History of Nursing Flashcards
What time did ancient civilization nursing take place?
before 1 CE
Who was involved in nursing in the Ancient Civilization era?
Both men and women but it was believed that gods, goddesses and spirts could control health
What are some treatments from the ancient civilizations do we still use today?
Honey for wounds, herbs, changes in diet, along with heat and cold
What ancient form of healing is first documented in using acupuncture?
Chinese healers
What time was the early Christian/ common era?
1-1500 CE
Who delivered care to those ill- health during the common/ Christian era?
Christan coverts and this was when women started to more commonly take on the nursing role
During the commmon/ Chrisitan era what important health care facility orginate?
Hospitals which were really just people with big and fancy houses inviting those who were vulnerable over to receive care
During the early Christian/ common era what civilization started introducing cleanliness practices?
What type of nursing became common during the early Christian/common era and who did it?
Visting nursing was usually done by wealthier women who would go to peoples houses to tend to them
When did the middle ages take place?
From 500-1500 CE
What kind of clothing for nurses became common during the middle ages?
Uniforms mainly a nun’s habit/ clothes
What word started getting used in the Middle Ages and what does it mean?
Nurse derived from the latin word “nutricius” which means ones who nourishes
Who was in charge of hospitals in the middle ages?
Monks and nuns
Why did the number of men in nursing increase during the middle ages?
beacuse of monks and knights were both serving as nurses
Who was one of the most influential women in nursing during the middle ages? And what did she do?
Hildgard von Bingen was a scientist who was credited with being the founder of natural scientific history in Germany. Primarily in places were naturopathy and complementary alternative medicine is commonly used.
What happened during the Middle Ages to cause a decline in public opinion of hospitals and nursing?
It was a mix of corruption within the churches that ran the hospitals and epidemics of diseases
What happened to the control of the hospitals during the 1500s-early 1600s?
Hospitals started to get go under secular control after the corruption under the church
During the 1500s- early 1800s who did they bring in to replace the religious nurses?
Women who had no education and often had been in jail or convicted.
During the 1500s- early 1800s where did religious hospitals begin to open?
they began to open in places that were being colonized
during the 1500s-early 1800s what did hospitals become?
Full of death and disease
During the 1500s- early 1800s the first hospital opened in what content?
North America
When did the movement toward a respectable profession take place?
From the early 1800s to the early 1900s
What was added to the nursing field during the movement era?
A nursing school called Kaiserworth opened up in Germany in 1821
What was added to the nursing profession in Ireland?
In the 1830s Ireland adopted more of a structured teaching model for nurses - but it was not an official school
Who attended Kaiserworth and when?
Florence Nightengale attended during 1850-1851
What was included in Florence Nightengale’s theory of the environment?
Her theory was about how the environment affects patients well-being and healing including light, ventilation, good nutrition and human presence.
What did Florence change during the Crimean war?
She transformed two hospitals into places of healing and dropped mortality rates from 40% to 2%
What was something that Florence Nightengale’s approach that was new and is still commonly used in the nursing field?
Keeping lots of records and statistics about her patients
Who is Mary Seacole?
She was a black Jamaican nurse who also worked in Crimea and made many attributions to nursing but is less recognized for it
Why was Mary Seacole not allowed to go to nursing school and who did she learn from instead?
She was not allowed to go to nursing school because she was black. So, she instead learned about nursing from her and learned many traditional healing approaches.
What did Mary Seacole do before she worked in Crimea?
She worked as a nurse and was very well known by the time she left for Crimea.
What did Mary Seacole do when she was working in Crimea?
She opened her own hospital called the boarding house
Which methods did Mary Seacole use to treat her patients?
She used a holistic approach, and she greatly reduced patient mortality rates.
Who founded the Red Cross and how did she contribute to nursing?
Clara Barton founded the red cross and helped gain the profession respect during the US Civil war.
Who also played a role in improving the outlook on nursing during the US Civil war?
Dorthea Dix
When did nursing specialties like public health and psychiatry begin?
They were started by individuals in the late 1800s
Where did most of the early nursing schools take place and who did most of the work?
It took place in hospitals and nursing students did most of the work.
Who was the first black graduate of a formal nursing school? And when did she graduate?
Mary E. Mahoney and she graduated in 1879
What roles did nursing student gradutates take on in the respectable era and why?
They took on the roles of being supervisors in hospitals or became private home nurses
What did Mary E. Mahoney do once she graduated?
She worked as a private home nurse, and she did really well
When did university-based education for nursing students begin? And who would teach it?
in the late 1890s and physicians were commonly the teachers
What social reform movements did nurses support in the early 1900s and why?
They were against the tenement conditions of the tenements in NY, better education, health insurance, and safe work environments.
When was the first state that had a registration exam and when?
North Carolina in 1903
What did nurses expand to during ww1?
They would jump in and help with surgeries and would perform anesthesia procedures
What expanded for nurses in ww2?
they started a nurse cadet program
During the world war era what happened to practice standards?
They expanded and started becoming more common
What started to grow during the world war era?
National nursing organizations
When did hospital-based nursing programs lose popularity to universities?
In the early 1970s
What advances started to take place during the 1960s-2000s?
Biomedical advances started to change bedside nursing
What helped expand patient access to medical care during the 1960s-2000s?
Access to Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurance
When did Nurse Practitioner programs begin?
In the mid 1960s
During the 1960s-2000s who began to join the nursing field?
Men and BIPOC people
What happened in the 1990s that led to more CNA or non-RN positions working beside?
Cost containment measures
What change happened to charting in the 2000s?
The became electronic
What expanded for nurses in the 2000s?
The addition of more specialties and Doctor of Nurse Practitioner degrees.
What act in 2010 allowed more patients to receive care?
The affordable care act
What changed in the approach to treatments in the 2000s?
The use of complementary and alternative treatments ex. heat, cold and leeches