History Flashcards
A region in the near east situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is known as the Fertile Crescent. Ideal Farming conditions led to Neolithic Revolution and birth of civilization.
Neolithic Rev- Transition from hunter gatherer to farming. Farming allowed people to stay in one place for food which allowed other people to specialize in other trades (blacksmith, politicians, bureaucrat, other members of a society)
Mesopotamia geography
Flat open land made Mesopotamia subject to numerous invasions
Mesopotamia civilizations
Sumer, Babylon, Hittites, New Babylon, Persia
Mesopotamia- Sumer Civilization
3500-2000 BC One of first civilizations Invented wheel First systems of math First writing systems- cuneiform "wedge form" Complex Systems of irrigation City-State structure Polytheistic
2000BC Sumarians conquered by Semites-people who spoke Semetic Lang. Hebrew or Arabic
Mesopotamia- Babylon
2000-1500 BC
Capital of Babylonia
Babylonian ruler Hammurabi built a great empire, lasted from around 1800 to 1500 BC and unify the region under a more centralized government.
Culture recorded by scribes
Worlds first written legal codes Hammurabi’s code
360 deg in circle
60 sec in min , 60 min hour
Ziggurats- buildings that served as temples, storehouse, meeting places
Mesopotamia- Hittites
2000-700 BC
Conquered much of northern Mesopotamia and Asia minor, conflicts and alliances with Egypt
Bronze Age
Pioneers of iron smelting
Fast chariots
Hittite capital, Hattusas, burned in 1200 BC
Fled to the west to get away from the Greeks
Mesopotamia- Phoenicians
2900 BC - 600 AD Canaan Maritime culture Dominated Mediterranean trade Importing and Exporting various goods Purple die-only the very wealthy could afford it, that's why purple means royalty Influential alphabet- 22 consonants- Greeks added vowels Became part of Persia, then Syria
Mesopotamia- Assyrians
2000-600 BC Warlike people conquered much of Mesopotamia Ruled by terror and intimidation Vast highway system Extensive library Postal system
Mesopotamia- New Babylon
700-500 BC
Chaldeans conquered Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, establishing a New Babylonian empire under Nebbuchanezzer
Chaldeans - founded the civilization (Known for study of stars)
Government of the new Babylon utilized in advanced system of bureaucracy
“bureaucracy”- departments in a government
Hanging Gardens of Babylon built by Nebbuchanezzer - One of the seven wonders of ancient world
Mesopotamia- Persia
500-300 BC
Ranked among the world’s greatest empires- largest geographical empire of ancient times
Through conquest, the Persians attempted to unify the entire Near East
Zoroastrianism -ethics based religion
Empire fell to Alexander the Great
3100 - 500 BC “Dynastic Period”
Arise around fertile Nile River
Geographically isolated, defensible borders, leading to long periods of political stability
Annual floods
Egypt Life
Centered around serving Pharoah, regarded as living God
Polytheistic- Rah-sun god Anubis-God of dead
Falcon is a common symbol for god
Belief in afterlife-mummified and pyramids to house bodies
Advances in math, medicine,writing- hieroglyphics
2000 BC - 350 AD
region south of Egypt, conquered by Egypt then conquered Egypt.
Place of cultural exchange for Mediterranean, Near East, Africa
Kushite society adopted from Egypt, developed their own styles of art, writing, gods after winning independence.
Alternates btwn periods of unity (dynasties-ruled by single family) and disunity. Invaders were assimilated into Chinese population
Shang Dynasty-first one
Chou Dynasty- from west , start of Great Wall of China
Ch’in Dynasty- root of China strong central govt- legalism - finish Great Wall
Han Dynasty- prosperity, trade with Europe, Confusious, Buddhism
Sui Dynasty - grand canal
Tang Dynasty - 300 yr prosperity, arts and culture, schools of Buddhism
Sung Dynasty - early ripening rice , gun powder, compass, typing
China - The Silk Road
Series of overland trade routes that connected the Chinese silk industry with the western world
Chinese Religions
Buddhism- emphasized the middle path and the release of all cares as a route to Nervana
Taoism- emphasized a natural way of living and connectedness to the universe
Confucianism- dealt with the importance of people’s roles in society and coupled with doctrine of legalism largely formed the foundation of Chinese culture and politics
Classical Civilizations- Greece
Greece was hit, not ideal farming, seafaring culture that dominated the Aegean Sea and Mediterranean.
