History Of Israel Flashcards
What did the Jews believe about themselves?
That they were God’s chosen people, descended from Abraham
What covenant did God and Abraham make?
That Abraham and his descendants would be God’s people and God in turn would look after them and be their God
What was the land of Israel?
The promise land God had given to his people
What happened centuries later?
Jews were slaves in Egypt
What did God send upon the Egyptians?
Plagued, culminating the death of the first born
- this event is known as Passover
Why is the event known as Passover
Because angel of death ‘passed over’ the Jewish houses - protected by the blood of a sacrificed lamb
How is this a crucial moment for the Jews?
God saved his people and, led by Moses through the desert, they journeyed back to the promise land (Exodus)
During their travels back what did they receive?
God’s law - something called the law of Moses
- was their guide regarding how they should lead holt and righteous lives
What did Israel then enjoy?
A golden age under the kingship of David and Solomon
But what soon happened?
Internal quarrelling led to land being divided
What did the people do?
Ignored the covenant and failed to obey the Law
What did God do to try and help?
Sent prophets to urge people back into righteous ways, but didn’t succeed
In the centuries that followed who conquered Israel? And what happened to the Jews ?
- Assyrians and later the Babylonian
- Jews sent into exile in Babylon
What also happened during the time of Israel being conquered?
Prophets began to speak of the coming of a saviour, the Messiah, who would one day come from God and save his people
Eventually the Jews returned to the promise land, but who later conquered it?
The Greeks