History Of Food Microbiology Flashcards
Evidence that the Babylonians manufactured beer( fermentation)
Wine appeared in about?
3500 Bc
In early civilization and even today underdeveloped countries where modern sanitation is lacking.. What are more safer beverage to consume???
Alcoholic beverage like wine and beer because the water is often contaminated with intestinal microorganism that causes cholera, dysentery and other serious diseases.
The first apparent reference to food spoilage in recorded history
- Bc
3000 Bc Egyptians manufacture?
Cheese fermentation and butter fermentation low aw.
Fermented foods such as cheese and sour milk(yogurt) were safer to eat and resisted spoilage better than their?
Raw agriculture counterparts.
Several culture also used these to perserve meat and other foods.
Salt( low aw)
1000bc Romans ?
Snow to perserve shrimp( low temp), records of smoke and fermented meats also appear
Early humans belief that living formed?
Spontaneously from nonliving matter( theory of spontaneous generation)
Francesco Redi
An Italian physician demonstrated that maggots on putrefying meat did not arise spontaneously but we’re instead the larval stage of flies( put meat in container capped with fine gauze so that flies could not get access to deposit eggs
First step away from the doctrine of spontaneous generation ?
Francesco Redi
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Described bacteria through a microscope and is justifiably regarded as the person who discovered the microbial world
Tried to disprove the theory of spontaneous generation of life by demonstrating that beef broth which was boiled and then sealed remained sterile. Supporters of the theory discounted his work because they believed his treatment excluded O2, which they brought was vital to spontaneous generation
Nicholas appert
Was issued the patent after showing that meat could be preserved when it was placed in glass bottle and boiled. This was the beginning of food preservation by canning.
Demonstrated that healed infusions remain sterile in the presence of air.( which he passed on through heated coils), again to disprove spontaneous generation.
First person to really understand the causal relationship between microorganism in infusion
Louis Pasteur convinced the scientific world that all fermentative processes were caused by microorganisms and that specific types of fermentation( e.g alcoholic l, lactic or butyric) were the result of specific types of microorganisms
In 1857 he showed that souring milk was caused by microbes
Louis Pasteur
1860 he demonstrated that heat destroyed undesirable microbes in wine and beer.
Louis Pasteur
Later the process used by heat that Pasteur discovered is called??
Pasture is known as the founder of ?
Food microbiology and microbiological science.
He disproven spontaneous generation
Louis Pasteur, demonstrated that air doesn’t have to be heated to remain sterile using his famous swan necked flasks that finally disproved….