History/Contributors Flashcards
Discovered that microorganism cause fermentation and disease
Also Originated the process of pasteurization
Louise Pasteur
Determines that the retrovirus now known as HIV-1 is the cause of AIDS
Robert Gallo
Discovered the HIV
Luc Montagnier
Discovered how cytotoxic T cells recognize their target antigens
Peter Charles Doherty
Performed the first successful human kidney transplant
Jospeh Murray
Cellular immunity of tuberculosis
Heinrich Herman Robert Koch
Discovered the first effective treatment for syphilis
Paul Ehrlich
Discovered serum antitoxins that neutralize toxins
Emil von Behring
Noted for his phagocytic theory
Elle Metchinkof
Invented the word Anaphylaxis
Charles Richet
Develops Complement Fixation test
Jules Border
Structure of Antibody
Gerald Maurice Edelman
Developed RIA
Rosalyn Sussman Yallow
Worked on technique to produce Monoclonal Antibodies
George JF Kohler
Worked on hybridoma technique
Cesar Milstein
Development of Organ Transplant and developed Bonemarrow transplantation
Edward Donnall Thomas
Discovery of HLA
George Davis Snell
Theory of Acquired Immunological Tolerance
Peter Medawar
Discovery of MHC
Baruj Benacerraf
Discover Monoclonal Antibodies
Niels Kaj Jerne
Father of immunology
Edward Anthony Jenner