Tales of seafaring journey and battles in Greek Literature- Iliad and Odyssey by Homer
Greek religion
Polytheistic- complex mythology
Zeus god of thunder and lightening, king of gods Apollo son of Zeus Athena daughter of Zeus God of wisdom Aphrodite god of love Hades god of underworld Ares god of war
Early Civilizations in Greece
Minoans and Mycenaeans
During its classical era Greece was dominated by powerful city states such as Athens and Sparta
Athens was a democracy whose influence on modern Western politics arts and architecture would be difficult to over estimate
Placed great value on learning and intellectual discourse and gave us philosophers such as Socrates-dialectics, Plato-form, and Aristotle-poetics and final purpose
Totalitarian city-state ruled by king
Highly militaristic and emphasized physical and mental strength above all else practicing eugenics (good genes, killed babies who didn’t fit good mold) to ensure physical superiority
Spartans did give greater rights and liberties to women than any other city state in Ancient Greece (gave birth to warriors)
Persian War
Athens Sparta and other Greek city states united to defend Greece against invading Persian army’s
After defeating Persia Athens and Sparta turned against each other dividing the other city states along lines of allegiance and for 13 years fought the Peloponnesian War, A conflict which is devastated Greek society. Sparta won
Greece- Alexander the Great
From Macedonia
During Hellenic Age, he conquered and united the Greek and Persian worlds
The Roman Republic
500-27 BC
Inc. Greek society and emerged as the dominant world power after the Punic Wars with Cartage
Society was divided into patricians (upper aristocracy), plebeians (commoners), and slaves
The seat of Roman government was the Senate.
After assassination of Julius Caesar, Augustus became the first emperor of the Roman Empire
Controlled entire Mediterranean trade routes
Architecture- coliseums and aqueducts
286AD- empire divided into east and west
313AD- Constantine made Christianity legal
Reasons for fall of Roman Empire
Problems such as political instability, mercenary army’s, inflation, excessive taxation, decreased agricultural production, division over rise of Christianity weekend the Roman empire and continuous barbarian invasions eventually devastated Rome.
Fall of (western) Rome in Late 400sAD- and of ancient civilization
Eastern Roman Empire
The Byzantine Empire (eastern) continued it to exist for many centuries after the fall of western Rome
After all it’s massive achievements one of the most lasting influences of the Romans was there a law which was collected in the Justinian Code
Hebrew Civilization
Established first lasting monotheistic religion which became the basis for modern Judaism
-Jews lived in Canaan, went to Egypt under Joseph-enslaved-Moses led them out
Hebrew Civilization
Biblical OT Saul-David-Somon
1000BC 12 tribes United under Saul. First writings of Torah- OT Pentateuch
Split Judah’s/Israel
Conflict with Rome led to the distraction of Jerusalem and the expulsion of many Jews from Palestine- “Diaspra”
Indus Valley Civilization
Or Harrapan Civilization
Evolved into a highly advanced culture who’s architectural achievements included a planned urban grid and the worlds first urban sanitation system
Harrapan- mature phase, highly advanced with historical contributions ranging from precise scientific measurement system to graceful bronze and terra-cotta sculptures
Vedic Period
1700BC- 500BC
Laid the foundation’s of early Hinduism, diverse believe system which spans the gamut of mono theism polytheism and pantheism (God in all things)
India culture
Caste system A rigid social structure that divided the population into four distinct casts which are believed to have emerged from the varnas of Perusha
1) Bramas- teachers, priests
2) rulers and warriors
3) merchants and artisans
4) peasants
Or OUTCASTS- not part of a caste
Open geography subjective the region to wave after wave of invasions from central Asia and other surrounding regions
Medieval and Early Modern Asia
1200s China fell under control of Mongol Empire, largest contiguous empire in history of world ruled by Genghis Khan and his successors
Effective warriors, advanced military technology
Ming Dynasty: 1300-1600 Mongols ousted china practices isolationist policy, no trade
Medieval and Early Modern Asia
Borrowed heavily from Chinese politics and culture began to develop a distinct identity during the Heian Era (800-1200AD)
Emperor had a little power. Shogun had more power, military ruler chosen from among the daimyo (Nobel land owners) who were served by samurai (soldier)
Tokugawa Period- Japan practiced extreme isolationism
Medieval and Early African Civilization
Seaports and international trade gave rise to various city states along the eastern coast where cultures such as Swahili thrived
African interior, Zimbabwe became a strong kingdom based on the gold trade
Western Africa was heavily influenced by Islam
Medieval and Early African Civilization
Nomadic people of Northern Africa who is origin extend as far back as ancient times
Referred to by other Ames such as Libyans, Mauri, and Moors
Medieval and Early Arabian Civilization
After death of Muhammad, Muslim Conquests (600-700AD) united Arab Peninsula under Islam
Arabia ruled by succession caliphs (600-1900AD) through Ottoman rulers (1300-1900AD) tended to use the term Sultan
Medieval and Early Arabian Civilization
Influence of Islam
Spread throughout the Byzantine and Persian empires
Based on the teachings of Mohammed, Islam emphasize the Koran as the source for moral and ethical conduct
Basic duties- pray 5x, alms, fasting Ramadan, pilgrimage
Medieval and Early European Civilization
After collapse of Western Roman empire, European society became fragmented into small regions rolled by Lauren’s and the knights who serve them
No more trade, rise in farming-
Gave rise to economic system of manorialism (work land for economic benefit to landlord) and political/military system of feudalism (exchange military service for land)
Medieval and Early European Civilization
Based on a vassal’s (knight) pledge to serve a lord in exchange for a fief(land)
Ceremony of that pledge homage
When vassal died his died goes to oldest son, system called primogeniture
Medieval and Early European Civilization
Franks-Charlemagne conquered and united much of medieval Europe
Similar region later ruled by Otto I of Germany. Came to Holy Roman Empire
Medieval and Early European Civilization
War and Plagues
100 yr war- 1300 to 1400 A.D., French and English kings fight for control of Europe.
