History, Exam and Menstruation Flashcards
Menstruation questions
How often do you menstruate and how long does it last e.g. 4/28.
Regular or irregular, any pain, discharge, abnormal bleeding.
PC and HPC
How long has the problem been present and how does it affect the patient. Rate complaints in order of severity and effect on life.
Sexual health and contraception questions
Is the patient sexually active, is it painful (dyspareunia), and what type of contraception is being used at the moment?
Cervical smear questions
When was the last one done and has it ever been abnormal. If yes what was done about it?
Should be every 3 years 25-49 and every 5 years 50-64 years.
Urinary and prolapse questions
Any dysuria, haematuria, frequency, nocturia, urgency, enuresis or leaking of urine. Is there ever a dragging sensation or mass felt in the vagina.
Past medical and obstetric history
Any previous gynaecological operations.
Have you ever been pregnant - when, weight and complications.
Drug history and allergies
Regular medication including oral contraceptives.
Family history
Especially of breast or ovarian carcinoma.
Social history
Ask about smoking and alcohol habits.
Also enquire about living arrangements.
General examination
General observations and weight.
Anaemia, lymphadenopathy and jaundice should be checked for.
Breast and axillary examination
Only routinely performed if examining for a potentially malignant pelvic mass. All 4 quadrants should be examined.
Abdominal examination
Inspect for scars, distribution of body hair, striae and hernias.
Palpate from the umbilicus to the pubic symphysis feeling for masses or tenderness.
Percuss for dullness associated with potential pelvic masses.
Vaginal inspection
The vulva and vagina are inspected for discolouration, ulcers, lumps or a prolapse.
Digital bimanual examination
Left hand on pubic symphysis and right hand examines
Cervix - the first part of the uterus - hard or irregular?
Uterus - size and shape of a small pear - size, consistency, regularity, mobility, anteversion or retroversion and tenderness.
Adnexa - lateral to the uterus containing Fallopian tubes and the ovaries - size, tenderness, consistency and masses?
Pouch of Douglas - behind the cervix - irregular or a mass?
Cusco’s speculum examination
Insert with blades closed and parallel to the labia.
Rotate 90 degrees, insert further and then open the blades.
Inspect for ulceration, spontaneous bleeding or irregularities.
Slowly close blades, rotate 90 degrees and withdraw speculum.