History of Integration Flashcards
It is one of the patterns of development
Give six examples of major international economic organizations
What does NAFTA mean?
North America Free Trade Area
What countries are in NAFTA?
Canada, United States and Mexico
What countries are in MERCOSUR?
Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay
What does MERCOSUR mean?
Mercado Comun del Cono Sur
What countries are in the Andean Community?
Columbia, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela
What are the countries in EU?
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
What are the countries in ASEAN?
Brunei, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam
What countries are in APEC?
Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, United States
What does ASEAN mean?
Association of Southeast Asian Nations
What does APEC mean?
Asian Pacific Economic Community
What are the eight causes of international integration?
a) need for profitable production
b) growth of size of production units
c) cooperation between industrial sectors
d) intensification of research and development
e) creation of an extensive market to achieve higher number of products
f) more workplaces
g) cheaper products
h) political objectives
What are two examples of political objectives?
a) joint force against the superpowers
b) stronger military power
What are the three characteristics of an organized international integration?
a) sovereign states or national economies
b) voluntary
c) complex, economic and political concentrations
Why do we need to emphasize the voluntary nature of integration?
Integration leads to the dissolution of a national economy, or to a certain extent, losing of identity
What does FTA mean?
Free Trade Area
What are the eight stages of international integration?
a) preferential trade area
b) free trade area
c) customs union
d) single market
e) economic union
f) economic and monetary union
g) complete economic integration
h) political union
Give an example of a regional consultative organisations?
They are agreements between countries that promote trade and commerce.
Bilateral Trade Agreement
Merger, association, amalgamation, coalition, interconnectedness, interlocking
By the first half of the 90s, more than _______ of the foreign trade were conducted by international regional organisations
2/3 or two-thirds
The first steps of international integration are rooted in _______
How long does it take to reach the goal of a functioning economic political integration?
What marks as the first steps and beginning of the integration process?
Expansion of trade between partners
It is a short-term contract between two or more countries
Bilateral Trade Agreement
It is relatively loose, consultative, programme and prognosis making. Sometimes, coordinate with organisations where participants prepare common projects, financing and implementing them in cooperation. It has no institutions.
Regional Consultative Organisations
In this stage, the member states use tariffs and other trade police preferences to each other
Preferential Trading Area
It is formed when at least two states partially or fully abolish custom tariffs on their inner border
Free Trade Area
It introduces unified tariffs on the exterior borders of the union
Customs Union
It is the free movement of services, capital and labor
Single Market
It combines customs union with a common market
Economic Union
It introduces a shared currency
Economic and Monetary Union
It is the unification of economic policies, reduction in the rest of the trade barriers and introduction of supranational bodies.
Complete Economic Integration
It is the final stage of international integration
Political Union
CARICOM Single Market and Economy (Caribbean States)
Eurasian European Union
It is the South American common market
Gulf Cooperation Council
It is the Central American cooperation system
It is the economic community of Central African states
It is the West African economic and monetary union
European Economic Area
It is the Andean Community
East African Commmunity
European Union Customs Union
East Asian Customs Union
Southern African Customs Union
Central European Free Trade Agreement
Commonwealth of Independent States Free Trade
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area
Grain and Feed Trade Association
South Asian Free Trade Area
ASEAN-Australian New Zealand Free Trade Area
CARICOM Single Market and Economy (Caribbean States)
What are two key components that will help us understand Europe?
a) historical evolution prior to World War II
b) recent integration process
It is the South American common market
Gulf Cooperation Council
It is the Central American cooperation system
It is the economic community of Central African states
It is the West African economic and monetary union
European Economic Area
What are important concepts that we understood during the Renaissance and Enlightenment period?
a) tolerance
b) freedom
c) respect of human rights
d) democracy
East African Commmunity
European Union Customs Union
East Asian Customs Union
Southern African Customs Union
Central European Free Trade Agreement
Commonwealth of Independent States Free Trade
Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area
“Europe thus divided into nationalities, freely formed and free internally, peace between states would have been easier: the United States of Europe would become a possibility”
Napoleon Bonaparte
South Asian Free Trade Area
ASEAN-Australian New Zealand Free Trade Area
Peru-Australia Free Trade Area
True or False
The European Integration is an isolated process
False. It is one of the misconceptions that the integration process started after WWII
Where did the first effort come from in the European integration process before WWII?
It was from the Roman Empire
They constituted the first great effort to integrate an important section of our continent and the lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.
Roman Empire
The ______ brought the idea of unification under the common banner of Christendom.
