History of Religious Education Flashcards
Explain the importance of Deuteronomy 6:4-9 in the spiritual development of children/what does this mean for christian education?
The Lord commanded the people of Israel to teach their children about God all the time. This teaches us that God appointed parents as first and principal Christian educators of children.
Three cultural influences on Paul’s spiritual formation. Know scripture reference for each influence.
Judaic: Acts 21:39
Roman: 22:3, 25-29
Greek: Philippians 3:4-7
From the Yardsticks pamphlets: choose one of the 12 ages listed and be able o describe 3 characteristics each from the cognitive, social and physical descriptions
Love group activities and cooperative work
I Prefer playing with peers of the same gender
I Like to talk and explain ideas
I Good sense of humor
Eyes able to focus well on objects near and far
I May have growth spurt
I Limited attention span; short
exercise breaks help concentration
Excited but also nervous about exploring the broader world
I May give up when things are hard but soon want to try again
I Interested in rules, logic, and fairness
according to Richards/Bredfeldt what is the hook?
Hook: seek to entice students from their private thoughts and to enter into learning. grabs attention. should be designed with the needs of the group in mind. gives reason for learning. should lead naturally lead into the Bible.
What do we mean by Book?
The meaning of the passage is studied. biblical information and understanding. it can use different methods.
what do we mean by Look?
once students understand what the Bible says, we LOOK at implications. relationship between truth and daily living. it helps explore practical ways hat the material relates to daily living.
what do we mean by Took?
the Took is the response the teaching has outside of class in daily life. it helps students respond by leading them to see God’s will and helping them decide and plan to do it. it encourages to pinpoint personal areas of life. it helps set specific goals or the application of the lesson.
what do you need to consider when planning a lesson for children and adults?
there can be more than one hook. the lesson must include the meat of God’s word. it must be meaningful and applicable to everyday life. it will not meet the needs of every student every time, but by including the elements of a lesson we attempt to reach them all.
lesson plan part 1: objective
in one complete sentence what do we desire to accomplish through the teaching of the lesson
lesson plan part 2: materials
this is a list of materials you will need to teach the lesson . includes all material that you will need: crafts, glue, scissors, posters board choruses, etc.
lesson plan part 3: Set up
how will the room need to be set up for the lesson. classroom with table and chairs, chairs in rows, chairs set in a circle, etc.
lesson plant part 4: warm up (hook)
what will you do to grasp the attention of the students that have come for this lesson. describe the activity
lesson plan part 5: activity (book and look)
the actual bible lesson and how you will teach it. this should include questions or activities that will enhance the understanding of the lesson
lesson plan part 6: assignment (took)
what will they take with them when they leave? what is it that you desire for them to apply to their lives? is there a specific task that you desire for them to accomplish during the next week?
lesson plan part 7: follow up
how will you follow up this lesson in later lesson