History Elements Flashcards
5- intro self, clarify role, ask how to address, ask chief concern, negotiate agenda
7- onset, provocation/palliation, quality, region, severity, temporal, assoc symptoms
12- general state of health, illness, injuries, hospitalizations, surgeries, allergies (med/environment/food), GYN, exposures, current meds, non-med therapies, preventative med, other providers seen
family hx
6- GP, P, sib, children = living or dead, age, conditions; familial diseases: DM, HTN, CAD, obesity, mental illness, alcoholism, allergies; family dysfunction: abuse, rec drug use
social hx
13- demographics, occupation, functional status, nutrition, relationships, support, cultural, tobacco, alcohol/CAGE, recreational drugs, sexual, physical violence, infectious/toxic exposures
4- feelings, ideas, functioning, expectations
to remember PMH
emphasis ion
to remember social hx
infarcts drops