History Of Medical Technology In A Global Context Flashcards
- Greek Physician
- Father of Medicine
Hippocrates - 300 BC to 180 AD
formulated the famous Hippocratic oath
HIppocrates - 300 BC to 180 AD
described the 4 humors or body fluids in man
Hippocrates - 300 BC to 180 AD
- Greek Physician and Philosopher
- Advocate the 4 humors
Body fluids were felt to be the source of a person’s disposition and disease in ancient times
4 Humors
What are the 4 humors?
- blood
- phlegm
- yellow bile
- black bile
also called water casting
when and where was uroscopy practiced?
Medieval Europe
- patients submitted urine specimen in decorative flasks
- Physicians who failed to examine urine will be subjected to public beating
Who are the 7 people involved in the beginning of medical technology?
- Vivian Herrick
- Ruth Williams
- Anne Fagelson
- Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
- Marcelo Malphigi
- Rudolf Virchow
- Hermann Von Fehling
- Intestinal parasites such as taenia and ascaris were mentioned in early writings
Vivian Herrick (1500 BC)
Where was Vivian Herrick’s writing on?
Ebers Papyrus (book for treament of diseases)
Early Hindu Doctors obeserved that urine of certain idividuals attracts ants and has a sweet taste
Ruth Williams (Medieval period)
According to early Hindu Doctors what does a sweet taste in urine indicate?
Reaped fortunes from diagnosing diseases by the appearance of the urine
who is the prominent Italian physician at the University of Balogna?
Alessandra Giliani
What is Alessandra Giliani’s cause of death?
Laboratory acquired infection
Who introduced Alessandra Giliani?
Anne Fagelson (14th century)
- invented and improved the compound microscope leding to rapid progess of microbiology and pathology
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
- the first to describe red blood cells, to see protozoa, and to classify bacteria according to shape
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek
- Greatest of the early microscopist
- embryology and anatomy
- The Founder of Pathology
Marcelo Malphigi
- one of the youngest medical specialists
Rudolf Virchow
founded the Archives of Pathology in Berlin, 1847
Rudolf Virchow
Father of Modern Pathology
Rudolf Virchow