Bubonic Plague- Black Death
Medieval and Early European Civilization
Christianity rose in power after becoming first official religion of Roman empire in 380 A.D.
During middle ages the crusades were carried out with initial goal of capturing Jerusalem in later with other goals
Catholicism had a great influence on European culture and education
Pre Colombian American Civilizations - Mesoamerica
300-900 AD Located in central America (meso America)
Farming culture, hunters and gatherers - TORTILLAS!
Culture influenced by Olmec (Civilization that created number system, pyramids, gods)
Lived in great cities with erected monuments called stelae
recorded important events
Logo graphic writing system
Engineering feats
Advances in math and astronomy before collapsing for unknown reasons
Pre Colombian American Civilizations - Mesoamerica
Located in central Mexico
Warlike culture
Empire based in city Tenochtitlan
Combined Polytheism, shamanism communicating with dead), animism (spirit of inanimate objects)
Human sacrifice based on Five Suns and self sacrifice based on Nanahuatzin (pimple faced God)
Farming in forrests, hillsides, lakes
Concord by Spanish
Pre Colombian American Civilizations - South America
Came after Mayans and Aztecs
Located in Andean Highlands (near modern Chili)
Largest empire in pre Colombian America
Polytheistic- Inti, sun god, as primary godhead
Engineering, accounting system of knotted strings called quipu
Conquered by Spanish
Pre Colombian American Civilizations - North America
Hunters, gatherer, fisher, some farming
Nomadic- travel to follow the food (bison)
Small groups, bands, made up larger group, tribe, tribes formed federations (Iroquois federation made of 5 tribes)
No states or empires
Adapted to regions in which they lived with different structures such as Long houses and earth lodges
All tribes unique and diverse
Renaissance and Scientific Revolution
European Renaissance cultural movement 14-17th century
“Rebirth” of interest in the classical era (Greek and Roman ancient times) which was particularly evident in the art of the period: Michelangelo, da Vinci, Masaccio
Philosophy of Humanism- individual who learns, value of person based on what they know and their character not their birth
Renaissance and Scientific Revolution
Scientific Revolution- and in science incl scientific method. Copernicus- heliocentric sun is center, Galileo- gravity, heliocentric
Writers: Shakespeare, Cervantes- Don Quixote Machiavelli- the Prince
Explorers: Columbus, da Gama- sail around Africa to India, Magellan- sail around world from Spain,
Protestant Reformation- Marin Luther and John Calvin reform Catholic Church
Jesuits (Catholic) stood up to protestants
Magna Carta
First document forced upon a king by his subjects which limited his powers under the law, beginning of representative govt
Issued in 1215 to King John of England
Heavily influenced modern concepts of government and forms a great deal of foundation of the Bill of Rights- life, liberty, property, due process
Magna Carta influential on enlightenment thinkers such as John Locke
Economic System- Capitalism
Laissez-faire (non-interference) system which government has minimal involvement in the economy with the idea that economy will regulate its self based on competition and laws of supply and demand
Economic System- Socialism
System which govt owns or controls certain major economic sectors
Economic System- Communism
System which govt owns nearly all productive resources
Economic System- Fascism
Combines dictatorship with private ownership of property (Nazi Germany)
Early N American Explorers
Norse explorers (i.e. Leif Erickson and Vikings) preceded Columbus in reaching New World. Columbus first to establish and govern major settlements
John Cabot- first voyage to America for England
Coronado explored American Southwest
Christopher Columbus
During his four major trips to the Americas he took Native American slaves back to Spain and also establish poorly managed agricultural and mining camps in which Native Americans were often raped, tortured, and forced to perform slave labor
European exploration introduced a variety of new elements to both old world and new world
Things taken from New to Old World: corn, canoe, slaves, diseases (syphilis)
Old to New: small pox, Christianity, horses
Regional IDENTITIES for Colonies
New England colonies- shipbuilding and commerce
Middle colonies- farming (food crops) and commerce
Southern colonies- (cash crops) tobacco and cotton
Jamestown Settlement
