History Exam Flashcards
Black Death (definition+significance)
Ships arrived in Sicily with fleas transported on rats carrying the virus
Treated using bloodletting, folk medicine, magic+witchcraft
Symptoms: pain, cough, spit blood, boils
Death: 3-5 days, winter 1-3, if bitten directly hours. Death rate nearly 100%
Punishment from God
Social Effects
- Collapse of moral behaviour, some became pessimistic, feared the future
Others became preoccupied with pleasure + self indulgence
Question religion and church, pop. decline
Sanitation improves, technology develops
Economic Effects
Less ppl=agricultural production drops. Workers demand higher wages
Towns shrink, clergy depleted, trade reduced, food demand goes down price goes up, labour conditions improve
Rich get richer, economic power shift, construction boom
Led to end of feudal system
Historical Significance
- Many died and societal changes
- Took 150 yrs for society to recover. Strong survived, weeded out the weak
- Affected Europe, Asia, Africa
Changed peasant lives
Nicholas Copernicus
Hypothesis of the heliocentric view of the world, earth is not the centre of the universe instead of a geocentric view which was what was considered the norm
Man’s position in the universe is altered, degraded, no longer divine status
Idea of the universe as a machine, a mechanical universe
Three “G” of exploration
Wanted to extend their influence through exploration
Capitalist economy was just emerging, people were seeing new wealth from investment and trade
Missionaries from Spain and Portugal sought to spread religion
Was thought of a good enough justification of their exploration and colonization.
Felt it was their duty to spread Christianity and convert non-believers
Natives were views as savages, had a duty to govern them
Council of Trent
Catholic Reformation
Response to Martin Luther 95 Thesis
Condemned predestination, reaffirmed need for all 7 sacraments
Celibacy for priest, no accumulation of wealth, authority of the Pope, must be trained
Extreme questioning of people about their faith
Bans certain books
They failed to unite the church
Cannot reconcile with Protestants
Split remained
King Henry VIII
King of England
Initially advocated for Catholicism
First married Catherine of Aragon
When he could not get a divorce he asked the Pope for an annulment
Pope said no
Angry he passed laws weakening the power of the church in England
The Church of England was formed
He can now marry Anne Boleyn
He formed the Church of England
Changed England from Catholic to Protestant
Became head of church and country
Martin Luther
Troubled by the sale of indulgences and the way the church is being run
95 thesis
Grievances against the Church
Was excommunicated from the Church
Started protestantism
Led to the split of the Church
The Prince
Written by Machiavelli
Teach any leader how to hold onto power, political guide/manual
Writes to gain favour and restore reputation
Cruelty is acceptable if necessary, should appear good/merciful for own best interest, alienate enemy, fear earns respect, crush strong enemies
Queen Elizabeth I
Never married
Her passion became popular with the people
Time of peace and prosperity
had strong influence over the people
Returned England to Protestantism
Scientific Revolution
Creation and spread of new ideas and discoveries, application of mathematics ot the natural world
Kepler: Planets move in elliptical orbits, not Circles
Newton: Universal law of motion and law of gravity
Vesalius: First to dissect human bodies
Harvey: Showed how heart was a pump which circulated blood throughout body
Bacon: Developed Scientific Method
Descartes: Analytical geometry, provided new tools, scientific research
New ways to study the universe, no longer accepted the old views blindly
Salem Witch Trials
- Ppl were accused of witchcraft
- Many people were arrested and imprisoned
- 19 were hung, 1 pressed by large stones, 2 dogs killed
- Led by the Puritans
- Started by two girls acting strange and accused people of being witches, said only they could see them
- Ended when one girl accused the governor’s wife
- Showed the tensions in the village/town and the strict lifestyle of the Puritans
- Lots of accusations happened from old feuds and wanting land of neighbours
Emotion and reason are important to human development and sought balance
Women must learn obedience and skills necessary for being a mother and wife
More pessimistic
Humans are guided by self-preservation
Life of man is solitary, short, and nasty
Gov’t purpose is to impose law and order to prevent war
Gov’t should be an absolute monarchy
Gov’ts are designed to control, not necessarily to represent the people
Wanted change
Men exist in perfect equality and freedom
Natural rights and laws govern the state of nature (life, liberty, health and property) - given to them by God
Government purpose is to: secure natural rights, should be a representative democracy, to enlarge and preserve freedom
Where there is no law there is no freedom
Representation ensures gov’ts are responsible to the people and have consent of the governed
Enlightened Despotism
- Monarchs were dedicated to the rational strengthening of government administration to modernize the state
- Believes in their own self-interest that through enlightened policies they should foster greater prosperity and social progress
Government Reforms
To be efficient in administration and centralize decision making
Legal Reforms
