History, Battles, and People Flashcards
What happened in 1775?
- Marine Corps was created on Nov 10, 1775.
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in Tun Tavern.
- Created by Continental Congress
- Two Battalion’s were raised.
- Samuel Nicholas was the first commandant.
- The Corps current structure is the National Security Act of 1947 which was amended in 1952.
- The Corps came under the department of the Navy in 1834.
What happened in 1776?
- Revolutionary War
- First Marine landing took place on New Providence Island in the Bahamas.
- Guns and supplies were seized.
- Uniform of the day was a stiff leather stock around the neck; thus the nickname “Leatherneck”.
What happened in 1805?
- Marines stormed the Barbary pirate’s stronghold on the “Shores of Tripoli” in Burma.
- Marines raised the “Stars and Stripes” for the first time in the Eastern Hemisphere.
What happened in 1847?
- Mexican War
- Marines occupied the “Halls of Montezuma” during the Battle of Chapultapec in Mexico City.
- The Royal Palace fell to Marines and Marines also helped take California.
What happened in 1859?
- Marines put down an attempted slave revolt at Harper’s Ferry led by abolitionist John Brown.
- Marines were led by Army Colonel Robert E. Lee.
What happened in 1868?
- EGA was adopted from the British Royal Marines by Brigadier General Jacob Zielin. (7th Commandant)
- Eagle; Nation
- Globe; Worldwide service
- Anchor; Sea traditions
What happened in 1883?
- The official motto of the Marine Corps was created.
- “Semper Fidelis” is latin for always faithful.
- Most commonly heard as “Semper Fi”.
What happened in 1900?
- Boxer Rebellion
- In support of foreign policy Marines defended the American Legation in Peking, China.
- Marines were part of a multinational defense force that defended the Legation Quarter from Boxers until a relief force was able to reach Peking.
What happened in 1913?
- Marine Corps aviation unit was established.
- Major Alfred A. Cunningham was the first pilot.
What happened in 1917?
- Marines landed in France.
- Participated in eight distinct operations.
- Marines distinguished themselves and were awarded the French Fourragere. (Worn by 5th and 6th Marines)
What happened in 1933?
- Marine Corps was reorganized into the Fleet Marine Force
- Formally establishing the “command and administrative relations” between the Fleet and the Marine Corps.
- Marine Corps equipment board was established in Quantico, Virginia.
What happened in 1965?
- Marines landed in South Vietnam and were commited to the longest war in it’s history.
- Marines conducted several offensive operations in support of the local populace.
- Marines also landed in the Dominican Republic and evacuated/protected US citizens.
What happened in 1982?
- Marines deployed to Lebanon as a multi-national peace keeping force.
- Displayed concept of “Force in Readiness”.
- Oct 23, 1983 a suicide truck hit HQ and killed 241 Americans and wounded 70 others.
- Last Marine unit withdrew on July 1984.
What happened in 1991?
- Operation Desert Storm was launched. (Iraq refused to comply with UN resolutions)
- Aviation was heavily used. (Air phase commenced Jan 1991)
- When bombing failed Marine forces swept into Kuwait and liberated the country.
What happened in 2001?
- War in Afghanistan started.
- Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) was launched by the US and three smaller military actions under the umbrella of the Global War on Terror (GWOT).
- Oct 7, 2001 combat operations commenced and mixed air strikes.
Which craft were involved with the OEF strikes?
- B-1 Lancer
- B-2 Spirit
- B-52 Stratofortress
- F-14 Tomcat
- F/A-18 Hornet
US and British ships supported OEF how?
- Launching Tomahawk cruise missles.
What happened in 2003?
- The invasion of Iraq (March 20-May 1).
- Led by the US, alongside with the UK and small contingents from Australia and Poland.
What happened in 2004?
- The first Battle of Fallujah (Operation Vigilant Resolve).
- Took place in April and was unsuccessful.
- The second Battle of Fallujah (Operation Al-Fajr and Phantom Fury).
- Al-Fajr is arabic for “new dawn”.
- Took place in Nov-Dec.
- Led by Marines against the Iraqi insurgency and authorized by the US appointed Iraqi Interim government.
The Battle of Belleau Wood
- France in WWI.
- Marines crushed a German offensive at Belleau Wood that threatened Paris.
- The site was renamed “The Wood of the Brigade of Marines” in honor of those Marines.
- German intel identified the Marines as “Storm Troops” (highest rating on the enemy scale).
