history of massage Flashcards
Derived from acupuncture, the application of finger pressure and touch on specified points to promote balance of chi or universal energy
points on the body that are sensitive to pressure applied during shiatsu
a massage technique from Japan in which points of stimulation are pressed to affect the circulation of fluids and ki ( life force energy)
a Hindu technique of massage in the bath
a center where exercise and massage are combined to treat diseases and promote health
Hippocrates oath
a code of ethics for physcians
the art of rubbing a body part upward
authored the Canon of Medicine and important text on medical history with references to use of rubbing exercise and bathing
Anbroise Par’e
is credited with restoring the health of Mary Queen of Scots (1542- 1587) party by using medical rubbing
healing with the hands
medical gymnastics
gymnastics applied to the treatment of the disease consisting of active, duplicated, and passive movement.
a succession of strokes applied by gliding the hand over an extended portion of the body.
lifts, squeezes, and pressed the tissues.
movements include tapping, slapping, hacking, cupping, and beating.
face, and hair massage wrinkles, complexion,
rheumatism count pain conception nerves and gives 8000 taps per min.
Dr. Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage
A method of general, rhythmic massage along the superficial lymphatics that aids in lymphatics system functioning and treats chronic lymphedema
connective tissue massage
massage directed toward the subcutaneous connective tissue. thought to affect vascular and visceral reflexes related to a variety of pathologies and disablilties
deep transverse friction massage
massage that broadens the fibrous tissues of muscles, tendons, or ligaments, breaking down unwanted adhesions and restoring mobility to muscles
a broad term that refers to many forms methods and styles including massage that positively influence the body through various methods that may or may not include soft tissue deformation energy manipulation movement reduction and postural reeduction
sports massage
a method of massage designee to enhanced an athletes performance
chair massage
takes places in a special massage chair, which is a better choice for people unable to or not amenable to receiving full- body massage on the table.
state massage regulation
1950 through 1970 consist of local ordinances initiated to control prostitution.
1980s most massage legislation has been practitioners based, focused on educational standards, scope of practice
1985 only ten states regulated massage, while as of of this printing, at least 44 states had statewide massage licensing.
1988 National certification for massage therapist
1992 National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork
National certification examination
2005 Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards
Polarity Therapy
massage manipulations derived from eastern and western practices
aligns the major body segments through manipulation of the fascia or the connective tissue
stimulating particular points on the surfaces of the body which, in turn affects other areas or organs of the body
trager method
Dr. Militon Trager developed the Trager method which uses movement exercises called mentastics and a massage-likegentleshaking different parts of the body to eliminate and prevent pent up tension
touch for health
a simplified form of applied kinesiology that involves techniques having both Eastern and Western Origins
Neuromuscular techniques
A group of techniques that assess and address soft tissue dysfunction by affecting the neurologic mechanism that control the muscle
craniosacral therapy
a gentle hands on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of the craniosacral system.