History - Nazi Germany Flashcards
What was Hitlers involvement in WW1?
During WW1, Hitler served as a Gefreiter (Lance Corporal) in the Bavarian Army
What was the name of the party that Hitler was asked to spy on?
The National Socialist German Workers’ Party
What did Hitler do to the name of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party?
He changed it to the Nazi Party but this still stands
When/what was the Spartacist Rising?
1919 - The members of the Spartacist League were communists (LEFT WING) who wanted a revolution for Germany - The government ordered the Freikorps to crush them - Leaders were executed for their part in the rising
When/what was the Kapp Putsch?
1920 - The leader of the Freikorps, Wolfgang Kapp, attempted to seize power using the Freikorps - Workers went on a general strike to protest and managed to stop this uprising
When/what was the Red Rising?
1920 - A communist army of around 50,000 workers occupied the Ruhr - The army and the Freikorps crushed them with a loss of around 1000 communists.
When/what was the Munich Putsch?
1923 - Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party of around 50,000 members and their own private army (the SA) wanted to seize power - There plan was to take over the government and set up a new one in Munich - Poor planning meant that it failed so Hitler and other Nazi leaders were arrested and sent to prison
What is a communist?
People who follow a theory of society in which money and property is shared equally among citizens
What were the Freikorps?
An organisation of ex-army members who were anti-communist
Whats a putsch?
A sudden, armed uprising, a political revolt
Who were the SA?
Set up in 1921 by Hitler to disrupt and intimidate opponents of the Nazi’s - The SA (stormtroopers or brownshirts) were primarily made up of ex-soldiers and members of the Freikorps
What is a colony?
Countries or areas of land occupied and ruled by another country
What is hyperinflation?
Inflation is when prices increase, so more money is needed to pay for the same things - hyperinflation is where this get completely out of hand and prices rise enormously
What is passive resistance?
Opposing government action in a non-violent way - refusing to co-operate and staging strikes
The Munich Putsch was a failure in the short term but in the long term, it was a success for the Nazi’s, why?
- Hitlers trial was publicised all around Germany which made him a household name
- He was sentenced to five years in prison but only spent 9 months
- While in prison he wrote a book called Mein Kampf which set out his key beliefs and how he wanted to achieve them
Name 4 methods of control through terror
- The SS (Schutzzstaffel/ protection squad)
- The Gestapo
- Local Wardens
- The Police
Name 4 methods of control through propaganda
- Films
- Books
- Newspapers
- Radio
Who was Himmler?
Himmler was the head of all police in Nazi Germany and he controlled German people by using terror - His goal was to scare the German people into following the Nazi message
Who was Goebbels?
Goebbels was put in charge of Nazi propaganda - His goal was to persuade the German people to follow the Nazi message
What was the Concordat?
The Catholic church and Hitler signed an agreement (the concordat) - The Catholic church would not interfere in politics and the Nazi’s would leave the Catholic church alone
What was the Reich Church?
The Protestant church that was brought under Nazi control - The Reich church was set up and pastors had to swear loyalty to Hitler
What was the Confessional Church?
People who didn’t want to join the Reich Church had to join the Confessional Church
Who were the Edelweiss Pirates?
The Edelweiss Pirates (Edelweißpiraten) were a loosely organised group of youth in Nazi Germany. They emerged in western Germany out of the German Youth Movement of the late 1930’s in response to the strict regimentation of the Hitler Youth.
Who led the White Rose group?
Hans Scholl and Sophie Scholl