What is a homestead
It is a place where a family lives
It can be big with more than 1 family or it can be small with a single family
Where does the head/chief of a homestead live
In the Great hut and his wives lives in huts close to the great hut
What does a homestead include
Cattle Kraal Huts Grain and food stores Grain and food pits Kitchen Meeting area
What is a village
It is a group of homesteads
What resources does villages have
Wood Water Good Soil Stones Iron
What are the main crops
Name other crops
Sweet potatoes
What was the role of the woman can girls
They planted, weeded and harvested
They stored harvested crops in their huts
What is a hoe
It is a tool used to dig out weeds
Where are the underground pits
Need the great hut
What is grain used for
For visitors and special celebrations
What did they use to grind the grain into flour
Grinding stones
What did they do to grain stores when they need grain
They made a hole in the side of the grain store
Why did they keep the grain stores closed
To keep insects and rats out
What did they close the grain stores hole with
Cow dung and mud
How many grain stores did each hut have
What is livestock
Animals like goats, cattle and sheep
Where did the cattle stay
in the cattle kraal
why did the cattle stay in the cattle kraal
To keep them safe from wild animals
What animals were the most important
What did the boys and men do during the day
They took the animals to the grazing lands
What was the roles of woman and girls
Made beer Work in the fields Plaster the walls and floors of the huts Made pottery Weaved baskets Cook
Who did the girls learn from
From the older woman
What did the woman have to do for the girls
They had to prepare them for initiation ceremonies and marriage
What was the roles of men and boys
They killed animals for food (Hunted) Skinned animals Made leather shoes and clothes Made weapons Made huts and stone walls Thatched the roofs Looked after the animals (Herding)
Why are cattle important
It is a sign of wealth. Owning cattle was like having money
They are important for food and clothes
They were needed for lobola
What is lobola
It is the payment in cattle to the bride’s family
Who had the most power and cattle
The chief
Why did the chief have many cattle
Because many cattle meant many wives and many wives meant many children and many children meant more people to work on the land to make the man richer
What did rich farmers sometimes do
They lent cattle to poor men. The poor men used the cattle for milk and kept some of the calves. In this way poor families could build up their own herd
What is copper and iron
It is metals
Where can you find copper and iron
In certain rocks
What is copper and iron used for
To make tools or weapons
What can copper also be used for
For wire, beads and jewellery
Why is copper important
It is important for trade
What are iron axes used for
To cut trees
What are hoes used for
To dig soil and plant seeds
What are iron weapons used for
To hunt animals
What are weapons used for
For war.
Who worked with iron
The men. The woman were not allowed in the iron working area
How long can it take to make 1 hoe or spear with iron
10 days. It is a long and difficult process
How did they make weapons
- Women collect rocks with iron
- Iron workers burn the iron and charcoal it in a furnace
- They used bellows to blow air in the furnace to make the fire hotter
- Heat makes the iron melt out of the rock. The workers collect the small pieces of iron and the bottom of the furnace
- They beat the lumps of iron into shape of a tool of weapon
What does forging mean
Iron is heated up repeatedly to make it softer and purer
What does smelting mean
To heat rocks to make iron melt out of the rock
Who make pottery
The woman
Where did the woman get the clay for the pottery
from the ground
What did they do with the pots after they made it.
They baked it in the fire to make them stronger
What was pottery used for
To carry water
To cook food
To store grain
To drink and eat out of
What were thick pots used for
For cooking
What were other pots used for
Pouring liquids
Did the Tswana women and the Nguni women make the same style of pots
No they made different styles of pots
What is the Lydenburg heads
Its a collection of pottery objects found near Lydenburg
What were Lydenburg heads used for
It was part of an initiation ceremony and after the ceremony the head were smashed and buried under ground. It was bad luck to keep this kind of pottery after the ceremony was over.
How old are the Lydenburg heads
About 1500 years old
What does tea of the African wormwood plant help with
Treats coughs and colds
What does the Cancer bush help with
Digestion problems Cancer Loss of appetite Liver problems Heart problems
What does the Buchu Plant help with
Stomach ache - chew fresh leaves
Bladder problems - make tea
Aching bones and back pains - take a hot bath with leaves
What is a herbalist
A person who makes medicines from plants
What are South African herbalists called
How can plants heal people
Parts of plants are put on cuts and wounds
Plants boiled in water for tea
Plants dried and made into powder. Breath powder up the nose
Plants were burnt. People healed by breathing in smoke
What are people in South Africa who heal sick people with spiritual powers called
What do herbalists do to help sangomas
They help them to use the right medicine to treat illnesses
What is a furnace
A special oven or fire place
Who are farmers
People who grow crops and keep animals
What is a clan
A group of people with common male ancestors led by a chief
What does smithing mean
To make things from metal
What does barter mean
A way of trading that does not use money
What is a tribute
Giving leaders food or other gifts as a kind of tax
What is thatching
Using grass to make a roof
What are crops
Plants that people grow in fields for food and other uses
What is a Chiefdom
A group of clans
What is the Khoisan
A mixed group of San and Khoikhoi people
What are bellows
Bags made from cattle skin
What are initiation ceremonies
Events to celebrate children becoming adults
What is iron ore
Rock that contains iron
What is charcoal
Burnt wood that is very hot
Who is the chief
The leader of a homestead