History and Inventors of Lens & frames Flashcards
They used Quartz
a Roman philosopher who is said to have used a globe of water as a magnifier to read “all the books of Rome”
Roman philosopher Seneca (4B.C - 65AD)
the first magnifying glass appears around?
1000 A.D. by monks
Fist form of eyeglasses were was produced where and when?
in Italy by Venetian monks or craftsmen in Pisa.
1285 - 1289
the first eyeglasses can only be used to rectify or correct:
hyperopia - presbyopia
eyeglasses for myopia 1st appeared and later are already mounted with biconcave lenses
14th century
who created the first eyeglass frame temples that attached ribbons of silk or strings to the frame and loop them over the wearer’s ears and carried the new types of eyeglasses to china
Spanish craftsmen in 16th century
they attached small metal weights to the strings instead of making loops
British optician who was the first to perfect the “temple glasses” they were equipped with rigid side-arms pressing on the temples ending in large loops
Edward Scarlett (1727 and 1730)
Englishman who designed the first lenses to correct astigmatism (cylinder lens)
Sir George Airy 1825
in 18th century when the ____ or “eye ring” is introduced in England. Popular in Europe among men in society’s upper class throughout the 1800’s
two lenses in a frame the user held with a lateral handle.
was another 18th century development
Englishman who developed/created the Lorgnette?
George Adams
an oval lenses, without side-arms and whose stability on the nose depended entirely on a spring support of the bridge
Pince-nez 1840
who invented Bifocal Lenses?
Benjamin Franklin 1784
introduced trifocal lenses
John Isaac Hawkins 1826
created Solid Upcurve Bifocal (1st one-piece bifocal)
Isaac Schnaitman 1837
Perfection Bifocal is by?
August Morck 1888
He Cemented Bifocal
John Borsch Sr. 1899
He fused Bifocals (Kryptok)
John Borsch Jr. 1908
He developed Ultex Bifocal
O’Conner 1910
He created D-Bifocals (Flat-top Bifocal)
Henry Courmettes 1915
They created Executed Bifocals
American Optical Company 1954
he created Blended Bifocals (invisible bifocal/ Seamless bifocal/ younger bifocal)
Irvin Rips 1955
they created the First Progressive multifocal lens (Varilux)
Essilor 1958 - 1959