History, Approaches Flashcards
Waves (History)
Name the waves, and be able to describe each one in great detail
Wave 1 – Introspection Wave 2 - Gestalt Psychology Wave 3 – Psychoanalysis Wave 4 – Behaviorism Wave 5 - Multiple Perspectives
William Wundt
In 1879, William Wundt set up the first Psychological laboratory in an apartment near the university at Leipzig, Germany.
He trained subjects in Introspection – they were asked to record their cognitive reactions to simple stimuli.
the idea that the mind operates by combining subjective emotions and objective sensations
(William Wundt)
He described a theory called functionalism that describes how Wundt’s theory functioned in our lives. (need more details)
The Principles of Psychology
In 1890, William James published the first psychological textbook, The Principles of Psychology
Mary Whiton
.Mary Whiton studied with James and became president of the American Psychological Association.
Margaret Floy Washburn
Margaret Floy Washburn was the first woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology
Stanley Hall
Another student of William James was Stanley Hall, who pioneered the study of child development and became the first president of the APA.
Gestalt Psychology
Gestalt Psychology tried to examine a person’s total experience because the way we experience the world is more than just an accumulation of various perceptual experiences. Like introspective theories, Gestalt psychology has relatively little influence on current psychology.
Gestalt psychologists like Max Wertheimer
argued against dividing human thought and behavior into discrete structures.
Sigmund Freud
revolutionized psychology with his psychoanalytic theory. He believed he discovered the unconscious mind, a part on our mind that we do not have conscious control over which determines how we think and behave.
He believed this hidden part of us builds up over the years through repression, the pushing down of thoughts that cause negative emotions that the conscious mind cannot deal with.
Sigmund Freud believed that we needed to examine the unconscious mind through dream analysis, word association, and other psychoanalytic therapy techniques to truly understand human thought and behavior. Freud has been criticized for creating unverifiable theories.
unconscious mind
a part on our mind that we do not have conscious control over which determines how we think and behave.
John Watson
John Watson studied the experiments of Ivan Pavlov then declared for psychology to be considered a science, it must limit itself to observable phenomena, not the unconscious mind. Watson wanted to establish Behaviorism.
Behaviorists believe that psychologists should look at only behavior and causes of behavior – stimuli (environmental events) and responses (physical reactions).
(environmental events)
(physical reactions)
B.F. Skinner
created the idea of reinforcement – environmental stimuli that either encourage or discourage certain responses