- Germans nicknamed Marines “Teufelhunden” (Devil Dogs).
Battle of Guadalcanal
- Aug 7, 1942- 1st MARDIV landed on the beaches on Guadalcanal on the Soloman Islands and launched the first land offensive of WWII.
- Battle tested out the new amphibious doctrine.
- Crucial turning point in the war (Pacific theater) because it provided a base to launch further invasions of Japanese held islands.
- Other islands invaded were: New Georgia, Choiseul (Feint), and Bouganville.
Battle of Tarawa
- Prime objective was the Tarawa Atoll and Betio Island which was fortified.
- Japanese commander proclaimed it would take a million American 100 years to conquer it.
- Nov 20, 1943 Marines landed and secured the island within 76 hours.
- Marines payed a heavy price because of the entended reef Marines were offloaded hundreds of yards away from the beach.
- Marines were killed from enemy fire and drowning while trying to get ashore.
Battle of Mariana Islands
- Due to needs for airfields for the Navy and Air Force, Marines invaded the Mariana Islands.
- Landings on Saipan, Guam, and Tinian accomplished this.
- LT General Holland M. Smith led the greatest number of Marines at one time during Jun-July 1943 (136,000).
Battle of Iwo Jima
- Feb 19,1945 Marines landed in Iwo Jima which was the largest all Marine battle in history (Bloodiest).
- Over 23,000 causualties.
- Capture of Iwo Jima led to increased air support and bombing operations against Japanese home islands.
- Admiral Chester W. Nimitz said “Among the Americans who served in Iwo Island, uncommon valor was a common virtue.”
Battle of Chosin Reservoir
- After pushing far into North Korea in Nov 1950, Marines were cut off after Chines Communist Forces joined the war.
- Marines smashed 7 out of the 10 division force sent to annihilate them.
- Marines brought out all operable equipment, properly evacuated the wounded and dead, and maintained tactical integrity.
Battle of Hue City
- Jan 1968 during Vietnamese holiday of Tet communist forces were snuck into Hue City, South Vietnam.
- Near Division sized force of NVA troops waited for Marines.
- First time Marines fought in a MOUT environment.
- Heavy arms utilized to minimize civilian casualties.
- Fighting was house to house and progress measured in yards.
- City was secured on Feb 25, 1968.
Archibald Henderson
- Brevet Brigadier General Achibald Henderson became commandant in 1820-1859 and held command for 39 years.
- Led the Corps through the Indian Wars, War with Mexico, opening of China, and disorders in Central America.- Nickname “Grand Old Man of the Marine Corps”
- Introduced higher standards of personal appearence, training, discipline, and strived for the Marine Corps to be known as prof. military for capable of more than sea and guard duties.
John Quick
- Sergeant Major
- Remembered for Cuzco Well (Guantanamo Bay, Cuba); participated in an operation to seize an advanced base for the Atlantic Fleet battalion of Marines.
- Won Medal of Honor for semaphoring for an emergency lift of naval bombardment while under Spanish and American shellfire.
Dan Daly
- Sergeant Major- Earned two Medals of Honor (Chinese Boxer Rebellion and First Caco War in Hati).
- During the Battle of Belleau Wood he yelled “C’mon on, you sons of bitches! Do you want to live forever?!”
Louis B. Puller
- Lieutenant General
- “Chesty”
- Served in Nicaragua through several periods of unrest and rebellious activity.
- Puller and bout 32 Marines became famous for engaging rebel groups and bandits while scouring the jungles in a wide area of Nicaraguan and Honduran borders.
- Known as the “Tiger of the Mountain”- English Bulldog named “Chesty” after Puller.
Gregory R. Boyington
- Major
- “Pappy”
- Recognized for prowess in aerial dogfights.
- Commanded VMH-214 “Black Sheep” during WWII.
- Recognized as the top flying ace with 28 victories (1945).
Ira H. Hayes
- Corporal
- Fifth Amphibious Marines; Commanded by Major General Harry Schmidt.
- Pima Indian; immortalized in the Iwo Jima second flag raising photograph.
- Mount Surabachi stronghold taken Feb 23, 1945.
Opha Mae Johnson
- Private
- First enlisted woman (Aug 13 1918)
- Her enlistment brought about changes for females in the military during WWI.
- Marine Reserve (F) official title of females in military.
- Known as skirt Marines or Marinettes.