History Ff-up Questions Flashcards
Psychosocial Hx (Psycho Hx)
Mood, Sleep, Appetite
Suicide, Hallucinations, Delusions
Cognition, Judgement, Insight
Psychosocial Hx (Social Hx)
Drugs and Alcohol
Sex Hx
Mood Qs
How is your mood lately?
How long has been since you’ve been feeling this way?
Was there any event you think could have made this worse?
Sleep Qs
How is your sleep been?
Problem falling asleep or Waking up in the middle of the night and difficult falling back asleep?
Appetite Qs
How is your appetite been? Any weight Changes
Suicide Qs
Have you thought about harming yourself or others? (Suicidal)
Previous attempts? -> How? (Ask for method)
Have you already planned it?
Have you made preparations?
(Materials/Equipment, Letters)
Did you already decide on a date?
Hallucination Qs
Do you see, feel, or hear things that other people don’t?
Hear Some voices
What do you hear? Are they talking to you? Any commands?
if See - What do you see?
if Feel - What do you feel?
Delusions Qs
Do you have any beliefs that other people found strange?
Control/Paranoid/Persecutory – Do you feel anyone is try to control you chase or want to harm you?
Jealousy - Have you ever felt jealous or do you feel people are jealous of you?
Reference Delusion – Do you feel that people are talking about you?
Grandiosity – Do you feel you have special powers?
Guilt – Do you feel Guilty?
Insight, Cognition, Judgement Qs
Do you think you need help?
Do you know who I am? Where you are? What time it is?
If there is a fire in this room what will you do?
Home Situation
Whom do you live with?
How is your relationship with them? Do they support you?
Stressors at home?
Education, Employment
Are you studying or Working?
Any stress from it?
Still enjoy doing things that you used to do before?
Drugs (MAD)
Do you take any Medications, drink alcohol or take any drugs?
Medications - Now or Before?
Sexual History
How is your sex life lately?
General KP’s in Basic Psych Hx
r/o Organic Questions
- Depression and Anxiety - Thyroid
- Psychosis and Mania - Brain Infection, Tumor, Trauma
- Weight Gain - Thyroid, Pregnancy, PCOS, Lifestyle
Previous Mental health illness or admission or medication
- Previous mental health issues? Medications? Compliance?
Explore Initial Complaint Qs
Confidentiality Statement
Timing Qs - Since? On/Off? Worse?
A&A - Anything that make it Better or Worse?
A - How is it affecting you?
Eating disorders
S - Make your self SICK because you feel uncomfortably full?
C - Worry about losing CONTROL over how much you eat?
O - Lost more that ONE stone (6 kgs) in 3 months?
F - Believe that you are FAT when other say you are thin?
F - FOOD dominates your life?