History of Medicine Flashcards
Rene Laennec
Invented the stethoscope
Clara Barton
Founder of Red Cross
Ben Carson
Lead a team of surgeons in the first known separation of conjoined twins
Louis Pastuer
A pioneer in the devolpment of vaccinations
Florence Nightingale
Elevating the profession of nursing to an honorable status
Gregor Mendel
Patterns of inheiritence from one generation to another
Edward Jennar
invented vaccination with cowpox to replace the fear and danger of inoculation with smallpox
Separated diseases from its former association with magic by no longer accepting that the gods are responsible for all disease
Joseph Murray
The first surgeon to successfully perform renal transplantation
Frederick Hopkins
Discovery of vitamins as a nutrient in foods had a major impact on the understanding of health and disease
William Kouwenhoven
Development of the closed chest electrical defibrillator and the technique of external cardiac massage
William Harvey
The first to recognize the full circulation of the blood in the human body and to provide experiments and arguments to support this idea
Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen
Discovered the rays that he called X-rays
Watson and Crick
Discovery of the molecular structure of DNA
Frederick Banting
Co-Discoverer of Insulin
Alexander Flemming
Discovered Penicillin
Anton van Loewenhoek
Father of microbiology
James Lind
First physician to have conducted a controlled clinical trial of the modern era
Henry Judah Heimlich
Credited for the discovery of the Heimlich maneuver
William Morton
First to show how ether could be used to allay the pain of operations
James Blundell
First to perform a successful human-to-human blood transfusion
Joseph Lister
First to apply the science of Germ Theory to surgery
Karl Landsteiner
Published a paper about discovery of ABO blood groups. Before this, Landsteiner had claimed that blood groups are inherited. Because of his valuable discovery, he won the Nobel Prize in medicine, in 1930.
Robert Jarvik
Inventor of the first successful permanent artificial heart, the Jarvik 7
William Hounsfield
Contributes to the diagnosis of neruological disorders
Elizabeth Blackwell
First woman in America to receive a medical degree
Marie Curie
Discovered that radium destroyed diseased cells faster than healthy cells, and thus that radiation could be used to treat tumours
Ignaz Semmelweis
First physician in medical history who demonstrated that puerperal fever was contagious and that its incidence could be drastically reduced by enforcing appropriate hand washing by medical care-givers
Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier
Discovered the cause of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
Sir Humphry Davy and Horace Wells
Humphry Davy experimented with the psychotropic properties of N2O, describing his observations in a book, published in 1800. A dentist, Horace Wells discovered anaesthesia with N2O in 1844