History of present illness Flashcards
Where does it hurt does it hurt anywhere else?
Can you describe the pain? For example a bee bite tends to cause a stinging pain.
How much does it hurt on a scale from 1 to 10.
Pain of 1 indicates the pain is not really bothering you.
Pain of 5 indicates the pain is interfering with life.
Pain of 1 indicates the pain preventing you from doing anything.
When did the pain occur?
How long has it been going on?
Does it ever get better or worse?
Environmental factors
Do you think you were somewhere or did something to set it off?
what makes it better/worse
What makes it better/worse?
associated manifestations
Is there anything else bothering you that you think may be related to your chief complaint?
Have you ever had this before?
a. Prior Treatment? Response? Data from past charts?
b. What has patient done about the symptom
- Patient’s Perspective of the Illness
a. Patient’s understanding of the disease? Especially
b. Impact of the disease and/or its treatment on the patient’s life, work,
c. Patient expectations
d. Patient’s reason for visit