history of health Flashcards
prehistoric causes and treatments
causes- bodily invasion by evil spirits, supernatural possession, sorcery
treatments-trephination, geogaphy, exorcism
ancient greece
-rejected focus of supernatural
- hippocrates- humoral theory:
1. phlegm- cold, headaches- hot baths, warm food
2. blood- angina, epilepsy- blood letting
3. black bile- hepatitis, ulcers- hot baths
4. yellow bile- stomach, jaundice- blood letting, liquid diet
middle ages
explained by quasi-religous causes e.g. punishment by god
treatment lay with the church- exorcism, torture etc
partially due to fact taht church didnt allow dissection
illness thought on biological terms
- developed 1st microscope
- william harvey- blood circulation and heart function, heart doesnt produce blood, it pumps it
19th century
- germ theory- louis pasteur- bacteria and viruses cause illness, micro-organisms, development of biological treatments e.g. penicilin
- smallpox vaccination- edward jenner- smallpox gave immunity to cowpox as it was a weaker strain
biomedical model
- disease has biological origin, ppl= biological machines
- reductionist- reduced to only biological, ignores psycho-social