Middle Ages
What two ideologies arose during the middle ages?
a) Eurocentrism (European culture as preeminent)
b) Superiority of European Civilisation
What is the importance of Renaissance and Enlightenment in the foundation of the European integration process?
Without Renaissance and Enlightenment, we cannot understand the ideas of tolerance, freedom, respect of human rights and democracy
What are important concepts that we understood during the Renaissance and Enlightenment period?
a) tolerance
b) freedom
c) respect of human rights
d) democracy
Who are the five historical personalities pursuing the idea of Europe?
a) Charlemagne (Charles the Great)
b) Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor)
c) Napoleon Bonaparte
d) Metternich
e) Hitler
He united majority of western and central Europe
Charles the Great or Charlemagne
He is considered to be the father of Europe
Charles the Great or Charlemagne
Where did the first Pan-European Congress happened?
His reign encompassed both the long-lasting Spanish and short-lived German colonisations of the Americas
Charles V
Who are the five historical personalities pursuing the idea of Europe?
a) Charlemagne (Charles the Great)
b) Charles V (Holy Roman Emperor)
c) Napoleon Bonaparte
d) Metternich
e) Hitler
He united majority of western and central Europe
Charles the Great or Charlemagne
He is considered to be the father of Europe
Charles the Great or Charlemagne
“The empire on which the sun never sets”
Charles V
He published The United States of Europe in 1931
Eduoard Herriot
The personal union of European and American territories of Charles V was the first collection of realms labelled as __________
“The empire on which the sun never sets.”
What is in the European Question?
The mutual hate of the Europeans that poisons the atmosphere
It was an embargo of British goods in the interests of the French hegemony.
Napoleon’s Continental System
“Europe thus divided into nationalities, freely formed and free internally, peace between states would have been easier: the United States of Europe would become a possibility”
Napoleon Bonaparte
Where did Napoleon had this conversation “Europe thus divided into nationalities, freely formed and free internally, peace between states would have been easier: the United States of Europe would become a possibility”?
St. Helena
When was the French Empire greatest extent?
When did the collapse of Napoleon’s empire happened?
What sort of bond should exist between the nations geographically gathered as Europe?
Federal Bond
What were the three important impact of the second world war on the history of cooperation?
a) European’s awareness of their own weakness which put a definitive end to the traditional hegemony in the world
b) Necessity to avoid coming back to confrontation among European states
c) many Europeans wanted to create a freer, fairer and more prosperous continent
He is the leader of the Nazi party?
Who are the four intellectuals and philosophers in the European Integration Process before WWII?
a) Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz
b) Jean Jacques Rousseau
c) Immanuel Kant
d) Karl Marx
How did the two world wars begin?
European civil wars
The Social Contract
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Perpetual Peace: A Philosophical Sketch
Immanuel Kant
The Communist Manifesto
Karl Marx
He founded the Pan-European Movement
Count Coudenhove Kalergi
When did Count Coudenhove founded the Pan-European Movement?
Where did the first Pan-European Congress happened?
What was reinforced in the European Defence Community?
It implies a strong military and political integration
He served eleven terms as the Prime Minister of France
Aristide Briand
What organisation asked Briand to present a memorandum with a detailed project?
League of Nations
When did Briand submitted the memorandum?
What was the effect of the economic depression during Briand’s time?
It begun to sweep away the ideas of solidarity and cooperation in international relations
What was signed during the Concord years?
Locarno Treaty and the Pact Briand Kellog
Who are the two important people in the Schuman Declaration to the Treaty of Rome?
Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman
What was the biggest obstacle to the accomplishment of the United States of Europe?
The one-thousand-year-old rivalry between two most populated nations of pan-Europe, Germany and France
What was the effect of the rise of Adolf Hitler to the post of German chancellery in 1933?
a) the definitive end of the European harmony
b) rebirth of the monster of nationalism in its worst form
Whose opinions were consulted in the United States of Europe by Eduoard Herriot?
a) countries of the continent
b) Great Britain
Where does the association mainly take place according to the speech of Briand on Geneva (Sept 5, 1929)?
In the economic domain
What sort of bond should exist between the nations geographically gathered as Europe?
Federal Bond
European Atomic Energy Community
What countries were the new two superpowers?
United States and Soviet Union
Because of the European integration, ___ was guaranteed
How did the two world wars began?
European civil wars
What was the official name of the Marshall Plan?
European Recovery Program
What are the two objects of the Marshall Plan?
a) to foster economic development in a destroyed Europe
b) to impede the extension of communism
What is Benelux?
