History: An Introduction Flashcards
The word history came from the greek noun historia meaning?
Learning or inquiry
account of the past of a person or a group of people through written documents and historical evidences
The definition of history “account of the past of a person or a group of people through written documents and historical evidences” was adapted from?
Classical Latin
History is also known as
the past of mankind
chronological record of significant
events, the study of past events
Where did this definition came from?
chronological record of significant
events, the study of past events
Webster’s Vest Pocket Dictionary(Springfield:
Merriam Webster, Inc., Publishers), p. 149
History in Tagalog
Who’s definition is this Salaysay na may saysay para sa sinasalaysayang grupo ng tao
Zeus Salazar
Who said this
“If you talk to a man in a language he
understands, that goes to his head. If you
talk to him in his language, that goes to
his heart.”
Nelson Mandela
historians rely on
surviving records
T or F. the historian is many times included from the events under investigation
F (removed)
Who defined this? History is the inquiry conducted by the historian and the series of past events into which he inquires
T or F. History is the continuous process of interaction between the
historian and his facts, a temporary dialogue between the present and the past
F (unending)
For Carr, History means
T or F. History is what the historian makes.
Who said this?
History is the re-enactment in the historian’s mind of the thought whose history he is studying.
Who said this?
History is the historian’s experience.
Who said this
History is “a selective system” not only of cognitive, but of causal, orientations to reality.
T or F. The historian is the largest circle in the entire past.
F (smallest)
Who said this
“Only a part of what was observed in the past was remembered by those who observed it; only a part of what was remembered was recorded; only a part of what was recorded has survived; only a part of what has survived has come to the historian’s attention; only a part of what
has come to their attention is credible; only a part of what is credible has been grasped, and only a part of what has
been grasped can be expounded or narrated by the historian.
- Louis Gottschalk, Understanding History
T or F. What people actually understand is only a fraction of what we say to them.
Identify method: Historians have to verify sources, to date them, locate
their place of origin and identify their intended functions
Historical method
The process of critically examining
and analyzing the records and
survivals of the past
Who defined this? “The process of critically examining and analyzing the records and survivals of the past”
Louis Gottschalk, Understanding History
Each generation of historians develops its own perspectives, and that our understanding of the past is constantly reshaped by?
Who said this?
“Each generation of historians develops its own perspectives, and that our understanding of the past is constantly reshaped by the historian and the world he or she inhabits”
-Howell & Prevenier
These are objects from the past or testimonies concerning the past on which historians depend in order
to create their own depiction of that past.
Historical sources
T or F. Howell and Prevenier defined historical sources as tangible remains of the past.
F (Anthony Brundage, Going to Sources)
Books, magazines, journals,
transcription of speech
Published materials
Archival materials
Memoirs, diary
Written or non?
Oral history
Written or non?
Written or non?
Memoirs, diary
Written or non?
Written or non?
Art works
Written or non?
Video/audio rec.
Testimony of an eyewitness
Primary sources
T or F. According to Gottschalk, a primary source must have been
produced by a contemporary of the event it narrates
materials produced by people or groups directly involved in the event or topic being studied.
primary source
people who holds primary sources are called?
participants or witnesses
these sources range from eyewitness accounts, diaries, letters, legal documents, and official documents (government or private) and even
Four Main Categories of Primary Sources
- Written sources
- Images
- Artifacts
- Oral testimony
interprets and analyzes primary sources. These sources are one or more steps removed from the event.
secondary resources
T or F. Secondary sources may have pictures, quotes or
graphics of primary sources in them
T or F. Example of primary sources are history textbooks and printed materials.
F (secondary)
WHo said this?
“ The historian without his fact is rootless and futile; the facts without their historian are dead and meaningless”
E.H. Carr
In order for a source to be used as an evidence in history, basic matters about its form and content must
be settled
Historical criticism
The problem of authenticity
external criticism
To distinguish a hoax or misrepresentation
external criticism
T or F. Internal criticism allows us to spot fabricated, forged, faked documents
F (external)
To test the authenticity, determine the date of the document to see whether
they are?
e.g. pencils did not exist before the 16th Century
To test the authenticity, determine the?
e.g. idiom, ortography, punctuation
anachronistic style
test of authenticity that determines its genuineness
Provenance or custody
test of authenticity: e.g. too early, too late, too remote
Anachronistic reference to events
determining the meaning of a text or
determining ambiguities
Problem of Credibility
internal criticism
as close as what really happened from a critical examination of best available sources
Three Major Components to Effective
Historical Thinking
- Sensitivity to Multiple Causation
- Sensitivity to Context
- Awareness of the interplay of continuity and change in human affairs
Who said this
“All historians, whatever their professional status, have ethical obligations to be humane,
accurate, self-aware and judicious.”
- Ludmilla Jordanova
T or F. History has been used to control minds. If not by absolute
suppression or fabrication of events, at least by their slight
T or F. The catastrophic result of this is that the colonizers became the selfish, and inhumane partners.
F (unselfish, humane and
selfless partners)
_____ by the colonizers became an
important component in the progression of colonial
consciousness or mentality.
invented history
hides the fact of the insensitive
motivations of the colonizers and their native collaborators
towards making colonization easier to accept.
“fictional history”
T or F. This mental conditioning has made it easy for the colonizers
to make the colonized believe that the policies implemented
by the former is for their own welfare and benefit.