He was considered as the ‘father of medicine’
He discovered the first intestinal parasite, ascaris lumbricoides and taenia
Vivian Herrick
What bodily fluid is the most commonly analyzed by the ancient physicians?
What is the Apothecaries Act of 1815?
An act of the parliament of UK which requires apothecaries to have a background in anatomy, botany, materia medica, physic and 6 months practical hospital experience
Where was the first clinical laboratory eatablished?
Quiricada St., Sta. Cruz, Manila
The first clinical laboratory is currently known as
Manila Public Health Laboratory
Who established the first clinical laboratory?
6th Infantry Division of the US army
Who re-established the first clinical laboratory when the Americans left?
Dr. Pio De Roda with the help of Dr. Mariano Icasiano
When was the first clinical laboratory re- established?
October 1, 1945
What is the first school to offer BSMT?
The Philippine Union College of Baesa, Caloocan City (Adventist University of the Philippines)
Who is the first graduate of the program?
Dr. Jesse Umali
What are the first 4 humors?
Yellow bile, blood, black bile, phlegm
It is a 110 page long scroll which discusses all about burns, parasites, contraception and pregnancy
Ebers Papyrus
What is the triad of regimen used by Hippocrates to treat diseases?
Drugs, surgery, and bloodletting
He invented the first functional crude microscope
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
The most common test or analysis done to determine diseases
He was the ‘father of microscopic pathology’
Rudolf Virchow
He initiated the Apothecaries Act of 1815 and he used lab findings in the treatment of diseases
Baron Karl Von Humbeldt
What was emphasized by the Harvard University in 1871?
‘Learning by doing’