History Final Flashcards
history final :p
When did WW1 start and end?
What were the underlying causes of WW1?
A. Nationalism – an extreme pride or devotion that people feel for their country or culture
B. Imperialism – policy of extending the rule of one country over other countries or colonies
C. Militarism – the policy of military preparedness and building up weapons
D. Alliances – partnerships formed for protection in which each partner agreed to come to the aid of another
partner if attacked by an aggressor
Who were the big three during WW1?
Woodrow Wilson of the USA, David Lloyd George of Britain, Georges Clemenceau of France
What empire was greatly affected after WW1?
German Empire
How much did Germany have to pay in war reparations?
$40 billion
When was the armistice to WW1 (treaty to end war) signed?
Nov. 11th , 1918 - on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918
Zimmerman Note (1917) (WW1)
British agents seize a telegram from a German foreign secretary, to
Mexico. It asked Mexico to ally with Germany and to fight against the United States in hopes of
gaining back land lost during the Mexican-American War.
Balkan Crisis
the spark that began the events leading to World War I
A. Serbia(supported by Russia) wished to strengthen and build upon its empire by taking a portion of Austro-
Hungarian territory which contained many Serbians
B. Austria-Hungary(supported by Germany) would not allow this and contemplated annexing Serbia into the
Austro-Hungarian Empire
Triple Entente (WW1)
- Forged to help create a balance of power after the formation of the Triple Alliance
- Set up by Great Britain
- Alliance included Great Britain, France, and Russia
- Entente is a French word meaning “understanding”
Triple Alliance (WW1)
- Set up by the German Empire and the German Chancellor – Otto Von Bismarck
- Alliance included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy(*would later leave alliance)
The Versailles Treaty (WW1)
- League of Nations was established to avoid future World conflict
- The defeated powers could not take part in the treaty making process
- Germany was made to pay $40 billion in war reparations
- Germany was forced to reduce it’s military arsenal (army and navy)
- Many German provinces, acquired during the Age of Imperialism, were now mandated to the Allied
nations - The Big Three – name for the Allied leaders who negotiated the Treaty of Versailles
Woodrow Wilson – USA / David Lloyd George – Great Britain / Georges Clemenceau - France
nonbinding agreement to follow.
glorification of the military.
Alsace and Lorraine
provinces on the border of Germany and France, lost by France to Germany in 1871.
final set of demands.
prepare military forces for war.
policy of supporting neither side in a war.
deadlock in which neither side is able to defeat the other.
large gas filled balloon.
German submarine.
group of merchant ships protected by warships.
vital strait connecting the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea in present-day Turkey.
T.E. Lawrence
British archaeologist, army officer, diplomat, and writer.
total war
channeling of a nation’s entire resources into a war effort.
“the draft” which required all young men to be ready for military or other service.
during wartime, military supplies and raw materials needed to make military supplies that may legally be confiscated by any belligerent.
British liner torpedoed by a German submarine in May of 1915.
spreading of ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause.
horrible act committed against innocent people.
Fourteen Points
list of terms for resolving World War 1 and future wars outlined by American President Woodrow Wilson in January 1918.
right of people to choose their own form of government.
agreement to end fighting in a war.
spread of a disease across a large world area, country, continent, or the entire world.
payment for war damage, or damage caused by imprisonment.
people who want to make extreme changes.
collective security
system in which a group of nations acts as one to preserve the peace of all
Colonial area to be ruled by an “advanced nation” until its inhabitants were judged to be fit for self-government.
working class.
council of workers and soldiers set up by Russian revolutionaries in 1917.
early secret soviet police force.
communist party official assigned to the army to teach party principles and ensure party loyalty during the Russian revolution.
When did the United States declare war in WW1?
The power to declare war is held by the:
WW1 was fought between?
Allies & Central powers
Much of the fighting in WW1 was concentrated along a 600 mile line of trenches stretching across:
The president of the U.S. during WW1 was?
Woodrow Wilson
Who was Germany’s ally in WW1?
Who was the country that opposed Germany on the Eastern Front?
Who was Theodore Roosevelt in WW1?
A colonel in France
When the U.S. declared war on Germany, the American people:
Supported the declaration.
Country whose opposition to Germany weakened after a revolution in 1917 deposed the Romanov family.
He made repeated efforts between 1914 and 1917 to keep the U.S. out of war
Woodrow Wilson
Country that had spies and agents in the U.S. to disrupt shipments to the Allies in Europe
Message sent by Germany to Mexico promising the latter Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona in return for its support.
City near which the German offensive of 1914 was halted after making early gains
Type of war waged in Europe in which neither side could win a significant advantage.
Trench Warfare
Expression referring to the dangerous area located between Allied and enemy trenches
No mans Land
Country that felt its security would be threatened if the Central Powers were victorious.
British passenger liner that went down with 128 Americans aboard after being torpedoed by a U-boat.
Germany’s practice of sinking unarmed neutral vessels without warning
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Who were the Allied Powers in WW1?
Russia, France, Great Britain, United States, Italy, and Japan
The Versailles Treaty required that Germany:
Where was the Fourteen points presented and by who?
Versailles conference, Woodrow Wilson.
Contributing to unrest in eastern Europe was a nationalist movement known as:
Pan Slavism
What was the spark that exploded the “Balkan Powder Keg”
the assassination of Archduke Franz in Saravejo.
What organization did the U.S. never join?
League of Nations
After WW1 Italy :
Did not receive all the territory it wanted.
Narrow section of land that allowed one of Germany’s neighbors access to the Baltic Sea
Polish Corridor
Who was the French premier that sought to destroy Germany’s military capability for all time?
George Clemenceau
What plan required that France be eliminated before Russia so that Germany would not have to fight on two fronts @ once?
Schlieffen Plan
National Self-Determination
The right of people to choose their own government.
What happened at the Washington Naval Conference?
The Allied Powers (France, Great Britain, Russia) agreed to limit the size of their navies.
When did Italy join Germany and Austria-Hungary in the Triple Alliance?
After settling conflicts over territorial claims, in 1907 Britain, France & Russia formed the ______________
Triple Entente
Alfred Thayer Mahan argued that the key to world power was?
Sea Power
Among the Versailles Treaty provisions that angered Germans was the ________
Fourteen Points.
Central Powers
Alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, The Ottoman Empire, and later Bulgaria
Pan Slavism
Nationalist movement in the Balkan Peninsula
Who was considered the “Father of Communism”
In the mid-1930’s Stalin used the “_____ _____” to arrest or put to death thousands of party officials, army officers, and factory managers that he thought were “enemies of the people”; millions of people were sent by the secret police to labor camps.
Great Purge