and Andrew Mlangeni

3 December

Pleads not guilty to sabotage in the Rivonia Trial

1964 4 June
James Kantor discharged and released

12 June All except Rusty Bernstein are convicted and sentenced to life
13 June

Arrives on Robben Island

1969 13 July
Thembekile is killed in a car accident

1982 31 March
Mandela, Sisulu, Raymond Mhlaba and Andrew Mlangeni and later Ahmed Kathrada are sent to Pollsmoor Prison

1985 10 February
Rejects, through his daughter, Zindzi, South African President PW Botha’s offer to release him if he renounces violence

1985 3 November
Admitted to the Volks Hospital for prostate surgery

23 November

Discharged from Volks Hospital and returned to Pollsmoor Prison

1988 12 August
Admitted to Tygerberg Hospital where he is diagnosed with tuberculosis

31 August

Admitted to Constantiaberg MediClinic

7 December

Moved to Victor Verster Prison in Paarl where he is held for 14 months in a cottage

1990 2 February
ANC is unbanned

11 February


2 March

Elected ANC Deputy President

1993 10 December
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize with President FW de Klerk

1994 27 April
Votes for the first time in his life

9 May

Elected by Parliament as first president of a democratic South Africa

10 May

Inaugurated as President of the Republic of South Africa

14 December

Launches his autobiography Long Walk to Freedom
Establishes the Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund

Divorces Winnie Mandela

1998 18 July
Marries Graça Machel on his 80th birthday

Steps down after one term as President, establishes the Nelson Mandela Foundation

Diagnosed with prostate cancer

Establishes the Mandela Rhodes Foundation

2004 1 June
Announces that he will be stepping down from public life

2005 6 January
Announces that his eldest son Makgatho had died of AIDS

2007 13 April
Attends the installation of his grandson Mandla as chief of the Mvezo Traditional Council

2008 27 June Asks future generations to continue the fight for social justice
18 July
Turns 90 years old

Votes for the fourth time in his life; Attends the inauguration of President Jacob Zuma on 9 May and witnesses Zuma’s first State of the Nation address; Turns 91

Formally presented with the Fifa World Cup trophy before it embarks on a tour of South Africa

11 June

His great-granddaughter Zenani is killed in a car accident

17 June

Attends the funeral of his great-granddaughter Zenani

11 July

Makes a surprise appearance at the final of the Fifa World Cup in Soweto

18 July

Celebrates his 92nd birthday at home in Johannesburg with family and friends

12 October

His second book Conversations with Myself is published

18 November

Meets the South African and American football teams that played in the Nelson Mandela Challenge match

2011 January
Admitted to hospital in Johannesburg. Discharged after two nights

16 May

Votes in the local government elections

27 June

His book Nelson Mandela By Himself: The Authorised Book of Quotations is launched

21 June

Visited at home by American First Lady Michelle Obama and her daughters Sasha and Malia

18 July

Celebrates his 93rd birthday with his family in Qunu, Eastern Cape

21 October

Officially counted in South Africa’s Census 2011

25 December

Spends Christmas with family in Qunu, Transkei

2012 25 February
Admitted to hospital

26 February

Discharged from hospital

18 July

Celebrates his 94th birthday with his family in Qunu, Transkei

8 December

Admitted to hospital

26 December

Discharged from hospital
2013 1 January
Spends New Year’s Day with members of his family in Johannesburg

9 March

Admitted to hospital

10 March 10

Discharged from hospital

27 March

Admitted to hospital

6 April

Discharged from hospital

8 June

Admitted to hospital

18 July

Spends his 95th birthday in hospital

1 September

Discharged from hospital

5 December

Passes away at home in Johannesburgy



What events may have led to their movement

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Because he was African American and they were getting discriminated against.


How and Why were they involved in the movement

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