History DC5 Flashcards
When was Baghdad founded?
In the 8th century and became popular in the 10th century
What was in the middle of Baghdad?
A mosque
What is the house of wisdom?
It was a huge building full of all the worlds knowledge - it was filled with books
How far did that Islamic empire stretch
From Spain to India
What did the people of Baghdad build the first of?
Hospitals, universities and observatories
What happened to the city of Baghdad a few hundred years later?
It was destroyed by the mongols
What is Baghdad known for?
Hub of trade - lots of trading, knowledge, and wealth
Where was Baghdad located and what could you trade there?
It was located on the silk roads. You could find exotic spices, colourful and fine silk, jewels and fine jewellery
Create a paragraph to ‘describe’ Baghdad
Baghdad was a completely round city and had four gates. It was located on the silk rounds where everybody traded things like gine silk, exotic spices and colourful jewels and jewellery. Although it is known as the Islamic empire, it was also home to many other religions. In the centre was a mosque and Baghdad also had a huge building called the house of wisdom which stores lots of books and all the worlds knowledge. Etc…
What were the dark ages?
The period from 410 AD to around 1000 is often referred to as the dark ages. This is because historians know very little about this period of time.
Give 5 differences between the city of Baghdad and medieval london
- only a few people could read and write in medieval London whereas in Baghdad many people were educated and Baghdad also stored the worlds knowledge with the house of wisdom.
- the Black Death killed 1/3 of Londons population in 1348 however in Baghdad there were many qualified doctors and public hospitals
- London was the centre of trade in England with links to France, however in Baghdad everyone traded on the silk roads
-rubbish and human waste was thrown out in the streets in London, but Baghdad was a very hygienic and clean city
- Baghdad had enormous leaps in medical knowledge, however the first hospitals were built during the Middle Ages in London
Who were the three contenders to the English throne?
Harald Hardrada
William, Duke of Normandy
Harold Godwinson
Edgar the Æthling was had the closest blood connection to the king however he was too young.
How did king Edward the confessor put England in danger?
He had died without leaving a son or a heir
Who were the witan and what did they do?
They were the king’s councillors
What relation was Edgar the Æthling to king Edward?
He was his great nephew
Whose support did William have as a claimant to the throne?
The pope in Rome - this also meant god
Who took the throne after the king Edward died?
Harold Godwinson
What do the following words mean:
- succession
Succession - the order in which someone can become king
Crisis - a severe problem
Claimant - someone who says they have a right to do something
What is chronology?
The order in which the events happened in
Write the meaning/abbreviations of these words:
Decade- 10 years
Century- 100 years
AD - Anno Domini/ after (Christ’s) death
BC - before christ
Chronology- time
Write the meanings of these words:
- cause
- Short term causes
- long term causes
Evidence - a collection of information that we can use to make a decision
Source - an object or item we use as a clue to tell us about the past.
Cause - the reason why something happens
Short term causes - means it happens a short time before the event, maybe days or hours
Long term causes - means it happened a long time before the event, could be months of years
What was Britain called in the Roman times?