History Flashcards
Who was the first known physician?
Imhotep; “he comes in peace”, first architect of old kingdom in Egypt; built pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara
Major problem for Egyptian doctors; next biggest after malaria; treated with antimony (toxic metallic rock > side effects)
Founding father of Indian medicine; explained how to rebuild pts nose (first plastic surgeon)
6th C Indian Medicine Principle
Health requires balance between spirit, phlegm, and bile
System of traditional medicine native to India; form of alternative medicine; Life + science
What were the diagnostic techniques in Indian medicine?
Palpation, observation, observation of various odors; focused on food/diet
8 treatments of Ayurvedic Medicine
Surgery, treatment of disease above the clavicle, internal medicine, demonic possession (psychiatry), pediatrics, toxicology, prevention and building immunity, aphrodisiacs
Where did the symbol for medicine originate?
Rod of Asclepius (snake healed wound by touch)
Practiced and taught in 400 BCE, on island of Kos; ‘father of medicine’, paid attention to symptoms
“On the Nature of Man”
Written by Polybus; humans made of four substances: blood, phlegm, black bile (melancholia), and yellow bile (chole)
What were the Humors found in “On the nature of man”?
Sanguine: reddish (cheerful), Phlegmatic: sluggish; Melancholy: sadness; Choleric: irritable
Adhered to mainstream thought per Hippocrates; example: Galen
Reason in formulating and adopting a theory concerning the structure/function of the body; every disease has a cause; example: Celsus
Believed in supremacy of actual clinical observation/experience over theory; example: Aristotle, Herophilus, Erasistratus
Body was composed of fragile corpuscles that moved through small pores/channels; pathology when channels obstructed; founder= Aclepiades and Thessalus
Emphasized importance of pneuma (vital force); not exclusive of the other sects
Human Vivisection
300BC; In Alexandria, Herophilus and Erasistratus; done on criminals
6 Hygienic Factors
Greek medicine; ambient air, food and drink, exercise and rest, sleep and wakefulness, retention and evacuation of wastes, perturbations of the mind and emotions
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Life and activity have intimate relationship with environment; yin and yang, shen (soul), meridian system; more concerned with function vs. physical parts
3rd C BC; Described in Nei Ching; needle placement improves the energy flow by clearing blockage or releasing pressure
2nd C AD; greek physician for gladiators at Pergamum in 158 AD; dissected apes and pigs; unchallenged until Vesalius; overturned the theory that arteries contained air, believed ebb and flow (until Harvey)
Introduced by Hippocrates in 400 BC
Greek author; inflammation of lungs= pneumonia, inflammation of pleural sac= pleurisy
100 AD defines asthma
School of Salerno
10thC; first university/medical school
Constantine the African
Brought arabic medicine to Salerno; born in 1017 in Kairouan
Abul Kasim
1000AD; surgeon and dentist in Spain; writes “Al-Tasrif” as first surgery manual
13thC; opium, hemlock, and juice of mandragora, ivy and unripe mulberry; awaken with spongeful of vinegar
1533-1543; born in Brussels; 1537 becomes professor at Padua; corrects Galens work; “De humani corporis fabrica”
Surgery in 16-17C
Low craft pre-anesthetics; linked with barbers; responsible for blood-letting; Ambroise Pare first to treat war wounds
Ambroise Pare
1545; publishes “method for treating wounds caused by arquebuses and other firearms”; egg yolk + oil of roses + turpentine; ligatures to seal blood vessels
1628; published movement of blood in animals; arterial system to venous system to complete circuit
1661; first to observe capillaries (frog); completed Harvey’s theory of a circuit
Blood Transfusions
1665-1670; Jean Baptiste Denis using quill; made illegal in 1670 until 1900 with human blood group discovery
French playwright and actor; master of comedy in western literature
17-18th C; to protect against smallpox; when you survive, protected against reinfection; pustulent matter rubbed into skin; Mary Wortley Montagu proponent; not safe until Edward Jenner