Virginia. First British settlement in North America
Founded by London Company given a charter
Massachusetts Bay Colony
Established by Puritans. Separatists who wanted to break away from church and establish more pure Bible commonwealths
Incl Rhode Island and New Hampshire
New York colony
Dutch gave to Duke of York
French and Indian War
Fought in Americas during colonial era as extension of 7 years war. As a result of their victory in this sore, British acquired substantial new land holdings but also acquired serious debt and problems of controlling this large new territory
Native Americans (Indians), Spanish, French VS. British and British colonists
War for Independence
Reasons for Revolutionary War
- Tariffs- taxes on imports (Stamp Act, Boston Te Party
- Lack of Representation- no taxation without representation
- Quartering of British soldiers- soldiers were placed in colonies to “manage” new territory from French and Indian war
- Boston Massacre- citizen taunting troops, troops fired on citizens
- Intolerable Acts- designed to punish colonists for uprising like Boston Tea Party- closed port of Boston, increased British governor in Massachusetts, expanded requirements of colonists to house and feed quartered British soldiers
Battles of Revolutionary War
Battle of Saratoga- patriots won against British which convinced French they had a good chance at winning. French decided to back US patriots
Battle of Yorktown- battle where patriots won victory of British that secured the end of war.
US Political System
Articles of Confederation
Created as a wartime document and were too limited to serve as the basis for government
Settle 3 issues of being United colonies
1) raising an army from among states
2) print money and borrow money from other countries
3) settle territorial disputes
US Political System
Established the US government as it exists today and attempted to protect citizens freedom through the Bill of Rights (1st 10 amendments)
Legislative - Congress- bicameral (2 houses- House of representatives, by population. Senate, two representatives per state)-
Make laws
Executive- President and Cabinet- enforce laws
Judicial- Supreme Court and lower courts- interpret laws
Marbury v Madison
Setup the power of judicial review- Can declare a law unconstitutional
Political Parties
Jefferson Antifederalists (more power to states)- opposed Hamiltons Federalist (strong central govt)
Jacksons Democratic Party opposed Whigs
Manifest Destiny
Desire to expand West from Atlantic to Pacific
War of 1812
In 1812 US declared war against England because of factors such as interference with US shipping
British were “impressing US ships- forcing US sailors to work on British ships
No clear winner, treaty signed
After war a strong feeling of nationalism swept the country
Slave Trade
European desire for tobacco and cotton and southern desire for cheap plantation labor lead to African slave trade
1) Europeans go to Africa to pick up people
2) Middle Passage was the brutal and inhumane portion of the triangular trade route in which African slaves were brought to America
3) Tobacco and cotton taken back to Europe
Conflicts over Slavery
Conflict over slavery created growing rift in country. Compromises
- Missouri Compromise: Missouri come into union as slave state, split portion of Massachusetts into Maine as free state
- Compromise of 1850: CA come in as a free state, but New Mexico and Utah have a choice. Strict laws for runaway slaves
- Kansas-Nebraska Act: those two states can choose free or slave states
Dred Scott decision (escaped slave in free state- slave is property so had to be returned to owner- made abolitionist stronger opinionated) and election of Lincoln
Civil War- cause and effect
1861-1865 Civil War stemmed from South’s resistance to the northern abolitionist movement and was accelerated by the shift and federal power that occurred when California was admitted to the union as a free state
Secessionists called for a new nation which they called the Confederate states of America capital: Richmond, VA
President: Jefferson Davis
Civil War
Strengths and weaknesses
North- more populated, developed manufacturing, developed transportation (rr)
South- military leadership (Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson)
Civil War strategies
North- isolate south by closing shipping so they couldn’t get supplies, capture southern capital, split south so they had to fight on 2 fronts, starve them out. Prevent south from surging in
South- surge into north to take control of trade routes and manufacturing.