A single law code
Codes reflected enlightened principles-all people declared citizens under the law
Punishment to fit the crime, prison reforms
State secured rights and established the duties of citizens
Religious Reforms
Tolerance and control of religious institutions in the kingdom
Religious differences less important
Social Reforms
Supported cultural institutions and state schools
Increase the health and welfare of its subjects
Economic Reforms
Key part of their policies
Attempted to modernize agricultural techniques
Tax reforms
Intervention of the stat in the economy
Frederick the Great
Granted religious freedom
Reduced censorship
Improved education
Reformed justice system
Abolish use of torture
Catherine the Great
Proposed reforms to legal code
Backed efforts to modernize industry and agriculture
Religious tolerance
Abolished torture and capital punishment
Joseph of Austria
Legal reforms
Freedom of press
Freedom of worship
Abolition of serfdom
All peasant be paid for thor labour in cash
The monarch exists to serve the state and support citizens welfare
Monarchies lost some of their traditional authority
Government was to provide security and protection for life and property
Three Estates in France
High ranking members of the church
Paid no taxes, supported the monarchy
Controlled education and press
Owned 20% of the land
Collected taxes in the form of feudal dues
Monopolized military
Owned 20% of the land
Paid no taxes
Supported the monarchy
Had no privileges or exemptions, only burdens
Paid all the taxes
Had feudal dues for use of local manors winepress, oven, etc.
French revolution Slogan
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
Liberty, equality, brotherhood
Napoleon’s Continental System
Blockade against Britain
Wanted to cut Britain off from the main European continent
He didn’t think he could successfully invade Britain because of its strong navy
MILAN DECREE (1807) attempted to stop neutral nations from trading with GB
Failed because Brtians had control of the seas and nations had to trade with them
Caused resentment of foreign merchants
Eventually led to Napoleon’s downfall
King Louis XIV
The Sun King
- Everything revolved around him
Had average intelligence
Feared crowds and commoners so he built a palace outside of Paris
Wanted political unity/centralization in Versailles with centralized authority
Only Catholics were allowed to worship
All nobles had to stay at Versailles, it almost bankrupt the country
Had vivid etiquette and formalism
Economic unity
Heavy tax on everyone
Wanted to make France a great economic power to enhance authority
Madame Deficit
Marie Antoinette’s nickname by the people because of her extravagant spending
Was thought that she was bringing France to economic ruin
Flight to Varennes
Louis XVI and MArie Antoinette fled France to Austria and were spotted at Varennes
Louis a devout catholic felt the revolution undermined the Church
Taken back to paris
People began to turn against the King, becoming suspicious of him, and saw him as a threat to the revolution
Divine right of kings to rule, given by God
Political philosophy that monarchy has absolute power and the state should be centralized under their authority
Order and obedience necessary to absolute rule as rulers tried to make unified states out of fragmented regions
Napoleon Bonaparte
Born in Corsica
He rose through the ranks
Gifted military genius
Won many military victories for France against their enemies
Lead a Coup in 1799 overthrowing the French gov’t
Seen as a military genius who is bringing victory and glory to France
Named himself “First Consul”
Gets rid of the National Assembly, makes himself Consul for life
Proclaims himself emperor, solidifies it and his wife as empress
When he takes over other places/countries he puts his family members on the throne
Set up the national banking system and efficient tax collection
Napoleonic Code, new legal system
National education
Religious freedoms and improves relations with the church
Farmers could purchase the land they worked, helped business leaders
Equality for all citizens before the law. Abolition of privileges based on birth
End or manorial obligations and feudal dues
Achieves temporary peace
“Spanish Ulcer”
Wanted their support to invade Portugal. Spain refused so France conquered them as well
He placed many troops in Spain which was a major drain on resources
After 5 yrs France is pushed out of Spain
Leads troops into Russia
Russians purposely avoid direct contact to drive them further into Russia, they returned to Moscow and waited for winter
Scorched earth tactic
They burned all their crops so the French had nothing to help them (Russians abandoned the city)
Winter came early and hard, ½ million died, France had to retreat
Austria, GB, Prussia, Russia form allied army, eventually they took over Paris and Napoleon abdicated the throne
Was exiled to Elba (with respect)
He became bored there and sought to reclaim his position
Finally defeated at Battle of Waterloo (ABBA)(Belgium) and exiled to St. Helena
With the jehovah witnesses
Hero b/c achievements outweigh negatives
(refer to accomplishments)
Tried to maintain stability in europe and undo everything Napoleon had done
Restored many old monarchies that had lost their thrones b/c of him
Napoleonic code is still used in france and french countries and influenced canadian law
Napoleon Defeat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sj_9CiNkkn4
