History Medieval Medicine Flashcards
Name a feature of medieval towns
Thatched roofs
Tightly packed houses
Name a feature of a medieval village
Thatched roofs
Name a theory about the Black Death
Miasma(bad air)
Caused by sin
What was a midden
A pile of rubbish in the back of homes
What is a privy
A medieval toilet
What is a raker
Someone who was paid to clean the streets
What is a gongfermer
Someone who is paid to clean privies of the poo and give it to farmers
What is a water carrier
Someone who is Paid to carry water from the conduit and sell it door to door
What is a conduit
A fountain
What did the monasteries do to help the Black Death
They built conduits
They cared for the sick and gave them food and water
What did people drink
Small beer with a few drinking water
I hate was mainly in the peasants diet
Fruit and veg
What was in the monarchs diet
What a reason the black plague spread so fast
People would run to another village when theirs got infected unintentionally carrying the disease
Government doing basically nothing
What did the kind do to help the Black Death
Basically nothing only sent a letter telling the mayor of London to clean up but never I forced it
What did butchers do to improve public health
Start a guild where all meet would have to be examined
What is a drover
Someone who would transport animals into and out of the towns
Where were animals kept in winter in medieval villages
Inside the house
What could be found in the thatched roofs
Rats flees cats and dogs