History (King JOhn and Richards reign). Flashcards
Who was king Richard the l ?
Richard was King of England between 1189-1199.
He is most well known for going on the Third Crusade
Who was king John ?
John was King of England between 1199-1216.
He is most well known for signing the Magna Carta in 1216.
Who was Henry the ll ?
The father of King Richard and King John.
He died in 1189
Who was Eleanor of Aquitaine?
Who was King Philip II of France?
Who was William Marshal?
Who was Pope Gregory VIII?
Who was Stephen Langton?
Who was Pope Innocent III?
The mother of Richard and John.
Eleanor was a powerful lady who owned a lot of land in France.
The King of France between 1180-1223.
He started going on Crusade with King Richard and battled with King John over land in France.
A very important Baron
He supports Richard in becoming King
He was responsible for calling the Third Crusade in 1187
He was elected as Archbishop of Canterbury in 1205 by Pope Innocent III against John’s wishes
He was responsible for putting England in an Interdict and excommunication King John
What does hierarchy mean?
What were the four main ranks in the system?
A way of organising society by authority levels, the most important person at the top King Tenants-in-Chief Knights Peasants
What was the King’s role in the system?
What was the tenants-in-chief- role in the system?
What were the peasants’ role in the system?
He granted land and tax concessions
Provided peace, law, protection in return for loyalty and service
They granted land and privileges to Knights
Assisting and advising the government
They worked on the land that was owned by their Lord
What were the three types of peasants in the feudal system?
What was the Royal Demesne?
What were two features of Knight Service?
i. Freeman, paid rent for their land but could move
ii. Villein, a peasant who was the property of their lord and couldn’t move
iii. Cottar, a peasant who held a cottage with a small piece of land
The land that was owned and kept by the King
i. To serve in the King’s army for at least two months, they had to provide their own resources
ii. To perform up to 40 days’ service in guarding the lord’s castle and in training
What were two features of Labour service?
How did forfeiture help the feudal system function properly?
i. They had to work for their overlords by collecting the harvest for farming the land
ii. They didn’t owe military service as it was the duty of their Lord to protect them
It meant that if a vassal didn’t perform as he promised to in his oath, then his land would be taken away
How important was religion in the medieval world?
What religion were the majority of people in Western Europe?
Who was the Pope?
Did Kings in individual countries have a say over religion?
What were two features of how the Church was structured?
Very, it was at the center of most people’s lives
The Pope was the head of the Catholic Church, as God’s representative on Earth
They expected to have a say in the appointment of key individuals
i. The Archbishop of Canterbury supervised the clergy in England
Ii.The bishops managed an area called a diocese and the priests and monks in it
What were two features of how the Church worked as a part of the feudal system?
Why did the clergy have conflict of interests?
When would a pope use punishments such as Interdict and Excommunication?
i. Care for the spiritual welfare of the people by making sure they followed the Church’s teachings
ii. The Church owned about 20% of the land in England, they had to perform duties to keep it
The clergy saw the pope as their supreme overlord whereas the King expected complete loyalty from them
If they felt that a serious crime against the Church had been committed.
What were the main problems faced?
What was the difference between a villein and a freeman?
What was the manorial estate?
What was the purpose of the reeve?
How were fields organised?
What was the most profitable industry in the 13th century?
People struggled to provide for their families
A villein worked for the overlord and the freeman rented land from the overlord
Villages that surrounded a manor house in which the lord of the manor lived
An official chosen from the villeins to supervise the farm work
Into fallows and strips
What role did animals play in the lives of peasants?
What were two features of peasant housing?
What were two features of peasant labour?
What were two features of life for peasant women and children?
They could be used for produce (milk) or to graze the land
i. They were made of wooden strips woven together and plastered with manure
ii. They lived in one room with very little furniture
i. They worked from dawn until dusk
ii. They used very basic equipment
i. Women had to take care of the house and family
ii. Children didn’t go to school, when they were old enough they would go work with their father
What were two features of leisure time for peasants?
i. They had days off for festivals, these were often Christian festivals
ii. Festivals included sports like wrestling and ale drinking competitions
Which two forms of employment could be found in towns?
What was the purpose of the town charter?
What did London look like during the 13th century?
What were the features of the town guilds?
What were at least two ways that towns played a role in the economy?
Traders and farmers
It granted freedom from the control of the local lord
It was split into wards and each one had their own elected alderman, who took responsibility for it
i. Tradesmen had unrestricted rights to trade in the town
ii. Members had to pay entrance fees and guarantee they would pay their taxes
i. Trade was controlled by tolls, which was when money had to be paid on things that were bought and sold
ii. To have a market stall, traders had to pay a fee to town officials
What were the features of leisure time for people who lived in towns?
They had fairs on important days in the Christian calendar
These included selling luxury goods but also sports like archery
What were two features of the legal status of Jews?
Why did Christians not like usury?
Why were there pogroms against the Jewish people during 1189 and 1190?
How did Richard and John exploit the Jewish people for tax?
i. They had legal protection from the King
ii. They didn’t have to pay taxes
They weren’t allowed to charge interest on loans, but Jews were
i. Christians regarded money lending as unchristian
ii. Jews were accused of being Christ killers
iii. Some Christians felt that the Jewish gift to the King was an insult
i. They had to pay a large amount towards Richard’s ransom
ii. John charged them £2,700 for the rights outlined in his 1201 Charter
What was Richard known as and how did he develop that nickname?
What two good reasons did Richard have for his claim to the throne?
Lionheart, he was a successful warrior
i. Richard was the oldest surviving son
ii. He successfully controlled lands in France