History lvl 2 Flashcards
Body of land surrounded by water on three sides
Direct democracy
Form of government in which all citizens participate in majority rules
Representative Democracy
Government in which the citizens are represented by others to make political decisions
Culture made-up of Greek, Persian, Egyptian, and Indian styles and customs
Greek city state that prided itself on education and well rounded citizens
Separation of powers
Idea used in Ancient Greece and the USA to divide the government into 3 branches
Greek city state in which the primary goal was military and strength
earliest Greek civilization that had developed on the islands of Crete/Greece by between ~3000-1500’s B.C.E.
Reliant on trade and fishing as important industries
The first Greek-speaking people; invaded Minoans; dominated Greek mainland between ~1600 B.C. to 1100’s B.C.E.; warlike; involved in Trojan War against Troy
A democratic Greek polis who accomplished many cultural achievements, such as creating currency for trade, and who were constantly at war with Sparta
king of Sparta and hero of the battle of Thermopylae where he was killed by the Persians (died in 480 BC)
Cyrus the great
king of Persia and founder of the Persian empire (circa 600-529 BC)
son of the Persian king Darius; became Persian king. He vowed revenge on the Athenians. He invaded Greece with 180,000 troops in 480 B.C.
Alexander the great
Between 334 and 323 B.C.E. he conquered the Persian Empire, reached the Indus Valley, founded many Greek-style cities, and spread Greek culture across the Middle East. He was also believed to be one of the strongest warriors alive
Persian war
A series of wars between the Greeks and the Persians where the Greek city-states fought together to defeat the Persians.
Peloponnese war
(431-404 BCE) The war between Athens and Sparta that in which Sparta won, but left Greece as a whole weak and ready to fall to its neighbors to the north.
Around what year did Minoan culture begin
Around 3000 BCE
Did the Mionoans or the Myceans focus on trade?
Around what time where the Mycenaean formed around?
1600 to 1100 B.C.
Civilization fractured and created the rise of city states
In what war did Sparta defeat Athens?
The Peloponnese war
In which war did Alexander the great fight in?
Persian war
In which war did the greeks fight against the
Persian war
what war did the Athenians fight in?
The peloponese war
How old was Alexander when he took control of the Macedonian Greek Army?
Age 20
How old was Alexander the great when he died?
Age 32
Alexander forged the largest ________ of his time