Tried to be the new Ceasar
Did a lot of good for modernizing Europe
Expanding their empire as a measure of national greatness
In the beginning of the 20th century tensions were extremely high because of the imperialistic tendencies of countries
Cecil Rhodes
Businessman and politician
Believed that the Anglo Saxon race was destined to greatness
Instrumental in expanding Britain;s control of African territories by obtaining mining rights
Mercantilism (resource exploitation)
Charles Darwin
Invented Darwinism
Believed that species evolved slowly, demonstrated that species of animals were not special creations but had evolved from common ancestors through long process of gradual change
Social Darwinism
Darwin’s theories were often distorted by people who wished to argue that struggle among people was essential for progress
Certain groups were naturally superior
Treaty of Nanking
Treaty signed by China at the end of the Opium Wars
Weakened China, unfair
Left it vulnerable to the sphere of influence
during romantic era
broke machines so that the work cannot be done
National policy, extending control over other lands and peoples
Done without consent of those being ruled over
Berlin Conference of 1884
Divided Africa based on European settlement
Wanted to avoid conflict between european colonizers
Ignored rights of existing African kingdoms and people
Opium Wars
Britain was determined to find a product China could not provide themselves as they were extremely self sufficient
British merchants smuggled the drug into China, and by 1835 as many as 12 million people were addicted to smoking it
Britain wanted the rights to sell opium as it would produce lots of revenue
Went to war over the illegal trading and use of opium in China
Series of Battles, mostly at sea
Ended with British victory and China singing the Treaty of Nanking
First time that China had be occupied by a foreign power
led to the century of humiliation in China
Industrial Revolution
Causes (Ma4MoMi)
Hand tools or simple machinery
Attached to their homes
New machines
Parts can be assembled by unskilled workers
Poorly lit, cluttered and unsafe working conditions
Slums around factories
One family or several in one room
Waterborne disease were rampant
Gutters were filled with trash and human waste
Streets covered in horse manure
Water often polluted by human waste
Working Conditions
No health or safety rules
Child Labour
Few inspectors
No sick days
Accidents, injuries and deaths were common
Manchester Public meeting, protesting for the vote of the working class
#of people who showed up caused worry
Arrest orders for speakers, crowd blocked the path, 18 killed, 500 wounded
People who called for radical campaign for reform of the inequalities created by the Reform Bill of 1832
They demanded; votes for all men, secret ballots, annual general election, payment for members of parliament, equal electoral districts and the abolition of the requirement for MPs to be property owners
Plug Riots: pulled plugs out of steamer boilers and striked with 500, 000 other workers
Increased job opportunities
Brought about compulsory education for Children
Enhanced people’s quality of life with cheaper goods
Improvements in Medicine
Karl Marx
Wrote the Communist Manifesto
German (obviously)
The truly oppressed in society were the working class (proletariat) and they had to rise up and overthrow their oppressors, the middle class (bourgeoisie)
Pictured himself as the liberator of the proletariat
Written during the time of Romanticism
Greatest problems in society are due to the big differences between the rich and poor
Vietnam War
Cold War
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
1914 Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip
Started WWI
Germany then issues Austria Hungary a blank check pledging military assistance is Austria Hungary goes to war
Austria issued Serbia an ultimatum
Catalyst to the November (October) revolution in 1917
Russian Revolution
Complete breakdown of Russian economy and society
Turned into a civil war between “Whites” and “Reds”
The “Reds” won and the Bolsheviks retained power
Lenin: was the leader of the Bolsheviks, became the first leader of the Communist state
March Revolution
Duma takes over
Czar abdicates
Stay in War
Storm Royal Palace
November revolution
Lenin takes power
Dissolves the Duma and all other political parties besides the communist party
Signs the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany, gives up Ukraine and Poland?, leaves the war
Civil War
Over by 1921
Reds and Whites
The whites were supported by foreign countries ex. USA, Canada, Britain, Japan
They were ideologically fragmented (Czarists, Mensheviks etc.)
The Reds held the strategic points of Russia
Trotsky created an efficient and organized front
Fought on like 16 fronts
The reds all fought for the same thing
At the end of the revolution, it became the first communist state in the world
Became a large superpower after
Genocide of Ukranian people in 1932-33, where their food was taken away from them by the government and left the people, particularly in rural areas, to starve
The Soviet Union routinely denied it and listed the cause of death as malnourishment.
Foreign journalists banned from entering Ukraine
Ukraine’s borders were closed and sealed.
Trying to scare the Ukranians into obeying his rule
Stalin tried to annihilate a significant part of the Ukrainian population that were openly resisting his policies