He is the father of medicine
What are the four humors in man?
It was regarded as the composite of the 4 humors
They recorded the sweet taste of diabetic urines as well as polyuria in diabetes
Hindu Physicians
In what year does the hindu physicians recorded the sweet taste of diabetic urine?
600 B.C.
He identified Taenia and Ascaris
Vivian Herrick
In what year Ebers Papyrus was discovered?
1500 B.C.
What do you call the oldest Egyptian compilation of medical texts?
Ebers papyrus
Who invented the compound microscope?
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
In what year does the first microscope was invented?
He was the first to describe the red blood cells, protozoa, and to classify bacteria according to shape
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek
He is the founder of Pathology and the greatest of early microscopist
Marcelo Malphigi
He is the founder of the “Archives of Pathology” in Berlin
Rudolph Virchow
In what year does Rudolph Virchow founded the “Archives of Pathology”
He performed the first quantitative test for urine sugar
Herman Fehling
What year does Herman Fehling performed the first quantitative test for urine sugar?
What century dyes has been discovered?
15th Century
He became the first professor of Pathology at John Hopkins University (1885)
Dr. William H. Welch
Where does Dr. William H. Welch established a laboratory?
Bellevue Hospital Medical College
He opened the first clinical laboratory at John Hopkins Hospital
Dr. William Osler
In what year does the first clinical laboratory opened at John Hopkins Hospital?
On 1896 what laboratory was opened at the University of Pennsylvania?
William Pepper Laboratory
Who wrote the “A Manual of Clinical Diagnosis” which became the standard reference for laboratories?
Dr. James C. Todd
When was the “Manual of Clinical Diagnosis” written?
What year does the Denver Society of Clinical Pathologists was organized?
When was the American Board of Pathology organized?
During WW1, it is one of the first schools to establish trainings for workers in 1922 and first to offer degree program in 1923.
University of Minnesota
During WW2 what system of blood collection was adopted?
Closed System
When was the first clinical laboratory of the Philippines established?
January 9, 1945
Where was the first clinical laboratory in the Philippines located?
Quiricada St., Sta. Cruz, Manila
The first clinical laboratory in Philippines is known as?
Public Health Laboratory
When was the Manila Public Health Laboratory reopened?
October 1, 1945
Who are the persons that reopened Manila Public Health Laboratory?
Dr. Pio de Roda and Dr. Mariano Icasiano
Who is the person alongside with Dr. Pio de Roda offered a training for highschool and paramedical graduates?
Dr. Prudencia Sta. Ana
When was Dr. Pio and Dr. Prudencia offered the training for highschool and paramedical graduates?
What year does the formal education of Medical Technology began?
What school in the Philippines first to offer BS in MedTech?
Philippine Union College of Baesa
He is the first graduate of medical technology program in the Philippines?
Dr. Jesse Umali
Who are the persons offered medical technology as an elective to pharmacy students at University of Santo Tomas?
Dr. Antonio Gabriel and Dr. Gustavo Reyes
What year CEU (Centro Escolar University) offered Medical Technology course?
CEU’s first batch of medical technology students graduated in what year?
Who are the persons applied for the offering of BSMT courses in FEU (Far Eastern University) ?
Dr. Horacio Ylagan and Dr. Serafin Juliano
FEU’s first batch of medical technology students graduated in what year?
What school offers the same course but the degree is conferred to as BS Public Health?
UP (University of the Philippines)
PASMETH stands for?
The Philippine Association of Schools of Medical Technology and Public Health Inc.
PAMET stands for?
The Philippine Association of Medical Technologists
He defined that medical technology is the application of natural, physical and biological sciences to the performance of laboratory procedures which aid in the diagnosis and treatment of disease
Ruth Heinemann
He defined that medical technology is the health profession concerned with performing laboratory analyses in view of obtaining information necessary in the diagnosis and treatment of disease as well as in the maintenance of good health.
This person defined that medical technology is the branch of medicine concerned with the performance of laboratory determinations and analyses used in the diagnosis and treatment of the disease and maintenance of health
Anne Fagelson
What made possible the staining and study of microorganisms such as bacteria?
Dyes or Aniline Dyes
Humor means?
He called for the development of a method that would certify medical technologist on a national scale.
John Kolmer
What law John Kolmer published?
The Demand for and Training for Laboratory Technicians
on 1920, who is the head of laboratory?
Chief Physician
ECG stands for what?
It is the foundation of Urinalysis
Who invented stethoscope?
Rene Läennec
When was stethoscope invented?
Who invented Ophthalmoscope?
Herman von Helmholz
When was Ophthalmoscope invented?
When was microscope invented?
It is an instrument composed of two mirrors to observe the throat and larynx
Who devised Laryngoscope?
Manuel Garcia
What century when Medical Practitioners were not allowed to conduct physical examination of the Patient’s Body?
11th Century
What century when mechanical techniques and cadaver dissection were used to provide accurate diagnosis to understand the insides of the body?
18th Century
He is a Greek Physician and Philosopher who measured the body fluids (four humors).
It is a excessive amount of urine
He is the first to discover RBC
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
He invented Spirometer for measuring the vital capacity of the lungs.
John Hutchinson
He invented Sphygmomanometer for measuring blood pressure.
Jules Herrison