Civil War battles
Fort Sumter- 1st battle- Beauregard fires on Federal fort in Charleston Harbor
Antietum- bloodiest day of the war- first major invasion into North. McClellan ends Robert E Lees invasion of North
Chancellorsville- Lee defeats Hookers Army of Potomac, but Stonewall Jackson is killed
Gettysburg- Lee loses to Gen. Meade, Pickett Charge fails, ends second invasion of the north
Appomattox - Lee’s army is surrounded and is forced to surrender. War is basically over
US Radical Reconstruction
Reconstruct south after Civil War to be more north like
Radicals (Congress)- putting occupying army in south to force regulations
Moderates- let south oversee it themselves with our guidelines
Johnson was impeached for opposing the radicals who favored a military occupation of the defeated south
Under reconstruction, many northerners moved to the south to start businesses. They were resented by seven years and referred to as carpetbaggers and scalawags
End of Reconstruction
Disputed presidential election of 1876 led to a compromise which ended reconstruction- if south accepted north candidate, they would withdraw radical reconstruction. Accepted.
End of reconstruction gave rise to Jim Crowe laws (racist laws that separated and took away rights)
Not until 75 years later that the American civil rights movement would overturn these practices and monumental court cases like Brown vs the Board of Education of Topeka would grant equality to blacks
Effects of Industrial Revolution
Took place during the late 18 and 19th centuries due to monumental advancement in manufacturing technologies: cotton gin, steam engine
Effects of industrial revolution included vast growth and improvement of roadways and waterways and railways which allowed interstate trade and business, urbanization, emergence and rise of the middle class, and increased dependence on foreign trade, wage labor system
Effects of Immigration
Promise of jobs following industrial revolution lead to waves of immigration during the 19th century which in turn led to a renewed sense of nativism- immigrants who moved here believed they were “natives” while the ones who came after them were still immigrants
Nativists policies in the early 20th century lead to legislation such as the Chinese Exclusion Act (no Chinese immigrants allowed) and a Gentleman’s Agreement (US told Japan to keep their people over there)
Monroe Doctrine
Introduced in 1823, the Monroe doctrine asserted US power by forbidding further European colonization or interference in the Americas
California Native Americans
California was home to more Native Americans than any other region in the United States
California’s Indians relied on acorns as their primary food source, also fish and game
Polytheistic cultures
Effects of the California mission system
Religion and economics
Other Spanish and Mexican settlements included pueblo (Little town) , presidios (fort/jail), and the rancheros (The private individuals who owned the missions after they were turned over from the government)
Mexican Rule in CA
Effects of mission system
California became a Mexican province in 1822 after Mexico won its independence from Spain, they abolished mission system for economic and political social reasons
Many Californians such as the group led by Pio Pico rebelled against having their affairs dictated by “outsiders”
Mexico sent a series of governors to California including Manuel Victoria, Who ruled with a strong hand
Mexican-American war
US tried to purchase California region from Mexico for $35 million
In 1846 the US declared war on Mexico, primarily border disputes
After the US victory the Treaty of Guadalupe Bay Hidalgo gave control of California and other surrounding regions to the US
Forced Mexico to sell California region for $15 million
Gold Rush
Between 1847 and 1860 California’s population grew from 15,000 to 380,000 (due to gold) leaving to California is acceptance into statehood
Slavery was for bidden in California upsetting the balance of slave and free states
CA constitution and govt
Similar to U.S. Constitution including separation of powers
Legislative- state congress
Executive- governor, with line item veto power
Judicial- state Supreme Court
California past progressive (early 1900s) reforms for
Initiative - citizen can get signatures on petition to have a law brought up to a vote
Referendum- citizens can challenge a law
Recall- citizens can remove elected official if they do not agree with them (Gov Gray Davis)
Important waves of immigration to California
Gold Rush 1847-1860
CA land boom 1880s- offered homestead land if people would come start certain business is on that land
Great Depression- Dust Bowl pushed agricultural people to CA
Literature: Grapes of Wrath
1965 reforms to US immigration laws- Took away limitations of various cultures moving to US, which allowed more diversity in immigration system, lots of Asians moved
CA major economic industries
Agriculture- Central Valley
Entertainment- LA, best climate and scenery for camera action
Recreation- theme parks, cities, state parks
Aerospace- Orange Co.
Electronics (silicon microchips)-Silicon Valley
International trade- port of LA/Long beach (busiest trade route in the world) also San Diego, San Fran
CA water system
Complex system of canals and reservoirs were built to supply California’s water needs
California Aqueduct was built to supply the populist desert regions in the south with water from the north