History *in progress Flashcards
belief before the dawn of history
“sickness is caused by evil forces”
belief before the dawn of history
“sickness is a punishment from the Gods”
beliefs before the dawn of history
there are recorded practices of this (popularity of shamans, herbolarios, and priests)
remedy before the dawn of history
“offer sacrifices like food and prayers”
remedy practice before the dawn of history
prayers may be spoken softly or as incantation (either sung or very personally engrossed)
remedy practice before the dawn of history
incantation is sometimes accompanied by dancing or significantly loud as to be heard by the gods
remedy before the dawn of history
use of natural resources like plants, mud, other minerals, or even animal parts
history periods of pharmacy
Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modern Europe
first history period of pharmacy
Ancient Babylon
under Antiquity
is an empire and the center of Mesopotamian civilization for nearly 2 millenniums
is located about 66 miles to 100 kilometers south of Baghdad in modern day Iraq
modern day Iraq
was the ancient city of Babylon
jewel of ancient Mesopotamia
cradle of civilization
has the earliest known record of practice of the art of apothecary
Babylon Practitioners
2600 BC
Babylon Practitioners
priests, pharmacists, and physicians (all in one)
Ancient Babylon
priests were important members of the King’s group or the royal group in general
Clay Tablets of Mesopotamia
under Ancient Babylon (Antiquity)
Clay Tablets of Mesopotamia
800 Tablets
Clay Tablets of Mesopotamia
thin mud paperlike medical texts
Clay Tablets of Mesopotamia
record of the symptoms of illness, the prescription and directions for compounding, then an invocation to the gods
Clay Tablets of Mesopotamia
prescriptions contain the formula of medicine with different ingredients and respective quantities
Clay Tablets of Mesopotamia
contains the different prayers
Ancient China
under Antiquity
Shen Nung
2000 BC
Shen Nung
under Ancient China (Antiquity)
Shen Nung
Father of Chinese Pharmaceutics
Shen Nung
emperor who investigated the medicinal value of herbs
Shen Nung
tasted more than 800 herbs
Shen Nung
wrote a book entitled Pen Ts’ao
Pen Ts’ao
The Botanical Basis of Pharmacy
Pen Ts’ao
native herbals
Pen Ts’ao
recording 365 drugs
Pen Ts’ao
many of the medicinal plants included here are still recognized in pharmacy practice today
Podophyllum, Rhubarb, Ginseng, Stramonium, Cinnamon Bark, and Ma Huang or Ephreda
some medicinal plants included in Pen Ts’ao still recognized today
antioxidant; for erectile dysfunction
anti-cough; bronchial asthma
Cinnamon Bark
vehicle of medicaments; solubilizing agent
Ma Huang or Ephedra
anti-cough; bronchial asthma
Lao Tzu
500 BC
Lao Tzu
under Ancient China (Antiquity)
Lao Tzu
a Taoist & natural philosopher
Lao Tzu
associated with complementary medicine
Lao Tzu
author of The Way
Lao Tzu
promoted concept of health and prosperity through awareness and observance of natural cosmic cycles
Lao Tzu
advocated Qi (energy)
Qi (energy)
balance of Yin and Yang
Qi (energy)
now known as complementary medicine
Ancient Egypt
under Antiquity
Papyrus Ebers
under Ancient Egypt (Antiquity)
Papyrus Ebers
1500 BC
Papyrus Ebers
made during the civilization in ancient northeast africa
Papyrus Ebers
oldest, best known and most important pharmaceutical record
Papyrus Ebers
written in a thin piece tablet
Papyrus Ebers
21 yards (60 feet) long
Papyrus Ebers
contains 800 prescriptions and 700 drugs in total (with preparation and formulas)
Egyptian preparations
gargles, suppositories, inhalations, poultices, ointments
Biblical Records
1200 BC
Biblical Records
under Antiquity
Biblical Records
where to find the recordings of medicinal plants used in the Bible
Biblical Record
Book of Sirach
Book of Sirach
where to find the creation of medicines by God
Biblical Record
where to find the classification of myrrh as astringent, carminative, and protectant
Biblical Record
where to find the mention of olibanum (frankincense)
gift of the three kings who went to look for baby Jesus
Ancient Greece
under Antiquity
460 BC
under Ancient Greece (Antiquity)
Father of Medicine
ancient turkey
under antiquity