It is the customs union of Belgium, the Netherlands
In what year was NATO founded?
What was the goal of the Council of Europe?
To incite political cooperation among European countries
When was Western European Union founded?
What was reinforced in the European Defence Community?
It implies a strong military and political integration
What was the proposal of the French government to be taken immediately to eliminate the age-old opposition of France and Germany?
Franco-German production of coal and steel be placed under a common High Authority within the framework of an organisation open to the participation of the other countries of Europe.
What was the preamble of the treaty that allowed the establishment of the EEC?
Determine to lay the foundations of an ever-closer union among the people of Europe
What was formed in the Treaty of Rome?
The Treaty of Rome brought about the creation of the European Economic Community
What were the countries brought together by the Treaty of Rome?
Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg
What was established in the Treaty of Paris?
European Coal and Steel Community
What is the goal of the Community Agricultual Policy?
a) guarantee sufficient resources to European farmers
b) avoid competition from third countries’ products by guaranteeing agricultural prices
True or False
Economic Integration was the only practical way to achieve political union
What does the failure of the European Defence Community tell us?
The political and military union was still a utopian objective
Who presided over the conference in Messina (Italy) in 1955?
Paul Henri Spaak
When was the exact date of the European construction?
March 25, 1957
What was the result of the conference in Messina (Italy)?
a) signed the Treaties of Rome
b) established the European Economic Community
c) established the European Atomic Energy Community
European Atomic Energy Community
Who signed in behalf of France in the Treaty of Rome?
Christian Pineau
Who signed for Netherlands in the Treaty of Rome?
Joseph Luns
Who signed for Belgium in the Treaty of Rome?
Paul Henri Spaak
Who signed for Luxembourg in the Treaty of Rome?
Joseph Bach
Who signed for Italy in the Treaty of Rome?
Antonio Segni
Who signed for Germany in the Treaty of Rome?
Konrad Adenauer
When did the full implementation of the Treaty of Rome took place?
Januray 1, 1958
Who ratified the treaties signed during the conference in Messini?
The National Parliament
European Agricultual Guidance and Guarantee Fund
Is EEC a customs union?
It is known as the Common Market
European Economic Community
Common Agricultural Policy
What was the goal of the common market?
a) abrogate the tariffs among EEC states
b) establishment of a common tariff from all products coming from third countries
c) free circulation of goods
It is a free market of agricultural products inside the protectionist policies
Community Agricultural Policy
What is the goal of the Community Agricultual Policy?
a) guarantee sufficient resources to European farmers
b) avoid competition from third countries’ products by guaranteeing agricultural prices
When was the Single European Act?
This was a definitive boost to establish a genuine unified market
Single European Act
When was the European Union Treaty
What was established in order to finance the the Common Agircultural Policy?
European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund
When was EAGGF established?
It meant the free circulation of goods
Common Market
What are the other three policies included in the Treaty of Rome?
a) prohibition of monopolies
b) transport common policies
c) grant of some commercial privileges to colonial member states
A realistic and gradual approach to building the European union was personified by __________
Jean Monnet
How was the new strategy by Jean Monnet different from the method of the EDC?
The new strategy adopts a process of integration that gradually incorporated diverse economic sectors that established supranational institutions with increasing political competences.
It was later known as European Parliament
European Assembly
EEC from its birth was based on a series of institutions namely : _______, __________, __________, __________
a) European Commission
b) European Assembly (European Parliament)
c) Court of Justice
d) Economic and Social Committee
True or False
The process put in motion in which a progressive economic integration paved the way for a political union in the long run
European Coal and Steel Community
Treaty of Rome
European Economic Community
European Atomic Energy Community
Merger Treaty (merges the administrative and legislative bodies of the 3 European communities
Single European Act
Treaty of Maastricht
Treaty of Amsterdam
Treaty of Nice
Treaty of Lisbon
What was created under Brussels Treaty?
Western Union Defence Organisation
What was created under Paris Treaty?
European Coal and Steel Community
What treaty changed WUDO to WEU?
Modified Brussels Treaty
What are the three pillars of European Union?
European Community (Supranational)
Common Foreign and Security Policy (Intergovernmental)
Justice and Home Affairs (Intergovernmental)
Terrorism, Radicalism, Extremism and Violence Internationally
What was created under the Single European Act?
European Political Cooperation
What year was the Schengen Treaty created?
What was created under the Maastricht Treaty?
Justice and Home Affairs (JHA)
Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP)
When was the Modified Brussels Treaty implemented?